We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.

Well I have taken the time to play though the game and it's realy fun and addictive.

But now I'm lossing that fun and addictive draw.

The reason is the xp penltys in last stage of the game. I grind then die, grind then die, grind then die.

I take two steps forward and one step back. Some times I take one step forward and two steps back.

It's not fun to grind the same content for ever not geting anywere.

I'm sorry that I'm not an uber gamer that never die's.

But hay that's why I dont play hard core ether. I also don't play games that I cant save.

So I am more or less done playing POE now. I don't realy like HC light in stander games.

I did spend 50 bucks in the shop to pay for game. It's a fun once though game if your not a

hard core gamer. Could be a great game if you remove the HC light out of the stander game.

Keep up the good work. I hear that there mite be an act 4 on release if so I will always come back to play a new act.

Thx u for the game and your time. Have a nice day :)
Elder Wand Power!
I wanted to say that I'm really enjoying this game. I've played a lot of ARPGs and this one is probably my favorite and it's free.

I enjoy that there is no penalty to play with different combinations of gems. I do appreciate that the re-spec'ing is intentionally costly because with 1500+ passive skills it will force me to make more than one character. The endless combinations are a huge draw for me.

Granted, I'm still early into the game, I wanted to give some positive feedback. Most people only post negative stuff.

GGG Great job and keep up the good work.
Thanks for this game and making it free and not pay 2 win.
Got my Templar to lvl 47 and so farm I like the game. The only thing that is very annoying for me and I would change is the team loot system. It basically makes me play solo.
ign: Crensh_Blazed
Dear Grinding Game Gears Developmental & Moderation Teams for Path of Exile,

The whole Development Team and Moderation Team make this game quite frankly one of, if not the BEST PC game I've played and owned in my lifetime.(Sorry,nothing beats SNES; Final Fantasy 6 =X...)::Laughs::

There are three major things that the Dev. and Mod. teams do different from all other gaming teams/management systems:
A). The ability to listen to their clients requests for implementation of things to add and tweak for game play enhancements and further excitement.
B). I absolutely love it when I see a team member of PoE's Dev. and Mod. Teams in public "Global & Trade" chat. But no, not just see them, actually get to personally message them with a positive gesture, gripe, complaint, or simple question and have it answered on the spot with all inclusive friendliness, and the utmost professionalism.
Alas, C). This one is a giant pet peeve of mine and others, and with this team; has no peeve of mine. C; The immediate plug ins of patch's and quick-fixes. Not only does the team get the patches and server back up in a rush, they give you an plausible time warning. The amazing thing about this is that, a small but growing gaming company and you produce the patches and hotfixes, like SHOULD that of a multi-HIGH-million-dollar company ( aka Blizzard Ent.) with 5,000x less the manpower and resources.

The list could go on and on about the positives of the statue and footprint in the gaming economy both teams have left. Keep doing the right thing by serving that of the people who want to game and the money will come. If the first care is money then people, well... you know exactly what happens; like what happened to a major competitor in the RPG/MMO community of yours.

I want to personally thank both teams, platinum members and all players for the elevation of growth Path of Exile continues to deliver day in and day out.

With all that being said,

Best Regards,
For all your "Help" needs, Please post in the Help Forum
Mean people suck! So be nice to one another & smile often!!! =)
My first impressions after 8 months are:



- Skill Gems system: Strong (Need small improvements)
- Passive Tree system: Strong (Right tree area and 'Specific-Weapon' nodes needs a rework)
- Currency system:Strong (Need small improvements)
- Monster-IA/Monster-Mechanics:Weak (This makes me stops to play/reroll, even with the new improvements in each patch)
- EndGame Map-system: Strong (Need small improvements)
- Loot/Rewards: Bad (Mediocre, nothing revolutionary)
- Events: Strong (Hope we see Cut-Throat,Ironman,etc some day)
- Combat Bad (This going better but slowly)


