>>>"The Rolling Thunder" Cyclone+Discharge <<<
![]() Hello everyone, I wanna show you the result of me playing around with the recently added "Cast on Crit" gem combined with Cyclone and discharge. You may think that Cyclone and Discharge dont fit with each other but they synergise very well in this build and you will see why. This build has an insane clearspeed and it also is pretty safe if you get some decent gear. I made this build on domination and therefore I can't provide you GG gear here nor 20/20 gems. To prove that I'm not lying with the insane clearing speed I'm gonna leave this video here, it's me with medium gear clearing merciless ledge! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1O6CtHJR3g Required Gear
Voll's protector is mandatory for this build since it provides us power charges every time! The item's I'm gonna link now are not required for this build they just help you alot. You want a dagger with as much crit chance as possible, 9.37 is NOT the maximum that you can possibly achieve but that's just because there was no better one until that point on this league, afaik the highest you can get on a dagger is 9.97. In addition to high crit you can also look for spell damage on daggers but that's not required since your damage output is already insane. Due to the Buff to Rat's nest in 1.0 it's an awesome choice for our build and it fits perfectly into it. With a close to 10% crit dagger this helmet provides us around 7% crit chance which is insane! The movement speed and the attack speed also synergise well with cyclone. Those gloves also fit very well into our build since they provide us more damage and more crit chance, having a lot of crit is very important for our build since we want to cap out our critical strike chance to 95%. If you can't afford some of the items I linked earlier you might think about using a diamond flask. You can see a list how the flask affects you here (http://i.imgur.com/uWbXXln.png im not taking credit for this list) Pros - Really fast clear speed. - Safe farming - High mobility - Conduit for your party! Cons - Requires some unique items to work well - Desync might be an issue since cyclone sometimes causes desync - Due to Voll's protector we have reduced mana and the mana cost of cyclone is pretty high so but we can lower make up for that with the awesome life/mana nodes. - Requires a 5 Link to work well Mechanics With alot of crit chance on our passive tree and on our gear plus a dagger with a high base critical strike chance we reach the Critical strike chance cap. The unique chestpiece Voll's protector gives us a power charge on each critical strike on an enemy, with our high crit chance that provides us always power charges. The on the release added Skill gem cast on crit adds a chance to cast a spell on a critical strike. I chose Cyclone because it scales with Area of effect nodes like discharge does but it also attacks multiple times per second. Your single target attack is going to be frenzy because it's also going to provide you with frenzy charges and the mana cost is way lower than the mana cost from cyclone. With the keynode vaal's pact in addition to the lifeleech gem we can survive reflect packs and also heal up in the fight. Passive tree
Thanks to Orava for pointing some wasted points out Bandit rewards Normal: Help oak for +40 life Cruel: Help craitlyn for the extra attack speed Merciless: Help alira for the extra power charge Skills 5L= Cyclone + Increased critical strikes + Cast on crit + Discharge + Lifeleech 4L= Frenzy + lifeleech + cast on crit + discharge 2L= Cast on damage taken + enduring cry 2L= Lightning warp + reduced duration This guide is not done yet, but neither is my character on domination. If I experience anything else that you'd have to know about this build I will definitely add it here. Thanks for reading. IGN: YWDL_LargoLaGrande Last edited by hilliholli#3510 on Oct 30, 2013, 4:59:27 PM
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This looks really fun! I think I'm going to try this build later on. Thank you so much for the work you put in on the post. I stopped playing my cyclone build because of the desync issues and I haven't really played him in several months. Looks like I may have to try this setup on my character before creating a new one.
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Not to take away from this thread, but I'd politely suggest you check out my cyclone discharge build http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/562291, it handles the desync issue you mentioned.
Last edited by pabrt#4594 on Oct 30, 2013, 12:51:01 AM
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So how does cast on crit and cyclone work? I'm a bit confused about that. Where does the new cast of cyclone go towards?
This build is really interesting. Also, have you considered using enduring cry or warlords mark with cast on crit/damage taken? edit: after really thinking about it, this build is really fucking cool. Makes such cool use of the cast on crit as well as the many damage instances of cyclone, and both make use of increased aoe. I wonder if it's more effective than a normal discharge build though. ign: Aan_allein Last edited by koticgood#7827 on Oct 30, 2013, 4:24:33 AM
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" you cant "cast" cyclone, cast is only for spells and cyclone is not a spell its a melee attack or skill. Discharge however is a spell. |
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" Lmao good point, I'm a bit high and was really excited about the build. I'm thinkin about trying it without volls, using power charge on critical + cyclone + increased critical damage + blood magic in unison with a cast on crit + ice nova + shock nova + increased aoe + increased critical strike chance. Not sure if life leech is necessary, would use that or increased crit dmg for the 6th link. Or maybe flicker strike (with ice nova/shock nova since they don't consume the frenzy charges like discharge would) instead of cyclone. Although frenzy charges are hard to maintain. ign: Aan_allein Last edited by koticgood#7827 on Oct 30, 2013, 4:49:10 AM
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Guys, why not making a crti build, let the shitty armor down, and replace increase critical strike by power charge on crit ? Double 80% daggers, and give it a go !!
What do you think ? ign : Orbist_Lightning
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Love the build idea! Though I'll point out that the dagger crit cap is 10.04, you're mistaken.
Find a way to run Blood Rage, do it. Melee CI build, that way VP is possible...mm, the possibilities. Finally, doesn't your single target damage kind of suck? How to make a build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/510084 Current guides: N/A Last edited by Kirielis#6293 on Oct 30, 2013, 6:10:44 AM
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" I'm looking forward to use frenzy as my single target damage since it would also provide me with frenzy charges. IGN: YWDL_LargoLaGrande
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Why you are taking for example those 3x 0.4% life regeneration notes instead of 3x 8% mana notes? If you take vaals pack, life regenerate is useless?
PS: you are actually wasting 5 note just for nothing usefully. Last edited by orava#3565 on Oct 30, 2013, 10:14:50 AM
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