Further submission:
Black Shirt.
Put the kiwi road sign on it's front, but with a white kiwi.
Sorry Exile, but your loot is in another dungeon!
IGN: Delirii
Posted byDelirii#1605on Dec 16, 2013, 1:48:59 PM
This is my submission:
Black shirt, Path of Exile logo, with a sinister looking raven, blood dripping from beak, cackling "Never More"
[I often search for POE and I get Poetry / Edgar Allen Poe / etc. Which is funny, because it's probably one of the most closely fitting pieces to the insanity of Path of Exile. Own it.]
This is my submission ... actually second one
(click to enlarge)
People who race will understand this.
(Please correct me, if I've done some mistakes regarding vendor recipe/price)
The Unofficial Fan Art Thread:
Posted byWinterLicht#0050on Dec 16, 2013, 2:43:39 PM
This is my submission:
Portal / Let's do this themed:
- Blue (portal colored) tee-shirt with white text: "New Up"
- white or black shirt, offset over outline of Warrior Portal : "Mine"
- Red shirt, "Have you seen my exalt?"
- Black shirt, path of exile on front, back:
"Nemesis R.I.P. bucket list:"
- Poor Resistances [check]
- Corrupted Blood [check]
- VAAL Smash [check]
- Exile [check]
- ...
This is my submission:
Rough image, can be on the front or back. If on the back, perhaps it could be accompanied by a similar allflame image on the front.
Shirt color is optional.

Posted bylarrison#5310on Dec 16, 2013, 2:53:05 PM
This is not my submission :
Shirts showing off pride in your chosen league is a must (Nemesis / Dominion .)
Shirts are to be wrap around version of the flag, with the design offset 3/4 horizontally, in the respective Dominion / Nemesis league flag colors.
Shirts will intentionally not contain any logos.
If you don't get it, then you don't get it.
But Path of exile logo must be on inner shirt tag. This is non-negotiable.
This is my submission:
- Pink/Purple shirt, zoom in on cartoon drawing of Black cat pet, pawing and playing at a chaos orb.
For the fairer gender, or those feline inclined.
- For the less so inclined. Same shirt, black, over a pool of blood.
Please do a limited run of the top 5-10 shirt designs [by internal committee], and let the first to sell out choose the winner - user choice.
WinterLicht wrote:
This is my submission ... actually second one
(click to enlarge)
People who race will understand this.
(Please correct me, if I've done some mistakes regarding vendor recipe/price)
Good One!! I Think You Have A Winner!
My Blog... If You Would Like To Read My Newest Poems... http://rwkt.blogspot.ca/
Posted byLORDPRICK#4624on Dec 16, 2013, 3:11:49 PM
This is my submission
Good luck all :)
Posted byTheCobraking#5366on Dec 16, 2013, 3:13:14 PM