NPC Shop refresh change

i would like to see changes there more often too

Maybe every 20% of the level and changing more often the higher the difference between the player and - say lvl 50 - is could make this smooth up to lvl 100.
cya Deathtiny
level fast, die young and leave a nice looking corpse!
shadowtwin wrote:

I'm just curious to know what portion of what I said is "not true".

First part:"Or you could just kill some monsters?" suggestion to kill monsters to find valuable items. This must be true, else monsters are not capable of dropping valuable items.

Second part: "I've not yet found anything particularly useful from a vendor anyway" Based on my time playing, I haven't found anything useful at a vendor, but you'll have to take my word for it.

Third part: "i think thats kind of the point; base stuff without great mods to be used only to fill huge holes in your set" my opinion that the entire point of the vendors is to fill holes in your gear set.

Fourth part: "IMO Items of real value should be found not bought." my opinion that items of value should be found not bought.

I can see disagreeing with one of the stated opinions, but which part of this is "not true"?

First part: Thas true that you can kill monsters ,but did you ever asked urself question "what for developers created shops?" ,and answered the question thinking about it longer than 5sec??
I doubt you didit and i will explain in later points.

Second part: You said it in a way that we should turn down the suggestion only because YOU didnt found anything usefull in it. Limiting opinion just to one person is fail ,and its nowhere TRUE statement about the system itself.

Third part: Thats also bad thinking ,return to part one and answer the question one more time.
Here is additional questions if you cant make it good.
1)Did you ever seen 40+ lvl player with gear so sucky to use option called : "filling huge holes in your set" ??
2)If NO ,then why there are NPC shops at higher lvls??
If you asnwer the questions right you will find out that your opinions are nowhere close to the TRUE reason of NPC existance in this game.

Fourth part: NPCs are somekind of finding the item too ,they use random algorithms just like monsters drops. And its much easier to find good jewelery from NPC than actualy a monster.
Your opinion about item of value ,well there are items "with potential" to have high value in NPC if you know how to use them well. From mobs just can drop items that already got high value without any need of remaking them.

So in short :
I've not yet found anything particularly useful from a vendor anyway, and i think thats kind of the point; base stuff without great mods to be used only to fill huge holes in your set

Thats not the point of the NPC existance to find "nothing particulary useful" in it or to "fill huge holes in your set".
Thats not the TRUE reason of the system role in the game.
Its true that you think that way and that you state it ,but it dont describe the truth about system role.
Every 20% of level also gets slowed down when you are around lvl99.

- When you find a new Waypoint.
- When you complete a Dungeon (Opening a Large Chest).
- When you step into a lvl2-Area
- After killing a Act-boss.

There are many ways. I like "complete a dungeon" the most.
herflik wrote:
Its true that you think that way and that you state it...

Which was exactly my point. You can certainly argue that I am wrong, but not that my opinion isn't true. That's the way opinions work.

I'm curious to know, though, to what extent those posting in this thread would like vendor items to help you characters. Would you like it to be that every level you are able to purchase items for every equipment slot that have a favorable number of linked sockets and a couple of mods each? I would argue that the system of armor/weapon upgrades plus orbs would be broken if you were able to easily refresh the vendors to get such items.
"Not everything you see on the internet is true." ~Ernest Hemingway

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