5000 Posts, 5000 Dollars: It is accomplished!

this is my first post, at all
Whose gonna save kiwi ?
Of Course you Charan.
Here take it, you're just need it now :)
5000 dollars? omg you must be rich
i'd say this is another unique post :p
#1 Templar Closed Beta HC Ladder (lvl 83)
Charan wrote:
Lagruell: Key Lord!
Keep the posts coming, people!
Count at sixty-four.


Take care out there.
Congratulations on hitting 5k posts Charan. Hope the Kiwi's survive and thrive. :)
omg, you are still posting here? oO
Seems that you had a great idea, Charan. People are still having fun with this thread, and Kiwis also, I'd guess :)

(second post)
Architekturkritik, die man tatsächlich sieht!

Farin Urlaub
Save ALL the kiwis!!!
I accidentally donated to gogo for dodo's. Oh well, good luck Charan.
What a great reason to make my first post on these forums. If you are planning on donating up to 5k to this foundation, then you should spread posts of this nature to other places as well. There are plenty of people that will support a good cause like this.

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