Path of Exile commonly used abreviations
Consider updating according to common usage? I haven't seen some of the abbreviations on OP's list before.
My list, filtered by "If I have no idea what you just said, it shouldn't be here" criteria. Obviously slightly different for everyone and almost certainly incomplete. General Usage AoE = Area of Effect AR = Armor value (stat) DW = Dual Wield ES = Energy Shield (stat) EV = Evasion value (stat) GGG = Grinding Gear Games hc = hardcore OP = 1. Overpowered; 2. Original Poster (in forums) RNG = Random Number Generator (typically referring to randomness in drops) RNGesus = Unofficial diety of Wraeclast to which crafters and farmers pray. sc = softcore tp = teleport = portal (e.g., "tp pls" means please give me a portal, and "tp up" means a portal has been cast) YOLO = You Only Live Once. Usually referring to crafting without imprinting via eternals. (e.g., to yolo exalt something) Items Any 1-6 letter combination of "R", "G", "B" = Slot colors of an item. (e.g., an item with 5 slots colored red-red-blue-green-green would be described as "RRBGG") 1h = One-hand (weapon) 2h = Two-hand (weapon) 6L = Item has 6 sockets linked together (similar for 2-5L) 6s = Item has 6 sockets (similar for 1-5s) aps = Attacks per second BiS = Best in slot (best item in that slot for a build) BoR = Bringer of Rain dps = Damage per second FB = Facebreakers IIQ = Increased Item Quantity IIR = Increased Item Rarity MF = Magic Find (see IIQ/IIR) pdps = Physical damage per second Gems/Skills/Passives AA = Arctic Armor BM = Blood Magic CI = Chaos Innoculation CoC (less commonly CoCS) = Cast on Critical Strike CwDT (less commonly CoDT) = Cast when Damage Taken EB = Eldritch Battery (passive) EK = Ethereal Knives FP = Freezing Pulse GMP = Greater Multiple Projectiles IR = Iron Reflex (passive) LA = Lightning Arrow LL = Life Leech LMP = Lesser Multiple Projectiles LS = Lightning Strike (If a Marauder says it, it may mean Leap Slam. Please don't though.) MoM = Mind Over Matter (passive) PCoC = Power Charge on Crit Q20 = 20% quality gem (similar for Q1-19) RoA = Rain of Arrows RF = Righteous Fire RT = Resolute Technique (passive) ST = Spectral Throw (occasionally referring to Soul Taker, but please don't use it that way) VP = Vaal Pact (passive) WED = Weapon Elemental Damage (gem or item property) Trading/Currency a1n = Act 1 Normal alch = Orb of Alchemy alt = Orb of Alteration BIN = Buy it Now (see BO) BO (or B/O) = Buyout c = Price in chaos (e.g., 3c = 3 chaos) CO (or C/O) = Current Offer ex = Price in exalts ( e.g., 3ex = 3 exalts) gcp = Gemcutter's Prism gg = Good Game = describing an item with very good rolls, presumably suitable for end game pc = Price check (e.g., Help me pc this item!) poexyz = price checking website commonly used by the community RMT = Real Money Trade WTB = Want to buy WTS = Want to sell WTT = Want to trade Mapping FFA = Free for All loot allocation PA = Permanent Allocation SA = Short Allocation Etiquette ty hf = Thank you. Have fun. Toupy - Lv93 Facebreaker Cyclone Duelist Last edited by Myrthr#6542 on Feb 5, 2014, 2:28:23 AM
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Thank You Myrthr!!
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I've seen LL often used as abbreviation for "low life" as in LL build (low life build) BM LL (Blood Magic Low Life), LL Shav (Low Life build with Shavronne's Wrappings), LL MF (Low Life Magic Find, currently implies using Wondertrap).
