[1.2.4] 11 Aura Low Life Support Culler - Steroids Edition Revamp

can anyone tell me if a 20Q spark is a acceptable in replacement of incinerate?
Flapdrol wrote:
Gully wrote:
did anyone manage to get a good setup to even give charges to your party ? i could give up some default auras like hatred, vitality or haste.

i already tried to use a good wand with as much accuracy as possible and frenzy, powercharge on crit, lmp, chain and culling strike, but didnt manage the created mana problems.

Tried it too:
- if you use a wand, you must sacrifice either Heartbreaker or Prism Guardian. Neither works very well for me, with no Heartbreaker you must use Culling Strike in your totem setup, with no Prism Guardian you lose serious auras and 50 ele res.
- if you keep Heartbreaker, you must melee, and that is unwise with this build. Melee tends to receive a lot of physical damage, and with 0 armor that is no fun.
- if you use low-level frenzy in Heartbreaker, it is cheap enough to generate frenzy charges, but unfortunately your accuracy is low, so you will miss often.
- if you attach a PCoC to Frenzy in Heartbreaker, you will have 7% for a crit on your Heartbreaker and with a 20/20 PCoC about 70% to generate a crit, so you will generate a power charge every 20 attacks. Attaching a 20/20 ICS as well may get this to once every 7 attacks. Still not good enough, as your attack speed is low. And with all the uniques, your gear has little room for other crit modifiers *and* MF.
- you can use Enduring Cry for Endurance Charges, either by itself, or by linking a level 1 EC to a level 1 CWDT, so it autocasts everytime you get hit. Both work, but not very well.

So I gave up on the whole Conduit idea. Just like Leer Cast, it sounds good until you try it.

If generating power charges is your thing, you can do so using Ice Spear on your extra 4 link.

Ice Spear -> Gmp -> Faster Cast -> (Reduced Mana | Increased Crit) (depends on mana cost haven't tried it)
Flapdrol wrote:
Gully wrote:
did anyone manage to get a good setup to even give charges to your party ? i could give up some default auras like hatred, vitality or haste.

i already tried to use a good wand with as much accuracy as possible and frenzy, powercharge on crit, lmp, chain and culling strike, but didnt manage the created mana problems.

Tried it too:
- if you use a wand, you must sacrifice either Heartbreaker or Prism Guardian. Neither works very well for me, with no Heartbreaker you must use Culling Strike in your totem setup, with no Prism Guardian you lose serious auras and 50 ele res.
- if you keep Heartbreaker, you must melee, and that is unwise with this build. Melee tends to receive a lot of physical damage, and with 0 armor that is no fun.
- if you use low-level frenzy in Heartbreaker, it is cheap enough to generate frenzy charges, but unfortunately your accuracy is low, so you will miss often.
- if you attach a PCoC to Frenzy in Heartbreaker, you will have 7% for a crit on your Heartbreaker and with a 20/20 PCoC about 70% to generate a crit, so you will generate a power charge every 20 attacks. Attaching a 20/20 ICS as well may get this to once every 7 attacks. Still not good enough, as your attack speed is low. And with all the uniques, your gear has little room for other crit modifiers *and* MF.
- you can use Enduring Cry for Endurance Charges, either by itself, or by linking a level 1 EC to a level 1 CWDT, so it autocasts everytime you get hit. Both work, but not very well.

So I gave up on the whole Conduit idea. Just like Leer Cast, it sounds good until you try it.

i tried to give up the heartbreaker, got a wand with good accuracy and even more on my mf jewellery whiche allowed me to get ~92%hit. the problem is more that its pretty hard to get that much green sockets on the shavs and overcome the mana problems while holding the mf thing up like you said.

in the best case scenario i would use frenzy - pcoc - lmp - chain - iir - iiq and leave the accuracy gem out.

i was just curious if its possible. i mean the max buffed auras are amazing, but the default stuff like hatred for phys builds or wrath/anger for ele builds are used by the fitting builds anyways. i figured that atleast 3 frenzy and 3 power charges would be an amazing boost, but sadly its quite hard to make it work.
ign: misseslumen
Feedback on my version plz;


I went with 4 more totem points and 8 points to get all the chaos resist available from the passive tree.

I feel 10 points for dual curse is a "waste" this late in the game, and I'm hoping we don't really NEED the two mana points :)

Meisen wrote:
Feedback on my version plz;

I went with 4 more totem points and 8 points to get all the chaos resist available from the passive tree.

