Oro's Righteous Fire Marauder [1.2.0]
I don't get this, why try and brute force health regen when you can get aura nodes and increase fire resists. Using a +3 fire secptre you can get 10% fire resist from purity of fire. That makes you able to reach 97% fire resists and able to run Determination, Grace, Purity of Ice, Purity of Lightning, Vitality, Purity of Fire.
I have only 226% Health on tree but every single aura node, inner force, 60% burn and 5.4% health regen With vitality I have 8% health regen, which beats my 2.7% health burn by roughly the same amount yours does. We both regen the same net amount, but I'm only at 4k hp at level 76. The benefits of auras are so powerful, I think having all auras as the better option. Using an alphas howl + level 2 empower + lvl 20 purity of ice and lightning you can get 88 to 89% ice and lightning max resist. Get corrupted 21 auras and you can put all three purities in alpha howl and free up your mainhand.Each purity provides over 80% resistance, which makes gearing so freaking easy. I think the gearing is even easier this way, much less need for resist gear when you have 84% all resists from auras. I can use DD on cwdt with my 95% (97% when i get my gem to lvl 20) max fire resist I take barely any reflect damage. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgAA2E2UoNpiaHT56ILHQYco-rc-6-5Xyf4KuJN6qjyOiPGnCAx9muDqujWSna6PRhB_RZ20DLXyGmwSadDQxp6TJ0ZxqW4ZhfPdFxzPZRzc3FfhiIMJeA0kqnF5VcZ_xh6UHapvngthWK826RZvJ6kRlqw_ykp5aDbo42r60lptcLvDOsEEOlIXLyQ82RObtV8_Djxk54bRp1wvbxmK45-iD0KjVdYksElR-wknLy7_dgiApPba7w5QUBqPvJ9YY6SsxtjyL6gYDkidqmKs1p32SIzPPfw= Wondering what you think Last edited by Dilah#7181 on Aug 7, 2014, 8:40:46 PM
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" Because you have more life, more life regeneration, and more damage in the usual fashion. You achieve fire resistance equal to 75% (base) + 4% (tree) + 8% (shield) + 5% * (1 + 1.02) = 97%. Your regeneration is 5.4% (tree) + 1.70% * (1 + 1.02) (aura) = 8.834%, assuming level 21 Vitality from the +1 to gems affix on the sceptre. You burn for (90% * 1.28) * (100% - 0.97%) = 3.456% of your life. Thus, you have 8.834% - 3.456% = 5.378% net regeneration. However, your skill tree only achieves 226% increased maximum life. A more conventional skill tree comes up with some different traits: 308% increased maximum life, 12.212% life regeneration (with level 20 Vitality), and 92% maximum fire resistance, which means a character like this burns for 7.2% maximum life per second, leaving 5.012% regeneration. Assuming you aren't wearing Belly of the Beast, this means the latter build achieves (1 + 3.08) / (1 + 2.26) = 1.252 times more life than yours, or about 25% more. For comparison, if your build achieves 4500 life, the more typical build will achieve 5632. If your build achieves 6000, the more common build will achieve 7509, and so on. Assuming 4500 and 5632 life, the net regeneration values will be 242 and 282, respectively. Note that this difference will be more dramatic with higher regeneration values, as is easily obtainable with The Blood Dance boots. It isn't just defensive limitations, either - remember that Righteous Fire deals damage based on life. Not only is the aura-based build's base damage lower, but its modifier is lower as well; you have a net 60% increased damage from the tree. The typical RF tree that I've cited has 116% and Elemental Equilibrium. Probably more importantly, this build does not require a sceptre with +3 to fire gems - leaving it free to use Doryani's Catalyst, granting it up to +110% additional increased damage. This disparity is especially important because the Concentrated Effect gem provides 69% more damage at level 20 - thus, increased damage modifiers are effectively made larger, and differences are magnified. Assuming you have no other increased damage modifiers from your other slots, your build achieves (60% + 59%) * 1.69 = 201% increased burning damage. The more common build achieves (116% + 110% + 59%) * 1.69 = 482% increased burning damage (not including EE). Thus, the damage difference is something like 1.252 * (482/201) = 3.002 times your build. In summary, Oro's style build surpasses your aura build by about 25% of the life, 17%+ life regeneration, and deals about triple the damage yours does (before EE). That's why people don't use aura builds for RF. |
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First of all thanx alot for this amazing build
i had a Marauder that was setting at level 68 for too long and had full respc so i did and got him this gear and some of it was already there. any way here is my skill tree
And here is my gear.
I do understand that i need better potions and i will get them. I had a Templar of mine rise that Vitality and POF and RF but still my survivability isn't that good to the point that i died after the switch at least 6 times already. should i forget about it for now and make the Templar raise these gems even higher? again thanx for every one for sharing what looks like an amazing build. PS: i don't use snapshot only because it will be removed next update so i thought might as will do without it. |
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I've been running this build for a few days now. Up to level 75 so far, and am loving it. Here's the gear I'm using so far:
and for snapshotting righteous fire (until 1.2) Currently, my weapon is garbage, but it's just for +2 fire gem levels until my purity of fire hits rank 20 (important, as level 20 purity bumps it another 2% max fire resist). The upgrade I'm aiming for before patch 1.2 is Doryani's Catalyst, in preparation of the snapshot nerf. 5 or 6 linking my chest would also be great, as then I could add on item rarity and/or item quanity. I have a few questions though I'm not sure about. Does the burn damage from righteous fire work with a life leech gem? Does it work with the 1% elemental leech from Doryani's Catalyst? Last edited by Sinzar#4204 on Aug 12, 2014, 10:15:08 PM
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" Leech only functions with actions that score hits. Righteous Fire does not score hits, so no source of leech works with it. |
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So do you think this build will still be viable after the masters patch, fixes snap shotting?
I did some math here and this is what I came up with. Total % Increase to DPS BreakDown. Gear/Gems 237% Tree 125% Total %dmg increase Before Snap Fix: 462% Total %dmg Increase After Snap Fix: 362% ( This indicates the loss of 100% from either a doryani or redbeak) Base Damage : 3243.5 (based on health and shielding) % inc of base damage before nerf: 14984.97 % inc of base damage after nerf: 11741.47 Total DPS Before Snap Fix: 18228.47 DPS Total DPS After Snap Fix =15000 DPS Total DPS Loss: 3228.47. Ouch! I already sold my Kaom's Heart off as I have a feeling the values of those will plummet after the fix even with DD builds. I went back to my 5l Carcass jack. It cost me 1600 health and a lot of dps but overall I felt like the 12% on carcass as well as the 20% AOE radius increase was worth it. Worst case scenario is I buy a new one for about 15ex. I am curious whether I should start prepping a new toon now or do you think this build will still work, I have heard no mention of them Buffing RF at all...has anyone else? |
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" I expect to retool my RF marauder to include Flame Surge. I happen to have a 6L Carcass Jack, so I will probably rework the character to have less emphasis on RF so that I can include casting. Last edited by SilkTopHat#6680 on Aug 13, 2014, 1:00:22 PM
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So they killed us on 1.2 LoL!
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" They sure didn't! It may be a bit harder, but RF definitely still lives. Working on the new tree right now and so far it looks a little something like this: ![]() Of course, this is all based off an incomplete tree so everything is subject to change. I will update the main thread when the official tree is released. Last edited by Oroboro#4729 on Aug 14, 2014, 12:36:46 AM
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Based on that tree RF is dead.
Before to counter RF you had to go over max fire resist so you get +4 from the tree. Now....You only get +1. So yah BASED on that tree it's no longer tanky considering you have to go melee range. |
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