New Righteous Fire Builds -_-
" the best pvper where on D2 on euro-pvp league, so i asume my expirence is pretty high. its in TvT like in D2 09, 1 bow ama suportet by baba BO + Auradin + nec curser...done... now it would be 1 rf and 2 supporters in 3 vs 3 i duelled hountworld now several times and also dont know a way to get him down :/ well i keep on (theory)crafting -~Shop for the price awarded player~- view-thread/375747 Last edited by trashs1#3679 on Dec 12, 2013, 1:52:59 AM
the best pvper where on D2 on euro-pvp league, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IGN: MullaXul
swap to gear that provides ignite immunity?
studying for GGG's C++ technical exam...
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RF is not "ignite" status.
Its a burn status and isn't effected by fire penetration support. It does apparently benefit from weapon swapped buffs such as searing touch if casted then swapped back to main hand though. So the answer to RF is to A. stack resistence high B. + max resistence C. have alot of regeneration and D. stay out of range of it, it'll likely be used with concentrated effect thus limiting its range a bit but not all. Ruby burn flasks work enough to beat it if you have them onhand prior to the matchmaking. I've triple cursed a few RF players and it wasn't the answer. Flammability,elemental weakness,vulnerability just to see how it would work...didn't do much.
IGN: MullaXul
I thought about that RF Builds. I think I can stand infront of them (meele) and kill them without taking much dmg.
Want to test this if interested: IGN: Masshynosis |
" Good luck man. I think you may have a chance to kill them if you can crit one shot. Otherwise good god... max speed lightning warp, multistrike flicker, and max block is fucking ridiculous. That right there, takes puncture and bear trap out as counters. Extremely high burst damage is needed. EK crit mines are the only thing I've seen that works relatively good so far. That's talking about SteKrz's I_am_ready_to_die's rf build. IGN: _Firebitch Last edited by Firebrand76#1731 on Dec 13, 2013, 8:53:34 AM
I don't have max block :P
" Haha ok... good to know. 74%? :p IGN: _Firebitch Last edited by Firebrand76#1731 on Dec 13, 2013, 10:32:52 AM
" Mhm? No puncture, no bear trap. But how about 90% fire resist with flask 100%? 2x Fire flask = total immun for like 15 seconds. And I mean 90% resist, I have a bit more then 360 fire resist, so EE + Dual Curse wont be able to drop me below 90%. |