Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update
Yah I kinda screwed myself. I'm not a fan of the trading system at all, I do my best to avoid it at all cost. Though I know it's really necessary to trade in order to accomplish things quickly.
I had the orbs to craft, a few fusing and jewellers orbs to make the 4L but didn't get lucky at all and spend them all trying to make one. I've seen one alch so far. Yes you can get wrath off act 1 brutus but thats in merciless and I'm stuck at Dominus cruel like a scrub. Trust me I followed the quest rewards as a leveled to see which I could skip to go faster, what was need for gems and a good order to do it in. So yes I'm stuck trading for gear which I can't get unless I farm more currency because I spent it trying to craft the gear on my own. Being as this is my second character I don't know much about builds and what they take gear wise so I'm surprised this is considered one of the easier to gear for. My first character I didn't need to trade at all, did I tiny bit of grind, and got to end of the game within my first month of joining PoE so I assumed all characters would be easy to get gear like that. Once again thanks for all the feedback, I'm going to see what I can do to save the character before the race ends but I feel like I'm going to be boringly grinding crap just to maaaybe kill cruel dominus haha. |
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" Yeah, the game is a tough grind and meant to be that way. The intrigue, for me at least, comes from experimenting with builds, and sadly that takes a TREMENDOUS amount of time full of mind-numbing repetition (unless you get some variation from group play, in which case you probably get to compete with lag/desync). With over 600 hours in this game and a number of characters at level 80 or higher, I still have a hard time making money. The reason I keep playing is because the skill tree and many unique items are so well designed. Still, I think it's a shame that the game, like most games today, rewards mindless repetition far more than creativity and that the fun comes at the end of a tedious trek (playing through the same story 3 times per character is awful) rather than during it. Anyway, keep at it if you have the fortitude/stupidity. This really is one of the easier builds to gear for, for better or for worse. You may not deal a tremendous amount of damage, comparatively, without killer gear, but you'll clear maps quick enough and survive. Another cheap build I highly recommend is this one. Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616 Last edited by Tempada#2630 on Feb 15, 2014, 11:09:50 PM
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GG me checking the other classes quest rewards.. which I didn't until now. Time to pwn brutus with a which, shadow, or ranger really quick.
I'll stop posting in this forum with my noobness now. (Officially stamped noob on forehead.) |
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I was just going through the last few pages and saw people talking about passive tree changes. Is there somewhere official that has been said?
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" http://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1xrt2d/is_the_passive_skill_tree_changing_in_11/ Last edited by DtAndroid#2424 on Feb 16, 2014, 7:25:02 AM
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Hello I am building this spec in HC ans i would hate thorns and reflect
Is it possible that this spec is Vaal pack viable just to be sure on reflect ?? ty |
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I'm not super skilled on being able to explain why it doesn't happen, I can just tell you that Lightning Thorns and Elemental/Physical reflect were never a problem with the build.
I was 77% all resist and my Life leech was what 8% or so. I carried a Ruby/Topaz/Granite flasks with 2 life flasks. I ran Anger/Wrath/Grace + Haste or Purity light/fire *** I could see this potentially being an issue on Reflect Maps with a Reflect Rare or, Elemental Weakness Map if you don't have the 136+ over-capped resists to cover it. I did die at L76 but to a triple rare mob pack. I pulled a 3rd rare due to poor attention to where i was leaping. Ended up with CB rare + Hexing Rare + 2nd CB joined in from the back. I used my flask to clear the CB and thought I was done, only to still stack another burst of CB stacks with no flask charges left. So my lesson there is for me, I need a 2nd staunching flask or pay more attention and log out faster :D Also I'm not sure if more chaos resists would have solved that issue also, giving me more time to react to the log out. But LT and reflect were never an issue for me. Interested to hear about the experience with reflect/thorns from others. Last edited by Zeddekus#0669 on Feb 16, 2014, 12:46:56 PM
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88 on HC, I'll tell you how it goes... With Purity of Fire and Lightning, reflect will NEVER hurt you unless the map mods has -max. Even then, it's very doable with single reflect as long as you don't shoot into big packs. With double reflect however and -max it is VERY sketchy and can kill you in seconds but those are worst case scenarios where the map mods alone should be enough to keep you on your toes.
Lightning Thorns is not too difficult, again because of the nature of ST (Sustained stream of damage) you should know instantly when there is thorns about and pull back. In 75+ maps with big packs of Lightning Thorns, be careful or you will die. " Always carry at least 2 on Nemesis, CB is somewhat problematic for this build with high base damage mobs since we attack very fast with light hits. IGN: Chundaziri 8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014 8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015 Last edited by Chundadragon#1131 on Feb 16, 2014, 1:19:35 PM
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So i posted my gear on here before. as i said before i did this as shadow. i didnt put as many points in HP as others but im sitting at 3.5k hp which has been fine for me. i hardly die unless i do something dumb or get desynced. anyways i have gone up in hp and dps since before.
this is my gear and stats. DPS- 11843 APS- 6.48 RES- 82-77-82 hp- 3579 if peopel have any questions about the build feel free to add me and ill try to help if mathil isnt able to get back to you quick enough ign TheDivineRisen Last edited by Darkendsouls#7067 on Feb 16, 2014, 6:21:13 PM
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New to this build (loving it!), just wondering, is there no dps benefit of going static blows (just 3 passives to get it) and possibly Conductivity? Since lightning dmg seems to be the bulk of our dps.
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