Return of Valentine's Heart Weapon Effect

Chris wrote:
Sparowes wrote:
You said you would keep Event transactions limited though. This is the same skin as last year, only difference is i got 2013 on mine that nobody can see.

You could have made it just a little different, like another color of the heart or whatever. The "rarity" feeling is all gone now and i wont buy event based effects again.

I'm very sorry that you're disappointed about this. At the time we wrote "It's possible that Valentine's Heart will return at the same time next year, or maybe in a slightly different form." (link). I'll definitely bear your feedback in mind in the future.

There was an opportunity to avoid disappointing those that purchased the 2013 version by making the new 2014 work on a different set of weapons. Or create a new effect that worked on an item of armour. Conceivably you could have collected a bunch of different Valentine's effects over the years and applied all of them mid-February for laughs.

Instead we get a re-hash of semi-promised not promised limited edition item. This reeks of laziness that is atypical of GGG behaviour but right up there next to the mentality that greenlit the Razer footprints.
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - • Discord: deefa#3298
Don't like that you brought back the item. I bought it back then because I thought it was special and you could never get it again...

Damn! That means the headless thing will be brought back on Halloween :( I have two characters "HeadlessHuntress" and "HeadlessBowman" and I love the headless effect... also loved thinking hardly anyone else had it. Oh well... I'm less special.
IGN: Sin
Smaggletooth wrote:
Chris wrote:
Sparowes wrote:
You said you would keep Event transactions limited though. This is the same skin as last year, only difference is i got 2013 on mine that nobody can see.

You could have made it just a little different, like another color of the heart or whatever. The "rarity" feeling is all gone now and i wont buy event based effects again.

I'm very sorry that you're disappointed about this. At the time we wrote "It's possible that Valentine's Heart will return at the same time next year, or maybe in a slightly different form." (link). I'll definitely bear your feedback in mind in the future.

GGG has earned very high standing in my eyes (deservingly so) and this seems lazy to me. It could have been altered slightly in game to make them unique. I understand your quote from last year, I just really didn't expect you would re-release it the same. (the 2013 thing is useless)

Yep, I expected the first heart effect to have a unique look which is why I bought two. Having "2013" on the description means close to nothing when other people can't see it. You can fix this by changing one of the effects slightly so that they're both unique. Until then I won't be buying another "limited-time" microtransaction unless I can be sure it's a one-time thing.
Last edited by florian#5103 on Feb 10, 2014, 2:15:10 AM
NIce.... thanx GGG.
Don't fool yourself exile... your end is just around the corner!
Slightly offtopic, but:

You can still only buy the amazon Pointpacks with a US billing adress. Heck, PoE isn't even available from the german website of amazon digital games, you can only get it on amazon.COM.

Didn't You guys say you filled out some paperwork? If so, it did not work for Germany, sadly.

I, too, think not changing the design of the heart ever so slightly was lazy. I don't know why you guys keep repeating those promotional blunders. It's always the same: People want unique stuff, that's the concept of MTX. So doing these "limited" things again unlimits them. Giving out forums titles for competitions makes them worth less, because people got them for free. Creating MTX that don't fit the lore is not a good idea. You get the point?

Its official, I'm an O'G of this game, I have seen mtx effects come full circle, second year of the heart weapon effect. :o
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
Smaggletooth wrote:
Sparowes wrote:
You said you would keep Event transactions limited though. This is the same skin as last year, only difference is i got 2013 on mine that nobody can see.

You could have made it just a little different, like another color of the heart or whatever. The "rarity" feeling is all gone now and i wont buy event based effects again.

+1, really not happy with this

QFT... whats the point of making LIMITED items that you sell again.

./shrug - i have bought every limited item so far, guess this is a trend that will stop.

Very lazy and money grabbing ...
Mirror of Kalandra?
Can this be used with another effect? Say this the vampiric weapon effect? Not interest if it can only be used by itself.

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