Two Hour Scheduled Downtime - COMPLETE

redicboos wrote:
Aux wrote:
To implement the 1.0.6 PvP testing I presume?

Yes, Crossleague please want to destroy Hardcore EGOS, around the 80% of the HC player population is always into the 4 month PvE leagues rather than stick with perma leagues and from the remaining player base just the half or less of them are active PvPers in the both tiers.

So because of this you cant get a REALISTIC feedback from this low amount of players and all you hear are WEAK whines about "broken" stuff from casual/noobs PvPers and most of these guys want a semi PERFECT MMO-WoW/Moba PvP alike...of course some skills/items needs a little fix or balance but in the end you cut the freedom by heavy balances or nerfs/restrictions.

Hope you guys noticed this and realize splitting perma leagues for PvP isnt the best solution for the future/improvement of the game, you should choose between Support EGOS or keep moving into the ownz PoE_PvP_style.

get a Diamond pack and they will listen.

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