We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.
Good work with all 10 acts - finally lvl 70+ with single walkthrough and no more tedious making 3x same content on 3 different difficulties...
Music starts to be better and better - good cinematic/epic brass... I really like this game - everything in it except few things: 1.Community - full of scammers,haters,trollers - personally I avoid any human in-game interactions if I can... 2.Trading - instead of poetrade/inviting ppl and trading with everyone separately there should be a shop...Player shop - where I can put all my items for sell and set prices - those items will be visible in poetrade like now - buyer will pay for item and get him automatically without seller interaction... At end of day or when seller want - can take all goods (cash in chaos/alch/others) from transactions from the shop... 3.Should be NPC which sell already completed maps on my own atlas... 4.Aromours(from microtransactions) - they are ugly...Not detailed,just ugly...Best one detailed is Stormcaller but better sharper textures will make it better...Also not too much character effects in shop(only arcane looking good)...Want more highly detailed-nice looking armours like stormcaller with nice thunder/other effects on it...Stormcaller boots from rear looks really good.You must guys IMO making more detailed armors with better(sharp) textures...Also Backpacks and some single cosmetics IMO are too expenssive (200 points should be max instead of 360)... 5.Sending Bestiary to the hell - Wanted it in core game but have hope now Incursion will stay in core - looking better than bestiary 6.No possibility to buy older supporter packs - they have so nice names - Vaal supporter,Exalted Supporter,Aspirant,Prophecy,Kitava itc...I am interested with some of them...and not everybody play from beggining... Thats everything for now - I wish you all successes - the game is worth them... Brand X Music,Revolt Production Music,Really Slow Motion,Colossal Trailer Music,Immediate Music,Volta Music,Position Music,posthaste Music,C21FX,Twin Scoring Studio,EpicMusicVN,Imagine Music,Epic Score,Cavendish Music,Gargantuan Music,Atom Music Audio,Audiomachine
No Pain No Gain!!! |
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" 1. If you mean global chat as a community tell me a f2p game which has a nice global chat. If you want a nice global chat you must play buy2play game. 2. This is a very good idea but GGG is very strict about how easy/hard should trading be. They are completely against offline store trading or AH. Because of some reasons... 3. Disagree. This will kill the map trading. Yes I hate price fixers, sometimes buying a map(especially If you want to get specific unid rare map) takes more time than completing a map but every leauge has own dynamics. Tier 6 map is around 1c in FB but 1 chis in Bestiary.. How will Zana price a map in this situation? In every economy trying to fix prices of anything by an authority will result shitt in all human history... Maps should stay in free market. |
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" This particular "problem" has already been solved by GGG in other vendor transactions: By setting a price which is well above that of the most expensive market. This has the net positive effect of creating opportunity cost tension: Do you want to waste time getting a better deal, or do you want to waste currency in order to avoid PoE's trading scene? There already exists, demonstrably, significant numbers of players fitting each category, so--although GGG doesn't always get the prices right--clearly they are doing something right. " You are creating a false dichotomy. If the existence of vendors in the game were truly equivalent to "price fixing," then the game's history would have, in your words, "result shitt." Following your argument to its conclusion would suggest that GGG remove all vendors from the game. Wash your hands, Exile!
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>10mb patch
>10 minute install >2k18 WHY? ALL THE HACK WHY?1 I am ask this questions every time i see client updated with one or two new mtx. Because ggg think its good idea to pack all game resource in ONE file. |
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Got 2 chars so far, 82 scion with main gem cyclone and 92 witch with fireball.
