Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update
" How many ex's you want? |
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" It would be even more perfect with Reduced requirements, so se could drop some dex from gear/passives. Beastly craft :) |
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Thanks very much for the build Mahtil. I have to agree this is one of the few builds that i have managed to solo every boss with such low gear requirements. I have just managed to farm enough Exalts for my Soul taker though so going to experiment with another build.
Thanks for the great guide will be playing this again next league! Btw all got a load of gear for sale on Domination including the Alpha's Howl with the very hard colour combination and 6L Chest. Feel free to take a look http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/712129 IGN: Brookzyranger
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" Just wondering if you copied my build and idea or you came up with this on your own? Basically exactly what I am doing with my build :) Nice gears, lol. Also, get acrobatics and then get phase acro when you can. 20/20 gems also are very helpful. WED, Faster Attacks, LMP, ST, Life Leech in that order from highest priority to lowest. 6L coil should increase your DPS by about 30% I believe. I am currently level 86 and have 6k ST DPS without haste. I am missing ele dmg on one ring so that is the basic difference in DPS. I also have taken acrobatics and once I take inner force I will make my way to phase acro. The ability to block spells and dodge them is going to be very nice. I am toying around with the idea of taking ondar's guile and just running grace all the time, but that is for higher levels. |
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" I'm using Mathil's tree besides Acrobatics. Coil is because I refuse to run an evasion-based build without coil. Saffell's is because my last character was using a regular shield and instaripped to Storm Herald, so I wanted higher maximum resists. I got the immortal call idea from one of your posts, then ended up mirroring Jforce's immortal call cwdt setup on his ROA ranger. I will not be going Acrobatics. The points are simply not there. |
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can u explain me why u are going for acrobatics and you arent going for iron reflex?
With 9 points from Finesse you will easy take iron reflex witch gives you more physic def then evades and dodge stats, with 0 armor u will die in 1 attack, if is not evaded. so my rly question, is better to go Acrobatics or Iron Reflex for end game ? And why? PS: I Wont to do all the maps, non to skip 50% because have an hard physical damage. PSS: Sorry for my english. Trying to fix it xD Thx. |
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" Because, contrary to popular believe, armor is not everything and best answer to any situation /build. Did you know that higher the damage you receive (like from the boss) armor is less and less effective (but really, like zero)? This build has block, evasion and dodge, plus partial invulnerability from CoDT +immortal call. And this is not melee build. Mobs are mostly far from you and you are very mobile (whirling blades ftw) so you don't get hit that often if you know what you're doing. IGN STD Ajax_Deadeye| Nathaniel_Corwin| Itane_Shira| Tetra_Mayani| Arkanis_Gath
[Build] TK's CoC Crit Shadow aka THE WELDER /view-thread/787487 [Shop] TK's Adventurers Pawnshop /view-thread/570071 |
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Hi all,
For those interested i'm selling a RRRGG chest, quite nice for this build. thread /766309 IGN: SjeveN
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" sounds so random... i'll test iron reflex (i still think iron reflex is the best way for mitigate damage taken). If isnt i'll regret 5 points and take back acrobatics. |
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" No, you don't. Sure, you may lose 2k hp in one hit, but this is why we (are trying to) build large life pools. I currently have 4500 HP and never get hit for more than 40% of my pool, so I can even take 2 physical hits in a row, which never happens. Life Leech takes 2 seconds to refill your pool, no problem there. My opinion on some other stuff commented here / which I tried: 1. Ondar's Guile is amazing. Sure eats a lot of points, but I simply love not having to worry about chaos snakes, evil fireballs or phys titty-bitches. I probably won't be getting phase Acrobatics though, as this seems overkill for a SC character. For HC, yeah I definitely would go there. 2. CWDT setups to reduce physical dmg. I tried several (if not all) combinations mentioned around the forums, with or without molten shell, different levels etc. My conclusion is: don't bother. You get maybe 10% physical damage mitigation, which isn't worth the slots or the armor gear needed for this IMO. Others may feel differently, just try for yourself. I didn't notice a significant dmg reduction. Only good thing is that you know/can't miss getting hit, because you get that "level up" visual effect every time something hits you :D Last edited by therealjcool#2040 on Jan 21, 2014, 3:05:00 AM
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