[1.2.4] 11 Aura Low Life Support Culler - Steroids Edition Revamp
I'm now running all 14 auras. :-)
Here is a preview of Section 5 = 5 The Science of Aura Snapshotting = The ultimate aura question: How the heck do you run so many auras off one character? Obviously we need to split our casting cost amongst life + mana. Naively this entails using: * Reduced Mana gem * Blood Magic support gem * Alpha's Howl helm With this you can run 10 auras, and still have enough mana to cast your totems/curses. However that Blood Magic gem has a pesky whopping 196% mana multiplier at level 20! If only there was a way to keep the advantage of Blood Magic and remove the mana cost penality. That would let us get up all 14 auras with a level 19 Reduce Mana gem! Believe it or not, there is one item we can utilize: * Chest: The Covenant (Spidersilk Robe) We don't care about number of sockets or quality so don't pay more then ~3 chaos for it. There is only 1 affix we need: * Blood Magic Now there is actually an bit of science to the order of the auras we cast. Naively you won't be able to "fit" all your auras on. What we want to do is to run 3 * 13% auras + 2 * 10% + 2 * 20% = 99% off life and rest of mana. Here is a step-by-step guide. Don't let the number of steps overwhelm you. It only appears complicated but is really quite easy once you understand what is going and try it a few times. Preparation: 0. Make sure your Boots, Chest, Glove, Helm, Shield, Weapon all have at least 1 red socket. Blood Magic Steps: 1a. Unequip Helm 1b. Unequip Boots 1c. Unequip Gloves Note: This will make it easier to 'find' your auras that you want to run off health. 2. Equip helm: Alpha's Howl 3. Equip chest: The Covenant Shield Instructions: 4a. Temporarily remove red gem 4b. Temporarily insert Reduce Mana 4c. Assign and Cast first 60% aura (such as Anger); cost 10% life 4d. Assign and Cast second 60% aura (such as Haste): cost 10% life 4e. Remove Reduce Mana gem 4f. Insert your original 60% gem (such as Determination) cost: 13% life 4g. Assign and Cast Weapon Instructions: 5a. Temporarily remove red curse gem (e.g. Warlord's Mark) 5b. Temporariliy insert Reduce Mana 5c. Assign & Cast first 40% aura (such as Purity of Ice); cost: 13% life 5d. Assign & Cast second 40% aura such as Purity of Lightning); cost: 13% life 5e. Remove Reduce Mana gem 5f. Insert original red curse gem Gloves Instructions: 6. Equip your gloves 7a. Temporariliy remove red gem such as 40% Vitality 7b. Temporariliy insert Reduce Mana 7c. Assign & Cast your first 60% Aura such as Wraith; cost: 20% life 7d. Assign & Cast your second 60% Aura such as Grace; cost 20% life Mana Instructions: 8. Unequip chest armor The Covenant 9. Equip original chest armor 10a. Assign & Cast your 40% aura (such as Vitality); cost 13% mana 10b. Remove Reduce Mana from gloves 10c. Insert 40% red gem (such as Purity of Fire) 10d. Assign & Cast your 40% aura; cost 19% mana Boot Instructions: 11. Equip boots 12a. Temporarily remove red gem 12b. Temporarily insert Reduce Mana 12c. Assign & Cast your 60% aura; cost 20% mana 12d. Assign & Cast your 60% aura; cost 20% mana 12e. Remove Reduce Mana Gem 12f. --open red socket-- of your choice Helm Instructions: 13. Unequip helm: Alpha Howl 14. Equip helm: Leer Cast 15a. Insert Reduce Mana gem 15b. Assign & Cast 40% aura (such as Purity of Elements); cost 13% mana 15c. Assign & Cast Clarity Whew! |
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Now that I'm able to run all 15 auras (Rejuv Totem is the 15th), I've tweaked my skill tree at Level 84. I will keep you guys posted how IR works out:
With all 14 auras on ... Before IR: . Armor: 722 . Physical DR: 6% . Evasion Rating: 7762 . Chance to Evade: 41% After IR: . Armor: 22996 . Physical DR: 69% . Chance to Evade: 5%
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgAACGcMfQ48EH8RUBGWFHEVIBcvGDwZhhmKGekabBqPHNwdFB2qJIsksCj6KaUqEypNLKcs6S9vO-E8jkKjQ2NGcU3YTipV1lYtV8lY9VnzWitbr1yKZOdmnmdYbRlvnnC7cU1yqXYIfLt_xoCkgW-Cx4MJhtGLeox2j0aTJ5M6ms-btZ2uncSePKKjo_KnCKcrrEesf6yqtAy3MbiTu9a9J8AawcXB88M6w23GnspK2RPdDeGI4vfkreoY6rrrLOvu7Bjz3fba9zL46_no-tL7CQ== Preview of Level 100 Scion, IR, Dual Curse, (smaller Aura Radius):
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgABCGcMfQ48DlwQdBB_EVARlhRxFLAVIBcvGDwZhhmKGekabBqPHNwdFB2qJIsksCj6KaUqEypNLKcs6S9vOVI6MDvhPI5Co0NjRX5GcU3YTipObVXGVdZWLVfJWAdY9VnzWitbr1yKZOdmnmdYbRlvnnC7cU1yqXYIfLt_xoCkgW-Cx4MJhtGLeox2j0aTJ5M6ms-boZu1na6dxJ48oqOj8qcIpyusR6x_rJisqrQMtzG4k7vWvDe9J8AawcXB88M6w23GnspKz2XQ0NkT3Q3hiOL35K3qGOq66yzr7uwY8Xbz3fba9zL31_jr-ej60vsJ If you don't want to go the IR route, then this is another good build: Level 97 Scion, Dual Curse, stronger Totems, almost max Aura Radius, max Chaos Resist, Holy Strength (extra self buffs)
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgABCGcMfQ48DlwQdBB_EVARlhRxFLAWbxcvGDwZihnpGmwajxzcHRQdqiSLJLAnCyj6KhMspy9vNuk5UjowO-E8jkKjQ2NFfkZxSsRN2E5tVcZV1lYtV8lYB1j1WfNaK1yKZOdmnmdYbRlvnnC7cU1yqXYIeGl8u3_GgKSBb4LHgwmG0Yt6jHaPRpMnkzqaz5uhm7Wdrp3Enjyio6PypwinK6x_rJisqrQMtzG4k7vWvDe9J8AawcXB88M6w23GnspKz2XQ0NkT4Yji9-Nq5K3qGOq66-7sGPF28932rvba9zL31_jr-ej60vsJ_kk= Last edited by Michaelangel007#1783 on Apr 24, 2014, 11:51:35 AM
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Seems the guide is progressing at a fast pace, you are doing a great job! I'll coment on some things that confuse me a bit.
