Content Update 1.0.3 Video Preview

Excellent looking patch GGG. Loving the way Barrage is looking, and the micro transactions are going to make me open up my wallet again. Damn you!!! lol
Looks like there's new art for flasks in the video too.
*Now with added Kiwi*
(His name is Colin)
finally some new art for uniques. keep working on new 3D models!
With this Patch, i think i have to get 175 Years old, to try every interesting Build :)

GGG...just love ya!
Casuals have eaten my Hobby
Again, do these changes affect desecrated ground? i haz to know man!
State of Beyond Mechanic:

State of Blight Mechanic:

State of Harbinger Mechanic:
Raghin wrote:
Again, do these changes affect desecrated ground? i haz to know man!

Not 100% sure about this but they probably don't, you don't cast desecrated ground, item does so it probably behaves like reflected damage on spike shields, no way to increase it.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Seeing that new shield art, I have to ask: MTX effects for shields and for tempest shield ...... PLEASE ?
"The templar is the perfect choice of an honorable man, a true gentleman.
He is a man of god. His words are true and pure.
Finally, he wears no pants because he has no shame to hide."
Aerthas, 2014
4 clusters, niiice :D Noticed one below unnatural calm, hope it is chaos related, not dmg over time.
Nice, looks like everyones interpretation of the word barrage, coupled with the fact that it worked with both bows and wands, was fairly accurate.

Just a word comparing this skill to Strafe, off of D2 fame.

(-)Strafe: Fires multiple arrows, the first of which targets the selected enemy, then will auto-target as many enemies up to the amount of arrows the skill fires.
(-)Barrage: Fires multiple arrows in a cone in the general direction of the selected enemy.

Both of these have benefits, the first helps out lazy or low skilled gamers, by doing the targeting for them. The second allows more skilled gamers to choose a priority target to take down quickly.
Both also seem to have the drawback of being stuck in one spot until the entire salvo of arrows is launched.

Strafe also used to increase the max number of arrows fired, as it levelled up.
I'm guessing barrage will do the same, but whether it will be optimal to max it out for the increased damage, or find a "sweet spot" where mobility and damage are both acceptable, will be the better course.

Loving the increased amount of diversity on the passive tree, lots of seperate build types emerging since launch that were either not possible, or not viable in beta.

The artwork all looks amazing! hats off to that employee.

Will there be a free respec?

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