One week of release and 1.0.1 Support Gem teaser

Maybe use less time on content are more time on getting the system stable !!!
Come on GGG, get it together....
Worst gem NA, gaining experience for my gems is never an issue.
Last edited by Tonez#6533 on Oct 31, 2013, 11:04:47 AM
So, extra hance for my gems. I always wanted hancier gems.

LOL, nice job. I too would like some hancy gems.
ckay27 wrote:
Enhance, Empower, now what will the blue be called/do? =D

... extendz?
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Tonez wrote:
Worst gem NA, gaining experience for my gems is never an issue.

.... you don't get it. It doesn't give your gems more experience. That text is for the Enhance gem only. It's likely a 3 level gem which (and you will notice this from the screenshot) requires tons of xp to level.

At level 2 you will see what it does. It does Nothing at level 1. Hence the increase in xp for the enhance gem only (which increases based on quality).
Pacific (GMT -8) Time
Great news! I was wondering if there was something like this
The guy raging about review scores needs to be introduced to the concept of relativity before he makes a final judgment.

PoE gets a 9.5, that's a pretty high score for a game that has so much room for improvement, even on basic stuff like connectivity and sync mechanics, not to mention gameplay improvements like impact of hits on monsters, more content and whatever else.

What did D3 get from the same site? Rager doesn't know, says so himself.
Other games? Rager has no clue, perhaps most good games get 9+ ratings on this site.
It's all relative. Perhaps, for Forbes, a game that's at the top of its class gets a 9.5 rating automatically.

However, the review can stand on its own without a score in the end and when viewed that way, it's a pretty effin' good review from a person that actually played the game and bothered to familiarise himself with game mechanics etc, not a trivial feat in PoE. And PoE is arguably top of its class right now (I say arguably, I believe undoubtedly but opinions are opinions).

Now Eurogamer, that's just a bad journalistic effort. Didn't go through the effort to experience the content, makes stuff up because of that, all the stuff he makes up miss the mark. Anyone who plays through normal, even totally new players, can read the Eurogamer review and realize what a piece of crock it is. And PoE mysteriously gets a low score while its competition got high scores (yeah, even THAT game). Coincidence, right?

As a sidenote, for an experienced player the 55+ endgame is not problematic and the experience doesn't break down (as rager alludes to) like it does in, say, D3. Wacky builds still function in maps, solo play is viable (more so now than ever before), trigger gems make basically any build that has enough defenses setup and a few points spent on improving a specific offensive trait viable. Seriously, get a basic defenses template setup (say, 220% life, some resists depending on how much good gear you already have or the ES equivalents for more experienced people), then spend points on whatever floats your boat until the tree says 90/120 pts used and voila, it's viable. Not perfect perhaps, but viable. And then learn more about the game and go from there.

SpudOfDoom wrote:
I like where this enhance gem is going. Although it does mean GCPs will be even less valuable.

No. The GEM has increased experience, not YOU (from the quality of the gem). What this gem DOES, we do not know yet - you have to level it, just like empower gem.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
bchan wrote:
What skills are those on the hotbar?

Default attack, Anger, Ground Slam.
Phrecia: Oshabi + Antiquarian
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)

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