-Areas Weak (many A1 areas has a terrible concept)
-Towns Good
-Background-story/Music Weak
-Storyline: Weak (Probably the 99% doesn't know why you need to kill Dominus/Piety)
-Aesthetics Bad (items&gems Textbox looks wrong with the game ambience)

Gameplay its solid after all and you failing at the deeper Artwork over the game.
Last edited by 2i0#7192 on May 6, 2013, 10:02:35 AM
the only thing I hate about this game is ofc the ingame lags, when melee monsters arent even close to you and still hits you..
My impressions from the game. For context, I'm just arrived in Act 3 in my first playthrough as a witch.

In general, I now much enjoy the game. This has improved much, the first few hours were a bit hard to get into the game. I almost abandoned it, but cannot exactly point out why.

Business Model

I very much appreciate the play-for-free attitude. I wouldn't mind paying for it, but I think I might not have given it a try. I am very happy with GGG's decision to base their business model on pay-for-pretty instead of pay-to-win. I'm very much annoyed by pay-to-win games, and more so by those pay-to-win games whose PR-*beep*s claim they are not when in fact they are (you know who you are).


Is fun at the moment. The concept with the skill gems is great. The combination of sockets, colors, support gems et cetera provide a welcome depth.

Concept with the passive skill tree is the blast, respect. Few more Gems of Regret would be beginner-friendly.

But there is one bad gameplay thing. One really bad hard-to-forgive mistake. This is a tactical game (or a action game with a strong tactical component). Tactical or strategic games are only fun if you know the rules. Imagine playing chess against someone without getting the rules explained, just being stopped from making illegal moves. Would that be fun? Then why do you do this with your players? The game involves many decisions about stats (items, passives, gems). And those are serious because not easily reversible (passives). How does evasion, armor, resistance et cetera work? Why is it not explained? Of couse I can go to a popular wiki to look it up, but the game itself should explain these things. But even after looking this up, it does not help so much, because it involves tedious math. How much advantage do you get out of a certain amount of evasion/armor (those are the most difficult ones)? You can design the mechanics in a way so that rough calculations in your head are either easy or hard. You went for hard. Just because Diablo gets this wrong you don't have to either.


Trading is a bit tedious right now. But this might be seen as a feature as well - the current system forces players to socialize more..
It has probably come up to have a "trade board" where you can post trades which other players can then accept (even when seller is offline). Current system is not beginner friendly.

I love the idea of not having gold but trading with all these orbs.


Considering the size of the company the graphics look incredible and even when not considering they still look good to great. Sarn is a beautiful city I quite fell in love with. It might make a great setting for an pen&paper RPG setting. Love the themes and general design of the areas, very well done. Also like the music a lot.

However the first few beach levels look a bit bland and dull. Odd choice to let the first levels everyone sees fall behind in that regard.

However rework some of the textures; many rock and tree textures look bad.

Some stuff has a bit few polys, gathering from my frame rate there should have been room for more.


The minimap and overlay map needs some serious work. This is really broken at the moment. Allow zooming of minimap andoverlay map. You can't find *beep*. Put a *beeping* name next to the map exists to allow the players to tell which is which. Make the map tell less 'lies' (showing passage where the is none and vice versa).

Might be nice to be able to zoom out just a little more, camera often seems to be a bit to close.

Please don't reassign my skill/key assignments when I juggle gems for a bit. Pretty please. Nasty monsters almost ate me.

Is there a way to hide the HUD for screens?

Last edited by wurzelgnom_#1488 on May 12, 2013, 5:47:31 PM
Hello all !

First of all I want to thank you guys for a wonderful gaming experience provided along my gameplay (eventough it's still beta, this game rocks). The complexity of items, builds, skills is tremendous, makeing this game easy to love and easy to hate...

The lack of builds is upseting. I've been playin for about 1 and a half months until now, and I can say that I couldn't find a decent build...

