We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.
I think this is the first time for me that I write something about a game, and I'm from the generation of dune 2, Command & conquer, warcraft, diablo, wow... probably some of the best game i played... but this game is so awesome in so many ways ! Gameplay, soundtracks, emotions... I can't wait to see acts 4 5 6 7 8 !! :-)) Thank you so much because you make me feel again how should an hack and slash been! Thanks again ! :-)) Keep on doing things like that :-) Can't wait to listen to the new soundtrack too :D |
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First to blow some smoke up your asses. The care and attention to detail really shines through in this game. Definitely takes me back to the old fan mods of diablo 2 days. To compare this game to diablo 3 is unfair as the scope and replay value here is much better and yet you don't charge £40 and then try to sell me stuff of top. The fact that the shop only sells items that have no game affect shows you have faith in your core product. However that being said i think you could include some stuff without ruining it as long as it is also availably via gameplay. The bottom line is you have to make money as a company. How about xp boosts or other fixed duration/level effects.
And not to my complains. Pet prices in the shop seem totally random 150 for a ferret but only 45 for a weta. One was even 550( flaming basilisk i think). That's crazy money for a graphics effect. In neverwinter nights i could have a rare companion or mount for that. So far the only thing i would be prepared to pay for is extra inventory slots as i am a pack rat by nature. The Longsword weapon is classed as 2 handed which is weird as it is the quinticential historical one handed weapon. Please rename it ( claymore would be my suggestion ) and introduce a one handed version. I would also like to see targes introduced ( small bucklers that you can attack with) I would also like to be able to select the look and gender of my char as looking at the same dude over and over gets a bit dull. Overall however an excellent game with minor quibles. Occulon. |
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My first impression im lvl 87 67 and 50 .Please make the rare mobs that have damage reflect stand out more . Then make a better trading system , couple ways i thought of were one you could just add a tab to the social board and make it so you can link or even post your item and price and have it like the vendors are you can buy it and the purse would hold it for you if some one bought it and take it off the list. another way i thought of was actually make vendors or vendor stands that you can put a whole stash tabs worth of your stuff on and price it like the in-game vendors do but make it so you can choose what it cost when you drop the item into the sale spot and you get a pop up that asks you to list your price from the drop down menu of the all the currency's and number amounts of them on another drop down in the same window that pops up and make all the payments go into a little purse some were on the vendor then its like your a vendor , but there would have to be like place were people could choose and look at all the people selling things like on the social board it could so and so selling 17 items and u click it and then the tab opens like a vendor with all there items for sale you could even limit the amount people could try to sell
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Good game in design terms, lots of depth and variety. Understands the appeal of dungeon crawlers and has that replayability D2 had.
However, overall an absolutely garbage game. For one simple reason : 'desyncs'. Hardcore becomes a matter of trying different builds until your crappy servers and/or poor coding (or WHATEVER causes desyncs) decide it's time to rip. When the game lags out for almost 10 full seconds, pulling you back to a surrounded position several times there's literally nothing you can do. Bullshit is it my PC which runs more demanding games. Bullshit is it my level which was appropraite for the zone. Bullshit is it my gear which, while not amazing, is perfectly adequate for the zone. Basically, your otherwise good game is completly fucking wrecked by this absolutely absurd 'desync' problem you have - which makes it unplayable. So yeah, fuck PoE - and more specifically, PoE and it's constant fucking desyncs which ruin gameplay. |
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I am quite new to PoE, but saying that I have taken a marauder upto level 37 and am now stuck in the sewers of Sarn. Some people seem to criticize the easiest of levels. I have been playing at the lowest level since I started. I will progress once I have completed all three acts. Using the lowest level of difficulty allows one to appreciate the finer points of the game in terms of graphics, game play, manipulation of character etc. Those who are great gamers can jump into what ever level thay require, but the easiest of levels is great for noobs. Imagine never getting of the strand because you are being killed by the mobs and hillock. People would just give up and not see this great game for what it really is. Please keep up the good work GGG snd please remember that there is a world of difference between someone who only has the time to play for maybe a couple of hours a week to those who require to reach the highest character level in the shortest time.
Regards and many thanks for your time and effort in producing a truely enthralling game. |
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Inspired by an article on mmorpg.com I decided to try the game again... and found out that the horribly close fov is still there.
I'm really sorry but I'll have to pass PoE again. From all I've read and seen its exactly what I was looking for ever since D2 but the amazingly close fov is a total game killer for me. In real life I'm used to seeing more than a few feet in any direction. If I can't see something it's either because it's being obscured by something or low light levels - not because there is some kind of magic "no see" curtain 12 feet away from me. Are all the devs severely near-sighted or what to find this natural? I'd really love to delve into the intricacies of the skill system and all this game has to offer but I can't because I literaly have physical symptoms when trying to play this game for more than a few minutes - my shoulders bunch up and my breathing gets tight. Not to mention the constant nagging annoyance as I reflexivelly roll back my mouse wheel every couple of seconds. I can't see! I can't see what's over there! I'm standing on a well lit plain and I can't see what's just a couple of seconds run-time away from me - and not because it's obscured in any way (which would be good and immersive) but because of the limitations of pure technical game design. This is bad. It's immersion breaking. It's arbitrary in a very bad way, constantly reminding you that you are playing just a game rather than participating in a virtual world. I'm really sorry (and this is not just a figure of speech) but until maximum fov is substantially extended I'll have to pass this game. I really tried to enjoy it but wasn't able to do so. |
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Excuse me dev's please make Path of Exile available on my region in the Philippines STEAM store.
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I am level 56 now and already got bored of this game...
Cons: The "lag-desync" it's just killing the little fun left. The huge amount of useless drops has become frustrating. No broker-trader...just lol. No currency is not bad but the inventory problem with those huge items became very very fast annoying. The inventory it's from late '90 year games. The idea of so huge icons it's just bad. No sort option on that stash. FOV so close to the ground...heh. Wow...fixed camera ... :) Maps always lose North ...or it's a bad idea if it original. Nothing fun, just confusion. The transparent map is quite old-primitive. 0 rotation of the camera... Bad-old graphic & design. Ugly or too dark maps. 0 logic on killing mobs, 0 tactics...just spam the strongest skill over and over. Low AI..mobs are plain stupid, devs are just making them spamming combinations of skills in a mater of seconds to give the impression of a hard game. No option to reset the passive skill tree to test more builds and have fun. 0 explanations of skills,gems,items. Way to many of useless skills. Very ugly chat system and font. Moving, attacking, looting on the same left mouse button it's just wrong. Pvp system ? Pros: Nice & original passive skill tree. Skill gems also a nice idea. Hmmm...nothing else left to blow my mind... ------------------------------------------------------ Overall it's just a very big mess with this game. No logic behind those huge stats with many many %%%%%%% added on everything. Left me the impression of nothing to do further then spam a skill and splash the blood from mobs. Have fun, Last edited by xmvmx#0287 on Mar 5, 2014, 2:25:01 AM
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Killed three of my characters with this Vaal Pact Nerf, Bad enough you have to move this shit every time you do a patch, and don't even let us look at our old tree's to compare the difference. How the hell am I supposed to memories 9 characters Trees! Bring my damn Vaal Pact back! Ruined the only two chars I still considered fun.
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Very Nice Patch, Think the invaders are a bit too strong imho, and they drop 3/4 blues max and a bunch of whites. so either making the invaders a bit more forgiving or giving them proper loot. So far most of the bosses i found have been harder than most of the exiles, even the hardest ones, and they barely drop more items than a pack of blues.
TL;DR either nerf invaders or buff their loot. |
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