The SotV Press Tour is Complete. Full Information Tomorrow!

So, are you guys flying business class during all these trips?

That is a long ass flight to be making all the time. I sympathize if it's being done in the cattle section.
FTW :">
unbreaKwOw wrote:
Please tell me there will be performance improvements in the big patch, I'll cry if there isn't.

I have to agree with this one. The new content looks excellent, but I`m a little put off by the game's performance issues. You guys are doing a great job, but I would be very glad if you spend some more time optimizing the game performance after SotV is launched.

Other than that, loving the game...
argh... 24 hours till the full revelation! dammit! >.<
Visit my shop!

〆〆〆 ( ( ( THE BALROG'S BAZAAR ) ) ) 〆〆〆
ata wrote:
unbreaKwOw wrote:
Please tell me there will be performance improvements in the big patch, I'll cry if there isn't.

I have to agree with this one. The new content looks excellent, but I`m a little put off by the game's performance issues. You guys are doing a great job, but I would be very glad if you spend some more time optimizing the game performance after SotV is launched.

Other than that, loving the game...

yes pls its time to make ur game work right. im tired of these:
sound going off.
piety crashes.
cast on crit crashes.
immense amount of lag when using a skill, when u first login.
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
Dat Vaal Molten Shell :D
FML i woke up to early back to sleep
ata wrote:
Completed 3 ChallengesunbreaKwOw wrote:
Please tell me there will be performance improvements in the big patch, I'll cry if there isn't.

I have to agree with this one. The new content looks excellent, but I`m a little put off by the game's performance issues. You guys are doing a great job, but I would be very glad if you spend some more time optimizing the game performance after SotV is launched.

Other than that, loving the game...

yes pls its time to make ur game work right. im tired of these:
sound going off.
piety crashes.
cast on crit crashes.
immense amount of lag when using a skill, when u first login.

I am very interested on how these things will affect summoners!
IGN JimansNotSummoner
Evelyus wrote:
Corrupted, Corrupted, Corrupted, Corrupted, Corrupted, Corrupted, Corrupted, Corrupted, there are another thing in this extension?

IGN TylordRampage

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