1. A macro for snapshotting is ok? A friend of mine who went full build auras comented that this turned out ilegal due to performing more than 1 action per key press, and he coudn't do it anymore. Do you have any confirmation of GGG about it? I know similar things are allowed, something very close to them aren't. As you can imagine, I won't use anything that could get me banned. I would really, reaaaaaaaaaaly like to hear we can. 2. Where the 13,10,20% mana reserved come from? It must some calculations like those, but I think it will be better if every cost is developed with a spoiler, because I don't know how it works. 60*0.71 (lvl 20 reduced mana) * (0.54 (pasives) +0.25 (prism))= 12,354 3. About thoughness How many ES are we expected to get? Why is IR so good? Armour and Evasion should be equivalent in terms of mitigation (let the chance of being one or two shotted out of the equation for now). I went for the hybrid es/ev nullification and void barrier instead of IR. I can't share my experience because I'm still getting currency for a shav. 4. The Flame totem vs incinerate+spell totem. There are 4 go-to if we are playing standard: Greater Multiple Projectiles, Faster projectiles, IIQ, IIR. So we are left with 2. I'll try to help you with the guide once I have the numbers 100% revised, but they are something around the values below. I must check if your tree is the same, this is with mine. Incinerate+spell totem 0.1582 cast time, 45s totem duration, 40% projectile speed Flame totem+?? 0.1265 cast time 20s totem duration, ~20% increased totem hp + a free gem slot (probably faster casting)+ around triple mana cost. We must decide between duration+projectile speed+ lower mana cost vs hp+faster casting. Projectile speed seems to be the clear winner, but totem "vision" range might be lower than the incinierate range (I can't test it because I don't have a 6L yet...) Also, for the looks of the skill, flame totem seems wider than incinerate. Looking forward to next update :) Culler-support build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230 Dedicated support build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1702757 Last edited by dulahan200#1974 on Apr 27, 2014, 9:40:58 AM
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Hello, i'm level 68 and i wish to use this build but your Witch three (page 31) is planeed for level 100, while i planned to reach level 82. What should i remove from that 120 points to reach level 82 points (102 points i think)?
I've allocated most of the ES nodes for the moment, anyway i have no idea where to cut that 18 passive points; here's my actual three at lvl 68. (allocated following your 100 build)
Thanks |
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Real Life (TM) has delayed the guide slightly as a friend of mine was sick. Also been trying to get some information from GGG about aura snapshotting, and tidying up some of the bits here and there.
" I've had some time to think about this you bring up a really good point. I was thinking from the local perspective but you are thinking from the global perspective; From the local perspective it takes about 40 seconds to manually cast all 13 auras; With a hotkey about 15 seconds. All we are doing is casting one aura one after another, sequentially, removing the tediousness. It is not breaking the game since aura snapshotting already breaks the game! However I believe that you are closer to the Spirit of what GGG wants. They don't want any one macro doing multiple actions. As a game programmer and designer I can understand that perspective. But from a gamer and UI perspective I hate doing the same tedious stuff over and over again -- heck, that is why we invented computers in the first place. I'm going to keep trying to get to the bottom of this, and hopefully get an official response from GGG about two things: a) What is the intended max auras we can run? b) Is a macro to hotkey to cast auras one after another acceptable? Until then, I'll don't feel comfortable posting the guide (yet) as this determines the title of the new thread. ;-) This gives me some more time to polish, polish, polish. Looking at all the other excellent feedback now ... |
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" At level 85 I had 15 points left, so targeting level 82 means you have 17 points left. (103 used) I would recommend this build: You have lots of ES which is good. You also need these keystones/nodes: * Arcane Vision * Charisma * nodes leading up to Leadership * Inner Force * Sovereignty * reduce Mana reservation (there is one WAY south of the Marauder relatively close to "Blood Magic") Hope this helps Last edited by Michaelangel007#1783 on May 1, 2014, 10:31:54 PM
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Will this work with one of the newer +12 all res implicit Prism Guardians?
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" The answer arrived sooner than expected " Culler-support build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230 Dedicated support build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1702757 Last edited by dulahan200#1974 on May 2, 2014, 5:16:24 AM
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" Thanks, this helped really much and i'm going to respec all my points soon. Amazing build, congratulations! |
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So, this build is one I'm also following, like many others, and kudos on the science part of aura snapshotting, but I heard that, come next patch, the aura snapshotting will be fixed.
Am I to assume that you'll include this in your future updates of this guide? |
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