Interview with Brother Laz and the 0.9.13b/0.9.13c patches

This was a great read, but this guys ego needs a serious debuff.
All the things I want to remember are in the places I'd like to forget.
Jim_Fear wrote:
This was a great read, but this guys ego needs a serious debuff.

Unfortunately it's no longer possible. Now that he's been noticed by GGG, it's impossible to nerf his ego. It was a bit lower when he got allegedly turned down by Blizzard.
Laz does have a certain flare for interesting comments. I liked the interview.
I wonder when we will see the update for today ( Nov, 2 )?
"I would have listened... I would have understood!" - Scion

Have you removed Asus ROG/GameFirst yet?
I guessed that right, Flux wrote the interview question. That's why.
Unviable build tester.
Fuse mechanics:
95% Crit Build Without Charges [0.10.1c]:
I liked the interview, thanks :)
brother laz is a great designer you guys should use him on more than just item design he is great at Making fun levels

Phase 1: Make D3

Phase 2: ?

Phase 3: Profit
Some people may be missing the fact that, for this interview at least, Laz was speaking as a GGG representative. He was incredibly reserved compared to what I expected, honestly. Of course he's going to talk about D3 -- they asked. D3 remains the hot button, the 'point of access' into Path of Exile for a lot of people. So be it.

And any fears that his ego might be rampant and unchecked should assuage themselves by virtue of precisely who is in charge with this game. Because it's not him. It's someone described in this thread as 'diplomatic'...

That said, Laz made MedianXL. Even a mad god who creates something amazing still created something amazing. You don't have to worship that god for it, either.

His experience with and understanding of itemisation has had a positive, improving effect on the game we all know play and love.

I think that's ultimately a good thing.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Amarena wrote:
Yoroichi wrote:
I love brother Laz's balls in comparison with chris's diplomatic answers :)

Summoner wrote:
Am I the only one who sees the irony in recruiting from the D2 mod community when PoE is unmoddable?

There was a small group of people who worked with mods for PoE, including myself for a while.

How can you do any sort of meaningful mod when all the core gameplay logic is on a remote server?
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
I've been playing Median since 2008 and I think it was a brilliant idea to hire Laz. If a single man can mod a game in that way and keep it balanced. Imagine what he could do when he works with a team of great developers.
Great things together.
I believe Brother Laz has good reason to have an ego. He made an incredibly entertaining mod and he did it as a hobby. In his free time. It was his perogative to make decisions people disagreed with. Modders owe their community nothing. The community owes them at least a modicum of respect when due.

The interview was rather mild as far as D3 criticisms go as well. He gave his opinions and supported them with his past experiences and good logic. He obviously has a bias and so do all D2/Median XL players. There is nothing wrong with having a preference or sharing that preference.

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