How to find a fishing rod in path of exile

Some snippage:

andkamen wrote:

I refuse to believe that you just randomly stumbled on the "eternaled tricorn" method because no one in their right mind will eternal a bunch of 1c uniques and then proceed to grind areas for hours just too see if something will happen..

What I find really hard what type of testing determines that an etarnaled tricorn hat (for what reason) helps and an eternaled redbeak doesnt? And why the fuck would you even eternal it (the more I think about it the more convinced I am that no one has ever eternaled a tricorn or any other cheap unique).

You may recall there was a patch where GGG removed the fishing rods that had accidentally dropped into the live server. During the few days before they patched it (almost a week if I remember correctly) there were some Zero Day Fishing Exploits.

Now, to be sure, these ZDFE weren't hacks (or I wouldn't discuss or promote them)but they did give players on the live servers some insight into GGG's fishing plans.

ZDFE #1 - Fishing poles without finished art began dropping.

ZDFE #2 - A few days after 2 verified fishing poles were posted on the forum, someone rolled white sockets on a Fairgraves. Most players dismissed this as a Photoshop, because as everyone knows only Tabula Rasa's can have white sockets. Now, we know otherwise since the introduction of Vaal orbs.

Naturally, conspiracy advocates linked the two items, and the player with the Fairgraves began trying to find fishing poles.

A second player using chromatics rolled white sockets (it seemed to be an all or nothing changed socket color glitch). This second player wanted to see if the white sockets would stick, but was afraid of losing a 4 linked white socket hat. When he used an Eternal on it, the item went to zero sockets but had an alternate art appearance.

Instead of looking like this:

The Fairgrave's looked like this:

"El Blanco" - as the very unique Fairgraves was called (this was before the race reward) was used by the player (who happened to be carrying Rhoa feathers because that's the way conspiracy advocates roll) to successfully find a fishing rod. That player did not find a second one.

I suspect that the same hat was passed around to various accounts during the week, as several fishing rods were suddenly found, raising the alarm at GGG and causing them to do an emergency fishing patch (which they partially announced in the notes).

ZDFE #3 Players using El Blanco noted that occasionally on some water maps they would briefly see an unusual status message. Where the game would usually say something like "player x has left the area" the message "You hear a splashing sound in the distance" appeared.

Naturally, players spent an inordinate amount of time in such areas trying to discover all the secrets. This led to the discover of ZDFE #4

ZDFE #4 - You must clear the entire instance of all monsters (including approach triggered monsters like buried spitters)before the server will spawn any fishing related items or monsters. Some say it takes about 5 minutes after an instance is cleared for the "You hear a splashing sound in the distance" to appear. Others say it is only total elapsed time of the instance must be over the 8 minute respawn mark.

ZDFE #5 - This one is only partially confirmed - The location of the feather(s) in your inventory must align with the potential spawning area. Naturally, you can't be sure where the watery areas will spawn on most instances. Dedicated Anglers seem to like the feather in the top left slots, top right slots or bottom center slots.

So how do Vaal orbs play into this? You can possibly get four white linked sockets on a Fairgrave's using Vaal orbs, but Eternals and Vaal orbs don't mix well. Many suspect that it is the process of using an Eternal that matters more, as the chances of getting 4 white linked sockets from a Vaal orb are ridiculously slim.

Lastly - if you are in an instance and you see the "You hear a splashing sound in the distance" message, please do NOT set off your fire works to celebrate. It only scares away the fish and is considered very rude to any others who might be fishing in the area.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Apr 5, 2014, 7:21:03 PM
There are no fishing rods in the game. :)
Ignaz wrote:
There are no fishing rods in the game. :)

Well we can debate on whether there are fish or not, but this is just wrong though. There are rods, fact
well first thing I do when I wake up tomorrow is to clear mud flats and alt tab for 7-8 minutes and then check back to see if any of those messages have appeared :D
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide
andkamen wrote:
What I find really hard what type of testing determines that an etarnaled tricorn hat (for what reason) helps and an eternaled redbeak doesnt? And why the fuck would you even eternal it (the more I think about it the more convinced I am that no one has ever eternaled a tricorn or any other cheap unique).

