New 1.0.5 Vendor Recipe

Great news for those of us that do maps....however.....

Is there any fix relating to the spam abuse of the Trade Channels ????????
szoyos89 wrote:
Finally a recipe for Chisels, and then such a Bullshit...

Edit : Collecting Hammer's will be a pain in the Ass while mapping, take Belts/Gloves woud be alot easier. Woud like to know what GGG thinks behind this decision!

You can't tell that this recipe is purely motivated by flavor?
Still feel scammed I can't have my Closed Beta Support Title anymore.
whetstones sink. finally
ign - FancySneakyDevil
Stone Hammer? Really?

I get that it's funny and all, but you finally give us a way to get chisels and gate it behind a Stone Hammer?

It's like a boss giving you a raise, but on the condition that you give him a lollipop once a week.
Last edited by Novalisk#3583 on Jan 6, 2014, 1:38:32 AM
I agree with this guy^^... stone hammer? Isnt that going to cause players to have to farm extremely low lvl content for this? I dont see the reasoning in it being such a low level base item, especially when u state this recipe is for ENDGAME MAPPERS.....

What endgame mapper farms act 1 normal?
IT is extremely rare for such a low lvl (12) base to drop in a map.... Therefore this recipe makes absolutely no sense, unless you are expecting high end players to waste time farming a1n ONLY to collect stone hammers.... and i don't see that being worthwhile at all.

What on earth is GGG thinking with this?
"Success is not the absence of failure. Success is persistence through failure."
Currently Playing: Contagion/Essence Drain IGN: JddoggAscended

Last edited by calirosin#6030 on Jan 6, 2014, 1:42:41 AM
You're seriously going to make me farm... stone hammers <.<? Why couldn't it be any hammer


Oh well better then nothing I suppose.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy#1805 on Jan 6, 2014, 1:40:08 AM
Vendors carry white stone hammers alot, no worries.
It took 21 minutes and 3 clears of normal riverways to find one. Was harder than I anticipated.
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt
Tempest/War Bands T shirt
Well, every time I level up I check the stores for chromatics and 6-slots or 5/6-linked items. Now the only change is I'll check for those hammers too. Each time you get one you just use it to get a chisel. Why do people complain that another option has been added? It's not like they made it so this recipe is the only way to get chisels.

Also: that guy talking about the spamming in trade chat is on to something. When I see some guy link 8 crummy rares and then re-post it 4 times so his items are the only thing on trade for two seconds of scrolling, I die a little inside.
Last edited by blinddagger95#5903 on Jan 6, 2014, 1:51:22 AM
I'm not normally one to post, but reading the comments here has me wondering. Who here is actually thinking about this recipe further then it's a low level item? Hmm?

Act II Ruins in Normal can be cleared by one shotting everything and has a relatively small pool of items it can drop.
Vendor's will Carry these Stone Hammer's
Racer's that are checking all drops will keep an eye out for these in One weeks/Four Months and use it to their advantage
Farming Lower Level Area's allows access to gear to level up alts with
One Stone Hammer per Fellshrine is a lot more likely then one chisel per Map
You don't have to just farm lower levels, who here has seen an ilvl 65+ shortbow?

Have to one shot some mobs for "x" amount of minutes
Have to check a vendor(Careful, this is difficult. Approach with Extreme Caution)
Keep an eye out while leveling alts for Stone Hammer's

Being facetious aside, this is not a big deal. Recipe is not intended to be the sole way of getting chisel's, nor is it supposed to be "extremely convenient". This recipe is slightly niche, but benefits people who know what to look for.
"Do or do not, there is no try."
Last edited by LVader9#6214 on Jan 6, 2014, 1:55:47 AM

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