<AUSSIE> Oceanic Exiles - Australian gateway

Hey y'all is AUSSIE still active looking to join a guild to get back into the game for 3.0

Last edited by Mrwunda#2629 on Aug 3, 2017, 9:57:59 PM
HI Guys,

Got back into POE 2-3 weeks ago from a very long break.

Are you guys still recruiting currently? Looking for a home to chill and help out where I can.

Mature Gamer Based in Sydney.


IGN DarkSisterAerwen
Last edited by Profligate_TREK#7116 on Aug 6, 2017, 5:13:33 AM
Add IGN: Daintrain
IGN : RedStranger


ign : FelixTwoTime

HC league player, from WA

IGN: Decadalf

Huzzah 3.0! Ya'll still recruiting i hope.
IGN - Flodnarg / Grondalf
IGN: Dankable

I'm on your friends list Klintz. I used to be in the guild previously but took a break. I'm back for 3.0, will play for long time.
IGN - yolo_king.
POE player for ages now. Looking for Aussie guild. Please send me invite, would love to join this guild.
IGN - EvilSwampDonkey
- Brisbane based
- D3 player with thousands of hours, and just cracked 300 in POE. Looking to learn the ways of the exile. Loving the game so far.

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