Also seen C used as abbreviation for Chaos Orb and Ex or Exalts for Exalted Orbs. Divines obviously refers to Divine Orbs. Fuse for Orbs of Fusing. Some of these are pretty obvious and others will be repeats since I didn't bother to read the whole thread. Just listing ones that didn't make it to the front page. In no particular order (sorry). LL = Low Life Shavs = Shavronne's Wrappings MF = Magic Find (IIR, IIQ) C = Chaos Orb Ex = Exalted Orbs Divines = Divine Orbs Fuse = Orb of Fusing Chrome = Chromatic Orbs Jewel = Jeweler's Orbs Bauble, Glass = Glassblower's Baubles Scrolls = Scrolls of Wisdom TP = Town Portal (Open a Portal Scroll) Scrap = Armorer's Scraps NPC, Vendor = Sell it to in-game shop (Non-player character) Adds, Mobs = Little guys near boss PC = Price Check (not personal computer apparently :/) RS = Rainbowstrides (I don't support the use of this abbreviation, only adds confusion) MB = max block (kind of contextual) SB = spell block (kind of contextual) APS = attacks per second tooltip = the DPS shown when you hover over a skill DPS = damage per second CoH = Curse on Hit CWDT = Cast when Damage Taken CoMK = Cast on Melee Kill CWS = Cast when Stunned CoD = Cast on Death (less used) Vaal it = corrupt it using a Vaal Orb (use a Vaal Orb on it) Uber = Uber Atziri Run (Alluring Abyss) SC = Standard League (Standard Core? lol) HC = Hardcore League Void = Void League (usually for races, means you don't get to keep anything, character "dies") Sac, Sac Pieces = Any of the map pieces used to open a portal to Atziri Normal (Sacrifice at Dawn, Sacrifice at Noon, Sacrifice at Dusk, Sacrifice at Midnight) Hope = Mortal Hope (rarest map piece to open portal to Uber Atziri) Vaal = Vaal Overlord (usually the ones in Atziri map) Trio = team of three difficult minibosses in Atziri map Abx = Abaxoth, The End of All That Is, a unique monster that can spawn in maps WTB = Want to Buy WTS = Want to Sell PM = personal message IGN = in-game name HO = hideout Masters = These Guys (usually means they're doing the Dailies for their masters) t4t = thank you for that, thanks for trade PA = poison arrow SRS = summon raging spirits DC = disconnect (kicked from game because of connection issue) POE = Path of Exiles (:D) RIP, ripped, ripd, rip'd = Died (Rest in Peace) DS = Desync PT = Party (usually asking for party invite) Alpha = Alpha's Howl Vent = Ventor's Gambit Andv, And = Andvarius Aura = Auraseize Gloves (contextual to MF) Wonder = Wondertrap Boots (contextual to MF) LA = Lightning Arrow (not Los Angeles lol) Conc = Concentrated Effect Multi = Multistrike WTT = want to trade blues = Magical Items (blue rarity items) whites = Normal Items (white rarity items) 6S = Six sockets (4S for 4 sockets etc.) 5L6S = Five Links Six Sockets PK = Player Kill RMT = Real Money Trade (buying currency and stuff with real money) Alt = Alteration Orbs Mule = party player used mostly to hold item drops Carry = Person who can clear map pretty much without help Culler = Person on party who has culling strikes, usually also has MF Aurabot = Person who runs tons of Auras, sometimes with generosity, for benefit of party members GS = Guild Stash GM = Guildmaster SS = Shared Stash (don't support b/c confusing, only good use is SS bundle for Stash Bundle purchase) Bandits = These guys Usually refers to the choice you make (person you help) in the Deal with the Bandits optional side quest. gz = gratz (grats, congrats, congratulations), an abbreviation of an slang abbrev. of an abbrev. DFQ! = dafaq (da fk, the fk, what the fk) abbreviation of a slang abbreviation of an abbreviation a1n = Act One Normal town Last edited by EonLight#5059 on Nov 8, 2015, 8:44:34 PM
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"WTS 7 jew : 1C"
Want To Sell 7 Jewellers orb for 1 Chaos orb (Actually I'm ok with jew, I know in this context its not referred to any ethnical group, its referred to that brownish round thing with a hole in it :) "WTB 55C:1 / 70fus:1" Want to buy 55 Chaos orb for 1 Exalted orb, and 70 Fusing orb for 1 Exalted orb. |
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When you trade someone and they say, "ty ss" what does the ss stand for?
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" Stay safe |
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i dont even know half of what's written on the first page, the post made by myrthr makes more sense to me
CoC is dead, goodbye DPS hello FPS - September 2nd, 2016.
Life is in the past, use your Energy Shield instead - January 11th, 2017. All you need is some ES whooping and you'll have your Life back - May 24th, 2017. IGN: InfernalEnvy | Lv.100 Righteous Fire Juggernaut |
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