Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update
" Okay, thanks for clearing up the EE part :) Im looking forward to the new league. Probably when the gear is there (nice dagger/lightning coil/TF) i would love to tri the transition into critlightning since i believe that the damagepotential with tripleshocks going around and stuff is actually tremendous. |
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" playing in nemesis/hardcore... i was never much of a dps junkie... much rather have high survivability... i think the core build already has enough dps to be effective... also playing in groups solves that problem since u provide such good and not-to-common dps auras... in terms of better overall defense... i think having a rare helm with high life and resists replaces not having it on a rare shield... so that point is moot... now having high evasion on shield as well as the ~30% block is really nice to have but i get some evasion in the ranger start as well as having Ondar's makes up for some of physical defense... i also felt that the most dangerous phys dmg from mobs was from the projectiles (ie titty bitches) and Ondar's is amazing vs those type of mobs... the OP's build posts 246% life vs the 348% life in this build... that's a whopping 102% difference... having life on every piece of gear would net u around 8k life in this build... i've always run my characters to have around this much life as it allows me to react in time in those really sticky situations... also having resists of 84/77/84 vs 82/82/82 isn't much of a difference for me to really desire after those purity auras... i think running topaz/ruby flasks to react in dangerous situations works fine... same goes for dangerous phys situations where i can use granite of iron skin... i just think having high life is the ultimate buffer and overall best form of survivability ign: BeastModeNeedSkittles Last edited by SliMjiM811#1831 on Feb 23, 2014, 7:17:41 PM
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" I'll give you my thoughts after taking a look at your build. What you're doing here isn't really my build anymore. You've just become an aura bot for the team and not a very good one at that due to severely reduced aura effectiveness and only running 3 of them. While yes your survivability has gone up substantially, you've cut just about half your dps in terms of attack speed, proj damage and aura dps. The idea here is to be the perfect jack of all trades, master of none spec. You have great dps, great survivability, great group utility and great cost efficiency whilst not being the best at any of them. Many people have come in and altered the spec to be more nemesis/hc friendly and it's very possibly to drop some dps and grab some more life, evasion or overall defense, but what you've done is overkill, completely gutting the dps of the spec and aura utility by taking away the purities as well as gimping the the effectiveness of anger and wrath. A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily |
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" Hey, first off, just wanted to say congrats on this awesome build and thanks for the reply. Now in response to your reply I would just say that I got the idea to build a higher life nemesis/hc viable version of your build from one of the statements you made in the original post. You said: "Things to mention about the spec - You won't be running all 5 auras like I do until you have a lvl 20 reduced mana and all of those reduced mana nodes. That's not too big a deal, it's the 3 damage ones that are essential for the build to work best." So from that I gathered that a build was possible as long as I kept the 3 main essential core auras of this build intact. To be honest, just from using the skill tree, I can tell that in order to grab every single aura/buff node in the tree to run all 5 auras, it would require you to reach a level somewhere in the high 80s to early 90s to achieve, along with a lvl 20 reduced mana gem like you said. That means for most of the leveling and end game mapping in this build, you'd be running 3 main auras and just 1 purity aura. That's what made me want to just carry a saffell's and drop the purity auras altogether. Now, about the dps loss, I think saying the build I posted (which still holds 60% increased buff) would be about half the dps of the original is a bit extreme. Judging from your dps of 14195.2, I would say my build would still achieve around 10k dps. To me, that is more than sufficient dps for endgame. I've run a tank ek marauder spec that did far less dps than this would-be spec (~6k dps) and still felt it was good. (BTW that marauder spec had 428% life in the final build so call me a life junkie :P) My point is, playing in nem/hc, I always felt that dps was more of a luxury and less of a priority, as long as it was enough to clear maps at a decent pace and you didn't slow down the group. Last thing I would say in response to your statement about not being a very good "aura bot" for the team is well, I simply disagree. While it may not be as uber helpful to a group as your build with the 5 auras, I still don't see how I wouldn't be effective as a teammate in a group with my 3 dps auras. The fact that I'm not just another grace/hatred phys char or discipline/clarity ci char and that I provide 60% buffed 3 non-common dps auras to a group would be welcomed with open arms by anyone. I apologize for the long rambling but I think this will be a pretty damn solid build for the upcoming new hc 4 month league. As a side note, I just read the part in your original post about armor: "I believe armor to be stronger when it is very high but to achieve that with my spec you'd sacrifice alot of dps and utility." Taking that into account, I thought I would change my spec up to be a high armored one and came up with this: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIBAF4CcQSzCC4MfRB_FE0VIBZvFy8ZhRmKGY4aOBqPHRQj9iSqJLAn7SmlKk0s6S2DMZ4yCTKJNZI26TrhPC0_J0WWSn1KyE3jTipVxlb6V-JZ81pIW69mnmegZ71sFmxGbqpybHKpd-V82X1bfXWApIPbhtGHdojxj0aQVZLNlwabjZuhogCmV6cIp4SpbqxHrFmsqq_rtfK3PriTu-PAGsSixPbGnsauznHPZdDQ037dDeNq52PrLOw47YPuDu5v73rv8PAf8kXz3fba-tL7CfxL_MX-Cv6P_ro= Basically I specced out of Acrobatics and Ondar's Guile, and some life nodes along the way for 12 respec points. I used 3 points to get iron reflexes, 5 to grab 90% increased evasion nodes, and 3 for static blows, with 1 point still remaining. This build achieves a whopping 156% increased evasion (or armor with IR) to go along with 320% life. With grace and some armor/evasion on gear, it would be fairly easy to achieve 15k armor with this build and over 30k armor with a granite/jade flask of iron skin/reflexes. Thinking about it, I think this would be the path I would take in the new league as having high life/armor allows for easier and more steady gauging of my hp pool, especially in those sticky situations. lol, sorry again for the rambling... any feedback would be welcomed and much appreciated. thx ign: BeastModeNeedSkittles
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Hey, just had another thought after reading a post in this thread somewhere about potential upcoming changes in the new patch. Someone mentioned that they're thinking of adding life leech thru elemental dmg as a potential mod in amulets as well as adding it as a node in the passive skill tree. If this really is true, then I would just say wow. Are we talking about a potential 7th link in this build?