DalaiLama is pretty much spot on, you should take the time to fully absorb the valuable information he's taken the time to share with you.

Aside from that, to answer the point I quoted specifically: The very first fishing related thread I ever read on PoE (and there were a few that predate my time here) spoke of the legendary JabberJaws, and contained a lot of lore about how he came to imbue his spirit into the fishing rods of Wraeclast so that he would be able to continue catching fish, even in death.

Jabberjaws and Captain Fairgraves had a tumultuous relationship. They went to fishing school together as teenagers and formed a close bond. This then blossomed into a productive fishing relationship that lasted several decades until one fateful day a massive fight broke out between the two of them over how to divide the day's catch. No one knows exactly what happened during the fight, only that when Fairgraves awoke his Tricorne had been stolen, there was a letter beside him, and JabberJaws was nowhere to be seen.

I don't remember exactly what the letter said word for word, and I can't seem to find the thread at the moment, but that was basically the key to working everything else out. It was very obvious that any method to catching fish would involve the tricorne. Eternals didn't exist at the time, but there was a specific reference to JabberJaw's eternal ownership of the tricorne he had stolen, so when eternals were added to the game, that obviously set off alarm bells in people's heads. It was obvious that they were added for fishing mechanics and that their crafting use was just a cover to hide their real purpose.

Hope that answers your question <3
DalaiLama wrote:

Catching fish is one thing, posting verified proof about catching fish without a license is something entirely different.

Since I am not bound by the NDA as Monsta Munch is I can reveal the following:

Under Path of Exile's full EUFLA,
section 28 pages 14-19:

Grinding Gear Fishing Restrictions


Except as provided by Grinding Gear Games or its nominated third parties, by making use of any of the Fishing Locations, Items or Services, you are deemed to have read and agree to be bound by this End User Fishing License Agreement.

You may only catch and retain marine monsters (hereinafter referred to as Fish) if granted by Grinding Gear Games a temporary, revocable point-free licence to catch same.

Restrictions: Under no circumstances, without the prior written approval of Grinding Gear Games, may you make any posts Grinding Gear Games deems inappropriate in revealing undisclosed fishing information (hereinafter referred to as The Secret.)

You may promote The Secret so long as any statements you make, messages you send , or images you post in any manner on the Website avoid disclosing verified Materials and Services (including as part of the POE fishing play) by any manner unless facilitated by previous announcement by Grinding Gear Games.

Grinding Gear Games disallows the posting of any specific fish and reserves the right without notice, explanation or liability to remove your post and restrict your ability to make futher posts should you violate this provision, per Wraeclast Fish and Game Code (WFR T-800, Section A).

Screenshots are speficially prohibited for all varieties of Voltaic Sharks, Sky Medusae, or Flaming Flatfish including the unique monster Ignito Flamboyant or his combat dialogue "You killed my flounder, prepare to die!"

The Alpha Testers will receive no less than 10 calendar days notice of any fishery closure or rule change implemented pursuant to this section via EUFLA content update or news release. All Anglers are advised to check the current rules before fishing.

(a) In public parties, no player shall use more than two rods and lines, One bow and arrow tackle, two spear totems or three baited traps.

(b) No Staff hook shall be used to take or assist in landing any flying fish.

(c) The use of electric fishing eels is specifically restricted to tournament fishing use.

(d) No finfish or flatfish may be taken from Rhoa back or while aboard any vessel.

(e) Except where noted, fish may be taken only on hook and line or sinker, where the total number of linked sockets do not exceed five.

(f) Any number of linked sockets may be used, except traps or other trigger gem driven skills to take Azmeri crabs including diamond spitters, lava suckers or the unique - Lock Jaw Jabberling.

(b)Players who are floating or swimming in the water may use downrigged totems soley with breakway lines and cast on critical derp setups.