Anyway... This game is not made for new to RPG players, if you have experience with this kind of games, then it's the nirvana of all RPG, if not, welcome to hell.

Per total, it's a wonderful game and I wish that you guys keep it up.

P.S. : Charms would be great ! (added elemental / phy dmg, quantity / rarity chance and resistances).

Thank you,
one of your fans
well my impression for this game is its a great game well i can't complaint about storyline is weak or short game or art itself coz i know it on BETA we all know beta is not the final product and i also like what the game concept where its play to win and not pay to win like many other game that I've play so far but what I'm quite not satisfy these day is:

1)The lagging
i think GGG must find bigger server now coz this past few day the game lag so much even when
I'm playing at late night~ early morning(testing coz maybe its my internet but if still when
not on peak hour there is no way to blame my internet alone and this only start occurring
these past 7~15 day ago never lag or desync before that) well can't help this game become
more and more popular so the number of player also increase and i really think your current
server can no longer support the number of player the lagging become really bad especially
when race event being held and i die few time coz of lagging too including 1 month race

2)Skill and some weapon stat
1st at all for those who read this I'm not QQ'ing so before some faggot start flaming me i
write 1st that i have a MARAUNDER and i also have WITCH but i think GGG should
balance a bit for the caster class coz like we all know phy damage user seem to have many
advantage if compare to magic user like how phy user can use both life leech and life gain on
hit at same time while caster only can use life leech + some stat on weapon clearly only for
phy attack user like x% of phy damage leech back as mana or life and i also think life gain
on hit on weapon stat don't work with spell either what i think work only is gain x mana or
life when u kill and enemy this is totally unbalance for caster class i think as for life
leech on weapon stat i suggest u change it a bit to % of attack leech back to life or mana
compare to now that only work for phy attack as for life gain on hit i really don't know how
u guys can tweak it to work for spell too before i can't really say it but after melee
splash gem being introduce i think caster really deserve some upgrade too in this area

3)The pointer
I'm not gonna complaint on how it look or what color the pointer is but what i want to
complaint a bit is how it work and sometime it really can kill u i game what I'm saying is
when u somehow got surround by mob its hard to get away because even when we click on
ground where there is no mob the character sometime keep attacking instead of running like
we want it to coz on the direction we click there is mob attacking us even when we click
on empty ground it attack the mob in front of character instead of running

well what i write is my opinion so hope your guys can see into it and English is not my 1st language so if there is any misuse term or weird sentence please forgive me
Last edited by xByakuei#2534 on May 16, 2013, 6:19:25 PM
My first impressions of the game were great. Although the game is still v0.1 beta, we can see the ammount of effort to make it reach this level.

I liked the passive tree system and the colision system in combat, as well as the fact that the maps are individual unless you party up.

But then I found some huge bothers which are still frequent. The targetting system needs some polishing. I usually run holding the mouse button down, then let it go to target a monster and press again. I tend to circle around my target because I can never properly click him. The solution might be holding down shift, but for melee characters (which account for 2/3 of the possible choices) that's not viable. I found that click spamming to walk is usually better than holding down, but still takes away something I'm already used to.

Another thing in the targetting system is just taking a ranger and making her shoot 360º. When you shoot north or south of the screen, the shots follow the cursor, but when you shoot to the sides they tend to go slightly up from the cursor, making it difficult to manually aim targets.

The last downside I experienced was the inventory system. I wanted to be able to just right click to swap equipments, and to do the same thing to put them on the "sell" box. It would also be good if there was an "auto-hold Alt key" option if you always want to compare a hovered equipment with the one you're carrying.

The skill system being in the form of stones is unique and interesting, but I don't enjoy the idea of some ability being linked by the equipment one's using. I think at a certain moment characters should be able to remember the skills on their own.

From all my first impressions, only these 3 paragraphs sum up the BAD ones, which is great! The environment, monsters and the voice acting is incredible, and I'm really curious to see where the story is going!

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