1.1.0 Patch Notes - Sacrifice of the Vaal

A question: If I have a level 1 Freezing Pulse gem and corrupt it, does that allow it to go up to level 21? Or does it just go to level 2 and max out at 20? And if it adds quality, would that allow it to go above 20% quality? Or do we have to wait for a gem to be 20/20 and then use the Vaal Orb in hopes that it gains added quality/level?

More legacy uniques worth 50+ exalts. So glad I have my bringer of rain and saffell's. Too bad I'll never afford an aegis aurora. Will be fun to see what added quantity gem and items will be worth in a few months.

Sad about the spell totem change, but I think it's because spell dmg got buffed? Seems harsh, barely saw any actual damage totem builds. Most were the cullers for rarity find.
Wheres my katanas :C ?
How big will this patch be, as i have a capped line :(
why you ask,
I stay in South Africa
xchokeholdx wrote:
Uff.. I already had to rely on Zombies to prevent my totems from dying too fast in maps...

then you're doing it wrong



Searing Bond - Increased Burning Damage - Minion And Totem Elemental Resistance

its called "TankyTotems" for a reason
But will the Unique monsters in Invasion actually drop good loot? Or are they just skipable obstacles like the rare monsters are currently?
LeTwix wrote:
After reading the comments, I'm thinking that this patch will be twice as effective as I'd anticipated.

All the entitled man-children and otherwise deliberately idiotic folk crying for "buffs rather than nerfs" will hopefully follow up their threats and leave this community.

POE is the haven of all "hardcore" gamers (whether they actually play on "hardcore difficulty" or not), since it is the only RPG with an intricate skill system, depth in its gameplay style and, most importantly, the CHALLENGE IT IMPOSES. The difficulty level of this game is one of its key features. Players seeking only "easy mode" grinding will, to my pleasure, flock over to diablo (and stay there -- or not).

DISCLAIMER: I've played ALL of the Blizzard/Activision franchises, and have enjoyed them each for what they where, and POE is, although from the same genre, a completely DIFFERENT kind of game, and must stay this way.

TL;DR: This game revels in its difficulty and complexity. If you want "buffs" or "ezmode" go play other games than host such things (Like d3, which, again, quite the successful game in that respect).

Finally, keep in mind that unique items are intended as an added flavor to a build, not quite it's most necessary piece (with few exceptions). Generally, a GG rare will surpass even the best rolled unique. Those whose tears flow as rivers after reading the notes, remember this: Koam's Heart was a MUST HAVE unique for ALL builds, only a while ago. After its "nerf", build diversity and varied demand sky rocketed. These changes -- nerfs -- are beneficial in all things.


I don't see the point of be bored by items nerf :
- You don't compete vs other players.
- There are new leagues for a fresh start.
- The nerfed uniques are still quite good.

Yes I'd like a Saffell's Frame and the Legacy version would be too much expensive, but the nerfed version is still very interesting.

And if you want PvP, just ask your opponent if he uses legacy items.

Btw, I'm afraid of the passive skill tree nerf near the scion. My favorite character is a tanky Scion.

In conclusion, I disagree with growling players while the GGG team offers a great mini extension patch with lots of content AND in time AND for free!
Last edited by Stefouch#0134 on Mar 4, 2014, 3:38:33 AM
masonikraft wrote:
Miracle_9 wrote:
Peripherally wrote:
Wow. RIP to all new players, you won't be able to do much of ANYTHING compared to older ones.

I cannot fathom what GGG expect to achieve with all the legacy-creation. As older players get ever more stronger and farther ahead, just what do new players have a chance to get? Shafted? Again and again each time you "improve" and "balance" the game?

If you want to remove something, or change anything, the ONLY way it can be appropriate is if its across the board and applies equally to everyone. Making it a first-come-first-serve heaven for the oldest members of the community totally trounces all the newcomers. I don't have all the answers as to how you would keep those oldest members happy, but I can promise you: new ones will be completely put-off to learn they will never be able to afford the most useful version of items they want for builds they want to make (unless they resort to RMT, which is supposedly prohibited). Why play then? The only logical course is to quit and find something else (or, as mentioned, RMT).

I am not gonna even bother trying out new builds in standard anymore; its a fucking cesspit of untenable unfairness. I hope no one else does either, and standard just dies off like the cancer that it's becoming. Maybe then there will be some newbie-friendly changes for once, one can hope.

--- of course, I'm assuming legacy items continue to exist as they have been...they may not, in which my rant is misplaced ---


How about buff sth instead of nerfing everything?
Players, especially new players will lose their interest in this game.

If I were a new play, I farm, I farm, I farm, but I can't even farm a legacy BOR... lol, will I still play this game???

exactly. I'm done with this game. it just keeps getting worse and worse.

Worse and worse... Now we can say that Diablo III is better, far better (And this is not a compliment for Diablo III...).

If you don't want to reroll all your things in every 4 months or for a simple desync, this is not a game for you.

Just for curiosity: GGG, you'll nerf IIQ with that horrendous drop rates that we already have now, and after the path, will only get worse with any compensation?
Not playing anymore. Send me a PM if you want something (I check daily my messages).
sounds good
Шось? (IGN: Owner)
Sounds awesome. You guys are amazing.

Now we can say that Diablo III is better, far better

lol maybe if you're 12 and like arcade games. Terrible itemization and carebeared to the max. Only thing good I got from game is someone in forums there turned me onto PoE.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Mar 4, 2014, 3:35:58 AM
kinda shit tbh. I hate how you think forcing people away from nerfed things and into buffed things is balance. clearly detonate dead and minions are going to be very strong with lvl 100 corpses, but melee builds will suffer with unique and passive nerfs.

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