(c) Ice Spear fishing and flame baited traps are only permitted during associated events (FLABT,ILAFT) or as part of an authorized sport fishing league, pursuant to sub-sections 28.25(c)(4), 28.30(c)(4), 28.35(c)(4), 28.40(c)(3),

d) Harpoons and bow and arrow fishing tackle are pemitted along the the contiguous coast from Twilight Strand to the Coves, and along the Docks from Fairgrave's Point to Victario's Landing.

(e) Any variety of axebills, cleave skates, and flying knife fish taken shall be returned to the water immediately.

(f) Per season limits have been established for most varieties (see Sections 28.60 and 28.00-28.55). In no case shall any player's account exceed:

All “Other Flatfish”: 10 fish of each type, limit 20 fish in combination per Section 27.60(a)

All “Other Finfish”: 30 fish of each type, limit 300 fish in combination per Section 27.62(b)

All “Other Beta fish" (those lacking permanent 3D models): 5 fish of each type, limit 15 fish in combination per Section 27.64(a), excluding Wandtailed Pipefish, Dock Lobsters, Skeletal Groupers, Tattooed Mermaids, Death Scampi, Quillback Treefish and Lion Fanged Snipe Eels which are limited to 2.

Kelplings and Sand Whelk may be taken incidentally in Devourer traps, as defined in Wraeclast's Fish and Game Code Section 90210(b)(h), under the authority of a valid dock lobster permit in Alpha Districts 9 and 11.

Grinding Gear Games or nominated third parties may adjust existing limits, sublimits or establish additional limits or sublimits as needed for any variety of Fish, including but not limited to bugged fish such as Goat Faced Hatchet Fish, Shooting Starwhal, and the Subliming Pyre-Rhanna.

If you are accessing or making use of any of the Secret, you agree that you are entirely responsible for for any fish that get away, damages to your fishing items or injury indirectly arising to your character whether permanent or temporal and that your access and use of any of the fishing locations, Items and leeks will not contravene any fashion regulations in your country.

IMPORTANT REMINDER - Fishing Reporting is Mandatory

Reports of all fish caught must be logged online at or if the link is down by email to the CDFW at the email address specified on the issued fishing license by the 3rd of the following month.

Any player who fails to report online or by email to the CDFW by the deadline may be restricted from obtaining a fishing license in the subsequent month and a loch placed on the account until an additional fee is paid not exceeding tree fiddy points. (WFR T-1000)

Possession of License

Every player, while engaged in taking any fish, flying amphibian, or aquatic reptile, shall have a valid fishing license on account except when streaming as provided in Section C of the Wraeclast Fish and Game Code (WFR T-950, Section B).

Disputes: In the event there arises a dispute in size or weight of any fish that you almost caught, you must immediately notify the Wraeclast Fishing Commission giving details of the dispute. Fish that "got away" may take up to 14 days of receipt of the /defish report and screenshot to resolve.

Yeah thats impressive and all. Still waiting on a verified fish. Oh wait.
The story of the Jabberjaw must live on for a new generation of hunters.
I know fishing poles are real as I have one sitting in my stash.....The real troll is the fishing itself...I will try that suggested system and will even do it on normal so I can kill all the monsters with the pole..But I have next to no hope that it will work
those who know little believe they know much.but those who know much have learned of their ignorance

Guild: eclectic gaming council. Diversity is our first name
Its a random drop
Question is if there is fishing or actualy any use for rods why are ppl selling them???

Now u will probably say there is some sicret recepie how to fish or whatever

Same trolls trolling over same old borring thing

When u ask them to post SS of fishing or something (fish or whatever they catch) they dont answer anymore

Boring trolling about useles stuf

E: Was reading some comments by MonstaMunch and u are only pointing how to find rod, even if its true whats point of you or someone else having it when its useles?
IGN: Puskurcina
Last edited by Zguza_Do_Suz4#6881 on May 5, 2015, 6:26:24 AM

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