Oro's Righteous Fire Marauder [1.2.0]
" Yep and I've had 0 problems. My gear isn't amazing but there's not much I can do about that. I can do ele weakness maps with ease though. I changed to Doranyi's because of the snapshot fix coming soon. If you need the extra resists, use Aurumvorax. |
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Of course we know why you switched to Doryani's, no need to spell it out :)
I'm just saying, you didn't switch any of your other gear to make up for the loss in resists. Compared to your original character you are way short of where you were. Basically, you're recommending to everyone here that they play with those resists? I have a 78 map with Elemental weakness mod if you'd like to join me. I'd sure like to see your definition of "with ease" is... :) |
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" Of course not, get the best gear you can, but this is all I have. What do you want me to do? lol |
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To me it's not about better gear. Of course we all play with what we've got and I'm certainly not rich either so I get it. But it's about DIFFERENT gear, no where did I say it has to be more expensive. When a major change occurs, and losing Aurumvorax is a major change to the character, it would make sense to re-think how you're going to get the basic levels of stacked resists so you can do the map mods that are otherwise going to be very difficult.
If you were to start the character over again from scratch without snap shotting in mind, there's no way in hell you'd be wearing that gear you listed. That's my only point. You're not just some dude making a quick band aid fix, you are the guide writer. Seems kind of lazy to me for you to just switch in Doryani's and say you're done. Just my 2 cents, but as of now if someone read your guide for the first time they would think resists aren't important. They would be wrong ! |
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" Removing snapshotting doesn't effect the core build at all. All you NEED to change is to Doryani's. If there are more changes to Righteous Fire in the future I will update the guide, but in my opinion there is nothing to change because nothing has changed. If you have any suggestions I'm all ears though! Also, my guide is not a guide on how the basics of the game work, it is just for how to build for Righteous Fire. |
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Cant wait to start using RF with this build. OMW to it right now! Thanks for the fantastic guide x)
Also, a few things: Why not belly of the beast? 30 something % extra max life which is like 3 - 4 more passive life nodes worth and it has almost the same amount of armor as non legacy kaoms. Also, ditch that bottom 8% increased life node near the +30 max +10% max life node (called discipline and training, it's the 8% life node under the life regeneration node) and exchange it for the one near the aura reservation reducer nodes (it's called Holy Strength). It does the exact same thing as that 8% node you ditch (gives 8% increased life) ALONG with 3% increased effect of buffs AND 20 strength. Basically adding 2 extra decencies unlike that 1 8% node you have on the skill tree. Getting to that node costs no extra passive points either with the way you have the build set up. Lastly, currently using a searing bond combo with every other skill gem setup you have. Cycloning with a Searing Touch + Thief's Torment until I can get ROTP shield with my Supreme Truth (since I can't afford a decent doryani's yet) equipped. Melting mobs with searing bond is a really good alternative until I lvl enough for life regen and can start running RF, as long as that totem stays afloat. SO EXCITED to start melting mobs RF style! *UPDATE* Lvl 49 now with my LGOH gem levelled enough so that I can ditch my thief's torment and put on some resistance/life rings x) This is Major Tom to ground control. Last edited by tomslucky7#6403 on Jul 8, 2014, 6:24:26 AM
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>> it's the 8% life node under the life regeneration node) and exchange it for the one near the aura reservation reducer nodes (it's called Holy Strength).
I haven't tested this, but earlier in the post it was claimed that: "Inner Force and Holy Strength increase the damage Righteous Fire does to YOU, so it's bad news bears." |
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" Ahh, that I did not know. Thanks for the info! Re-updating saved passive skill tree link x) This is Major Tom to ground control.
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" Man, you're the kind of guy that makes people not want to contribute, aren't you? I think it's a hell of a guide written by a guy who did his best. Calling him "lazy" because he only spent several of his hours redoing this (vs several MORE of his hours redoing this) seems pretty crappy. You're welcome to make your own version where you brag about your ability to run level 78 Ele Weakness maps, but Oro has a pretty strong following, and it's mostly because he seems like a decent guy who tries to make the build reasonably cost-effective. I don't begrudge him for not immediately taking time out of his day to revamp his entire setup for me. Just my 2 cents... Last edited by tormid#0497 on Jul 7, 2014, 4:19:25 PM
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I can't be held responsible for people like you who can't read so save it. I've given him credit plenty of times throughout this thread and used his guide in the past to help me build up my first character which was my RF. I surely would have f'd up my first character if not for this guide. I think it's a fantastic guide and I give him all the credit he deserves.
I didn't call him lazy in the sense of his entire guide, again learn to read. I called him lazy for not updating a VERY important part of the character now that people are trying to prepare for a snapshot fix. His resists are about 60% lower than they were before. He can pretend this isn't a problem if he wants, but it is. If it wasn't, he wouldn't have had those resists so high in the first damn place, none of us would. There's a reason we had them before, and in my humble opinion he should do a better job explaining that the same concept that applied before (ie stacking resists) STILL applies now. That is my only point, and it's a valid one. For anyone preparing their character for the upcoming snapshot fix can't simply take off Aurumvorax and put on Doryani's and expect similar results. If you do that, you'll lose 60% of your resists and the number of "trouble" maps will increase. Plain and simple, his resists are too low. Again, I have plenty of lvl 78 maps with ele weakness mod if he wants to show me I'm wrong. Free lvl 78 map runs if he wants. Seems a pretty good offer :) |
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