Personally, I would replace the life leech gem with a quality 20% added cold dmg gem. Not only does this achieve a higher dps by adding high flat cold dmg to the build, but it would also allow 10% chance to freeze PER PROJECTILE. Now, if my calculations are correct, based on the OP's stats, I see that he achieves 6.02 attacks per second on his spec throw. If you multiply 6 attacks per second times 3 projectiles from LMP, and take into account that spec throw has the boomerang effect of being thrown out and returning back to deal dmg twice, that means you'd be doing 6 x 3 x 2 for a grand total of 36 PROJECTILES PER SECOND with every single projectile having a 10% chance to freeze?! I'm sorry for getting ahead of myself here but is this the correct calculation? Bc if it is, now you're adding an invaluable CC element of freeze into this build as well for a truly well-rounded overpowered spec. One can only hope... ign: BeastModeNeedSkittles
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here's how I would do a scion spec in nem/hc:
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgABAnEDlgR-BLMF-Qx9EH8UTRUgFfAWbxcvGYUZiho4Go8dFCP2JKoksCftKaUqTSzpLYMxnjIJMok1kjbpOlg64TsoPC0_J0p9SshN404qVcZW-lfiWfNaSFpSW69gQ2aeZ6BsFmxGbj1uqnJscql35XzZfXWApIMJg9uG0YcZh3aI8Y9GkFWXBptdoSKiAKJAplenCKeEqJqpbqxZrKq18rc-uJO748AaxKLE9saexq7Occ9l0NDTft0N42rnY-w47g7veu_w8B_yRfKX8930-Pba-tL7CfxL_MX-Cv6P_ro= still staying with the 3 auras and high life theme with armor thru IR, this spec achieves 330% life and gets a lot more atk spd and proj dmg compared to the above ranger spec... ign: BeastModeNeedSkittles
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" Damn is this really true? Can you give a source? I won't sell my gear then haha.. Instead of Added Cold I would use Added Lightning Damage 20/20. Gives crazy amount of flat damage and Shock chance/duration which synergizes very well with Static blows. Hmm that makes me thinking, what if there will be mana leech from ele dmg as well? We might drop one aura and use ST on mana freeing up the BM slot...aahh, so many possibilities :D Last edited by GrimgnawIsNoSaint#0070 on Feb 24, 2014, 1:17:45 PM
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Thing is, even in HC leagues, getting life past a certain point is also called taking the piss. You're less likely to kill yourself out of boredom *Etup* if you play a fast-clearing high dps beast.
Even if you were going max life, I'd still want to go Acrobatics over IR, there is no benefit of a miniscule amount of armour with high life and EVA just plays better. Not to detract from your Scion build, I quite like the life on it whilst not losing too much Aura Effectiveness. I guess it's a trade-off, either have 2k extra life or have 20%-ish more DPS. The elemental life leech is indeed coming, although I'm unsure that 1% life leech from lightning alone will be enough - maybe if we get a few pieces though. A link to it here - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/798410 IGN: Chundaziri 8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014 8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015 Last edited by Chundadragon#1131 on Feb 24, 2014, 1:22:31 PM
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there was a ring that was 'corrupted' in the teasers for the new addition (which will be for all leagues) that had 1% lightening life leech. I'm not sure if that gets higher or not and if not then can't really see giving up life leech gem unless you can get equivalent.
With that corrupted mod and tree changes coming (and a Free Full Respec) I was wondering if it'll be a node on the tree as well. Pacific (GMT -8) Time
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" My point about your dps being halved is because of what I see from your passive tree. You have 36% increased effect of auras vs my 70%. 37% attack speed vs my 54%. 15% proj damage vs my 65%. Now when you consider close to ALL of our damage comes from wrath and anger, cutting them by that much which also gets scaled greatly by how much less attack speed you have and receive from a reduced haste as well, I believe you'd be doing half my dps at best. You won't be a very good aura bot because someone that specs into aura bitch spec gets every buff node and ends up running 7 auras, so while yes, you're better than nothing for a team, you'd be inferior to a dedicated aura bitch. Providing 7k dps in a 6 man party is close to nothing btw so you really have to squeeze as much dps out of this spec as possible if you want to remain useful while buffing your friends. Not everyone does and I'm fine with that but my mentality is one where I like to carry my weight. As for armor, you really can't make an armor spec without unwavering stance. The reason evasion works with heart of oak and a bit of stun reduction is because you don't get hit often enough for it to effect you greatly while even having high armor you'll get hit and stunned so often that it does not end up being viable. A list of all my builds and guides - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1099189
Twitch.tv/Mathil1 streaming daily |
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