I feel 10 points for dual curse is a "waste" this late in the game, and I'm hoping we don't really NEED the two mana points :)


What 4 totem points did you take?

I have mixed opinions on the chaos resist nodes. Let me explain ...

The chaos resist nodes are extremely valuable until you get a Shavronne's at which point you can refund them for more ES. I'm currently using an Infernal Mantle for ES since you can buy one cheap for 1-3 chaos in standard, (You want high 220+% ES; you don't care about 10% spell damage, that is just gravy. It is easy to 4 socket and 4L it with Flame Totem for some nice dps so you aren't squishy. With ~3.5K ES (with Discipline) that is the right amount to run Piety runs with. (Note: Yes, you CAN run Catacombs with a Tabula Rasa, but not Piety.)

I was using the Windscream boots for an additional curse. I've since switched to Wondertrap and really miss having the 2nd curse. The 2nd curse IMHO is very, very, nice. I am 1 pt away from "Hex Master" before taking the last few points at "Whispers of Doom". Do you "need" a second curse? No, however try out the Windscream boots and see how well (or bad) it matches your play style. I think you'll find it a welcome addition to an already super strong support character.

I'm making lots of new friends with this build ! The melee guys say it doubles their DPS (!) _and_ they all love having 80 res all.

Edit.1 Added note about 220+% ES and 10% spell damage
Last edited by Michaelangel007#1783 on Feb 16, 2014, 11:56:48 AM
Hi Pls, I've completed the 10th revision to the "Tips for Leveling". Could you please update that section to your guide. ;-0 Many thanks!

I went with the one point "Totem Attack and Cast Speed", that's the one next to Inner Force. The other three are from the far left bottom cluster; "Totem Attack, Cast and Placement Speed", "Totem Placement Speed" and "Ironwood".

I actually do have an Shavronne's wrappings :) Dropped in catacombs and almost gave me a heart attack :D

I "Can't" switch out my boots, cause that will loose me 100% rarity. I'm using the Wondertap boots.

So, your position is that spending 8 points for chaos resist nodes is a "waste" since i have the "immunity" from Shavronne's? Even for high lvl maps? I'm currently at about 4.5k es, and 808 life. 8 life after auras :)

On an unrelated note; Soloing is a pain. When i solo i use clarity instead of wrath, and when i party i don't run clarity at all. I figured it'd be a waste to reserve the little mana i have left for such a small manaregen gain (it'd be lvl 1, 2 or 3. Currently I don't have enough mana to run it at all since all my reduced mana gems are 19 (except one, but i need that with my lvl 20 blood magic to be able to run wrath on life)).
Also, after i q20'ed my incinerate i started to lvl it again for dps (thinking about the soloing), so I figure i can survive without clarity. EDIT; my wording here is terrible. I'm mixing info about soloing and partying, but hopefully you get the gist :D

Anyway, to my question; My incinerate is currently around 220 dps, soloing catacombs is ok. I tried switching out gmp and incinerate with faster casting and ek (Shawronne's is currently 5-link), and that quadrupled my screen dps, but reduced my clear speed by quite a lot.

Would flame totem do a better job maybe?
Last edited by Meisen#2117 on Feb 16, 2014, 2:05:50 PM
Meisen wrote:

So, your position is that spending 8 points for chaos resist nodes is a "waste" since i have the "immunity" from Shavronne's? Even for high lvl maps? I'm currently at about 4.5k es, and 808 life. 8 life after auras :)

I dont think that Shavs provides chaos damage immunity or am i wrong ? I mean, its not that harmful anymore since your es pool should be pretty huge, but an immunity is another thing :p
ign: misseslumen
Gully wrote:
Meisen wrote:

So, your position is that spending 8 points for chaos resist nodes is a "waste" since i have the "immunity" from Shavronne's? Even for high lvl maps? I'm currently at about 4.5k es, and 808 life. 8 life after auras :)

I dont think that Shavs provides chaos damage immunity or am i wrong ? I mean, its not that harmful anymore since your es pool should be pretty huge, but an immunity is another thing :p

You are indeed correct. That's why i used the "" :)
Is there any other reliable skill to use for culling than incinerate? my mates whine because they cant see mobs in the incinerate:D

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