Path of Exile and J!NX Shirt Design Contest

Chuca79 wrote:
This is my submission: The best way to plan your skill tree (all day long).

Man I want this as a carpet, wouldn't that be awesome :D
I propose that, Hope taht will be interestin'.

On the chest:

with a motto written in blood letters:
" Enough spunk and spine to keep pace ?"

With a lot of monsters and creatures in the background, just like drawings in the monster's gallery
. Using Merveil, Brutus or even Vaal Oversoul, bigger than other monsters, on the left of the T-shirt; depending on what T-shirt fans want.

Artworks for Bosses.

Hope you have imagination cause i cant' draw those creations :/
This is my submission:
I think it would be cool to spell out Path of Exile with some form of items in the game. I was trying to do with sockets, but it was not really working out for me. My SS is just a basic idea of what I had in mind. Maybe some of the swords or armor could spell out a letter or 2 and with better work of photoshop or something you could highlight the letters and make them stand out better.

Last edited by demolith#6998 on Dec 13, 2013, 6:29:02 AM
Renetaki wrote:
I would buy the
like right now.

This is my submission:

text ideas
"I've got 99 scrolls and a portal ain't one"
"Insert map here"
"I wouldn't mind using an alt and a regal on that chest"

Drawing idea.
The exiles are all together as kindergartners, but they seem to be crying because baby Dominus, along with baby piety and gravicious are stealing the exiles' stuffed animals. The stuffed animals are baby roa's.
IGN: Rerollz_Barrage_Bro / Kutzap
This is my submission

It's an ankh (picture taken from wikipedia) framed by the Eldritch Battery and Chaos Inoculation keystones. The ankh represents life - there is one ankh, so one life, which is all you have when you take EB and CI. Like I do. Because I am the IRON MAN.

This is my other, not-as-good-as-the-Descry submission. for one without the whitespace.
Last edited by Dreggon#7708 on Dec 13, 2013, 6:31:57 AM
This is my submission

Simple shirt showing all charges, in their default max value, PoE logos just because I could.

On the back the total amount of charges like in-game and a bigger PoE logo.

Alternate version (no logos on sleeves but back logo is bigger.)

Last edited by ansuk#6181 on Dec 13, 2013, 7:01:12 AM
This is my submission:

Front: Character with end game items. Or maybe winner of the Well-dressed Exile Competition.(Or in ideal case your own character.)
And below text: "...and what did you do with your gift of exile?"

Back: Logo of Path of Exile

And this is my submission:

Front: Small logo of Path of Exile

Back: Quotes from game ("Go to bed, litte nightmare." "Go with God!"...) with random size and between them the biggest: "The light of divinity!"

And this is my submission:

Front: Big Marauder with hands in "X" formation in front of his chest and with Facebraker.

Back: "Fly like a Storm Crow, crush like a Rhoa."
Russian roulette PoE style: a 6 people party where everyone has Leer Cast, Death's Oath and 2x Le Heup of All. All must stay together, none can use flasks and everyone must have -60% chaos resist... and let the game begin.
My submission #3 and #4

Could work with any quest that has a catchy phrase

Any image of Brutus in combat action with an exile. Extra gore img would be nice.

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