At first my witch was using arc but after some time and unfortunate events with atziri queen of the vaal and elder I dropped it for firestorm and fireball (I switch between them whenever I feel like it).I'm using 6 link atziri's splendour and after I realising that I cannot do atziri on my own with arc and the low dps I was doing to bosses I decided to drop it for fireball/firestorm which honestly feel like are doing way more dmg. My atziri lvl 70 encounter.LOVE IT !! There is something about this place,the bosses or the atmosphere I don't know but that place is f*cking awesome !! I haven't tried the lvl 80 atziri yet because I only got 1 drop of the fragments and they are honestly quite expensive but I will get there !!!Also side note:Can't do it with arc no matter what angle you take on the atziri copies phase BUT it's doable in party with someone who has single target.With firestorm however,no issues,none. Red tier elder.The arena is awesome his artwork aswell really on point,the fight however,I'll pass.The phases are not that hard to remember however if you don't have dps to instantly kill squids don't bother.For this fight I dropped 22 ES talents to get 22 fire/elemental dmg talents , my ES dropped from 11k to 8-9k-ish(I have taken every crit,max power charge and ES talent before that) to be able to kill the squids right away because that encounter is...not pleasent,it's just feels badly designed.If I don't instantly kill the squids the elder pops behind me freezes me in place and that squids sh*ts on the ground,no counterplay to that,even if you get out of the arc thingy you still get that disgusting freeze effect,fix that pls it's stupid.Another thing is, if you die you spawn in town...Why ? My town loads slowly af and my hideout is almost instant load,fix that one aswell.I've been able to take down tier 15 bosses but not the elder yet but will try again today with the new dmg talent nodes,I also bought infernal mantle which im trying to 6 link to replace atziri's splendour for more dmg just for this fight. Comparison between my cyclone char vs fireball.Attack gems and builds feel far superior to casters,no other way to put it.Arc should be able to do more single target dmg,great for mapping but bossing , don't bother.Fireball in 6 link is just so much mana it's ridiculous,needs slight,just slight mana buff imo.But yea my cycloner is using 5 linked belly of the beast +2 handed unique vaal axe(forgot the name)/unique 2h mace(also forgot the name) I switch between them just for testing haven't decided which one I like more.But yeah cyclone is complete and absolute faceroll compared to casting.I don't need to be a vet to see this.On my witch I use anti burn flask because my ES doesn't start recharging if I'm burning/bleeding, on my life char I don't even bother with that since I just press life flasks if I need more hp,which I rarely do because of leech.Leech is absolutely everywhere for my cycloner,I mean talents, gears , jewels it's absolutely everywhere it's actually crazy how much leech you get without even trying,if YOU are playing melee and you think you don't have leech, you probably have,that's how much everywhere it is.On my witch leech is nowhere to be seen,mere 0,2% on corrupted neck some doryani items I've seen and that is.That's a huge power gap between casters and attackers.You can even get leech on your flasks,like cmon how fair is that??? While talking about leech I want to talk about the mana issues I ran into with my witch.I was trying to get some mana regen because again,leech for casters is nowhere to be seen,aswell as flasks favour the attackers(once again).I got clarity + atziri's foible at 130% mana regen which again was NOT enough to sustain my 6 link fireball.While my 5 link cyclone char did NOT invest a single point in mana.Yeah, my mana issues were non existent thanks to rare jewel I randomly found somewhere that grants the mere 0,3% mana leech or something...That's how fair it is, 1 jewel vs 1 aura+entirely mana regen neck and 500 intel.So what I ended up doing is putting blasphemy + warlords mark for mana leech because I wanted to use voidbringer gloves.I also tried running mana flask but didn't like it because the effect stops once you are full mana and with 1 aura and curse running you got 70% mana reserved and the mana flask just pops you to full and stops. So far flasks favour the attackers,mana aswell which is laughable,also much more dmg imo,leech is absolutely everywhere for the attackers aswell as life flasks are insane to have.But still casters feel way more fun,they just need a little more love I think,not to mention the crazy mobility spells melees have+fortify.The gap must be looked at,attackers not investing a single point in mana,blood magic have no mana issues vs investing in mana items,talents and whatnot to still end up with mana issues casters ? Doesn't seem right don't you think? Lastly I'll say something about the game optimisation.My rig goes like this 4gb ram,intel i3-4005u 1,7 and nvidia 820m 2gb,I'm not playing on a potato or a nasa pc but the game runs like crap.I cannot play without dynamic resolution without my laptop overheating(everything is set at maximum performence).Other games I play include skyrim (at high settings,no issues), League of