Oro's Righteous Fire Marauder [1.2.0]

I personally went with an Endurance charge extra since I don't use Blood Dance either. Guess a skill point could have worked too. I don't really think I need the extra Endurance since everything is melting so fast, but for some boss fights it may be good.
mkherro wrote:
For the bandit quest if you change out blood dance to something else would you still take Merciless - Help Kraityn - +1 Max Frenzy Charge, if not what.

thanks, mkherro

Without blood dance, you're not getting any frenzy charges so it's pointless to help Kraityn.

...Power Charges are useless, so End Charge is the way to go.

-Though personally, I'd go stat point...I'm within 1 stat point of an End Charge anyway, and with End Cry on CwDT I don't think i ever get more than 1 charge...everything just dies fast.(Even bosses)
Edited: stupid question.
Last edited by Zaeo#7479 on Jan 10, 2014, 2:54:12 PM
I do not know much English, but I read all 35 pages :) I still have questions:
1. Why do I need Empower inserted into Redbeak?
2. Most confusing :) - when I turn on using Redbeak Purity Of Elements, then turn on RF and switch weapon - in the properties box I see the disappearance of the additional damage inflicted by Redbeak at low life.
The question is - damage from RF caste is determined at the time when switching weapons and remains at that level? Why, then, in the characteristics of the damage reduction occurs when switching weapons?
3.I noticed that the TS has published two slightly different skill tree


A one he takes Growth and Decay and the other Immolation. How to correct?

I'm sorry for my english and thank you in advance for your reply :)
Last edited by ddd_d#0346 on Jan 11, 2014, 5:25:26 PM
1: You do not need Empower. He is just Leveling up one on the character.

2: The 200% damage disappears when you switch weapons, but if you activate RF while getting the 200% bonus, it will stay when you weapon swap. The damage and Life values of RF are calculated when it's activated and don't update if you switch gear/weapon swap when it's already on.

3: Not sure what the "TC" is, but you want Growth and Decay to be able to regen life while RF is active. Getting Immolation is a damage boost, but should only be gotten once you have all the necessary %life regen.
Thank you very much for your answer!
My Marauder
Now normal farm at the docks, but Dominus kill with difficulty. I think to stay until their rings and replace them with a ring with a maximum of life.
Does it still need to gain strength on the rings? Fire damage? Regeneration of life?

Str gives life, so the more the better. If I had Andvarius, I'd use those over my rings though...MF is great.

%Fire damage is always good, but I clear lvl 70 maps just fine without it.

My Gear

-Auras are in a pair of boots I use to farm...cause they have rarity and high Move Speed.
-I lose a lot of damage with 3L RF, but I don't really need the damage, even in Curse immune maps. I have like 18k DPS and have 6,500 Life.

Passive Tree(Level 80)

-Decided to go into Duelist for the extra 1% regen and the +2 weapon range for my Cyclone.
Last edited by Epsilon2012#3283 on Jan 11, 2014, 5:48:25 PM
Thanks again for your reply!
have 4700 life/capped resists/6k armor/3 auras. 13 iiq/224 iir.
my gear

in nor mf setup i have 6400 hp. other stats same. can do vulnerability/ele weakness maps.
EDIT: Question answered
Last edited by dfolucinda#1360 on Jan 12, 2014, 7:58:33 PM

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