legends(-_-),Modern warfare 2 (same) and warface which runs the cryengine with which,yet again,I have no issues running at high settings.So why the game with the lowest requirements is the only one my laptop have issues with?Also in game I've experienced some eternal loading screens aswell as the game just crashing me back to desktop.Maybe optimise the game or convert the dx9 version to x64 idk. Other than that the game is great,the act bosses are great,just awesome,terrifying,the way the should be.The storyline is also something worth mentioning,nothing too crazy or spectacular,it's just right.I have lots of good stuff to say but that post is lenghty enough already.But yeah great game,definitely needs some polishing here and there, I would mainly focus on optimisation however.Partying is tough on my rig,I can play with 2-3 other ppl without my fps going down the drain but if I play with even 1 guy who has put $$$$ into his gem effects then it's unplayable.Otherwise with ppl who use the default effects I have no issues with.I would like to request an option that turns off other players' effect skills so I can actually party with such players.But that's it I think,good game. Cheers ! EDIT:Forgot to put a few words about the lab.The boss fight,intense,like the idea of dropping more keys the more powerful you let him be,really really intense and satisfying boss fight,the trip till you get there however,the opposite,I absolutely hate the traps with passion,what a mistake lol,and the fact that you have to run 8 individual zones each looking bigger than most maps to get there combined with the insane RNG to get that helmet enchant for your spell (Good luck finding the helmet you want + the enchant you want on poe trade btw) is just a big mistake,lower the amount of traps or make the zones in there smaller or even both !! I hate the traps partially because of every single individual offering you have to obtain through another zone filled with traps(what a surprise huh) and no boss fight or anything,honestly you should have just put bosses in the trials or make the offerings rng drops just like the divine vessels.Love the boss fight and the different tools izaro has every day but absolutely hate everything else about that lab,absolutely disgusting experience.Lower the rng on the helmet enchants so I can stop running that abomination pls. Last edited by duckulaify#4801 on May 22, 2018, 9:21:55 AM
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" People are making strategies about spending using sextants reroll map mods, or shaping, uncompleting to sustain map. If Zana sell the completed map; complete all maps then just press G where is the Shaper or Elder buy that map from Zana. All the strategies will die. Best thing about atlas is there are various strategies. Some are locking a map to sustain, some are chasing elder/shaper, some are doing a map whatever they have... Yes Vendors are selling currency at reasonable prices but up to fusing. After that you have to trade. Your argument argument is false indeed. Following your argument to its conclusion would suggest that vendors must sell all the currencies. 1c for 2 fusing, anc orb for 10-15c exalt for 80-90c, or mirror tier godly items for 200+ exalts. Or even let them sell all the helm enchants. Nice ones can go for couple of exalt. Why do we have to run ubers? Let kill all the diversity of farming and everyone will do maps bought from Zana to make currency to buy all the goodies from vendors. Why bothering people for trading? Welcome to Diablo III. |
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Honestly, I don't see a problem with vendors selling even high-level currency. If it's double the market price, then even market fluctuations will not be affected.
Only those who avoid the market entirely, for their own reasons, will be affected. Or super-rich people who don't mind paying double. That said, with Tencent in the driver's seat now, it's hard to give a fuck about any of this anymore. Wash your hands, Exile!
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What I can say is that PoE is an excellent game, one of the best I've played in this style, great for playing with friends and a lot of fun just trying to do some crazy build (which probably will not work, but when it works it's wonderful). One thing that I think would be pretty cool was to at least change the skin / clothing base of the characters after achieving ascendancy, I interpret ascendancy exactly as a way not only of evolution of the character's battle knowledge but the ascent of his "rank Social". And I think an outfit suitable and more "noble" for them after conquering ascendancy would be pretty cool.
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" 1mb/minute? in 2018?! |
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Sorry, I give up. Forum just killed my post of constructive (positive and negative) feedback.
Too much negativity in the forums. Game is still a lot of fun. Thank you GGG and keep up the good work. Let's explore new playstyles - Play it your own way, not just like the others. Quality management is one of the most underrated success factors in every business... Last edited by Synopse#1990 on May 28, 2018, 2:58:33 PM
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