The Majestic Order of Ultra Mega Chicken (Guild)
A Passages from the holy scriptures From the Book of Egg At first there was nothing in our realm, until with a mighty flap of his wings the universe exploded into existence, then with a deafening cluck he brought forth mankind. He told his new creations "I am the only true Ultra Mega Chicken, their has been no Ultra Mega Chicken before me, as long as you stay devout to me you will be provided for". He then shook feathers from his wings, and as they fell to earth they became chickens, after which he said "Feed from my boon". He told mankind that if they remained devout they would live forever with him in his hen house, after all of this he went to roost. In all seriousness we operate almost exclusively in standard, guild is growing, and starting to gain some traction as far as amount of people in it goes. At being said I will accept both new and veteran players, i myself have been playing for around a year and 3 months. Although i'm more than happy to allow newer players into the guild i would really like to have some that are quite familiar with the game and has a higher level character or two simply for higher level map runs. As far as any rules and such, just treat other members with respect, and be fairly active (as in online around 3-4 times a week)i understand people have life outside the game, so if you plan and being off the game for longer than a week straight, a message to me wouldn't be a bad idea just so i know that you didn't just quit the game. (this also includes even if you just want to to a break from PoE, i can get burned out on a game as well) I'm a pretty laid back individual, the main focus is just to have fun while at the same time progressing in the game through leveling and finding loot. If you would like to join reply in the thread, send me a PM, or contact me in game, my IGN is PoeIsFullOfNeckBeards. I would appreciate that if you ask to join that you let me know what kind of class/build you run on your main character or two. This information is more so i have an idea on what the potential party dynamics could be when running maps. I myself usually play 1 of 2 characters right now, a CI Cyclone Scion lv 89, and a MF Summoner, Auramancer witch lv 87. Any questions, feel free to ask, and i hope to hear from you. Majestic Order of Ultra Mega Chicken: High Shaman (Leader) Last edited by BillyWitchDoctorDotCom#2647 on Jun 7, 2014, 1:36:11 AM
We seek more to help us in the endless war against the Colonel, come my brethren, let us take this world by storm.
Majestic Order of Ultra Mega Chicken: High Shaman (Leader)
Ohhh, memememe xD. Can you send an inv to someone who is offline?
I can, it will show up when you log in again.
Majestic Order of Ultra Mega Chicken: High Shaman (Leader)
Yours seems like the kind of guild I would like to join. If you will give me a try I would be happy to do the same.
Arise Chicken!
Majestic Order of Ultra Mega Chicken: High Shaman (Leader)
Looks like an old WoW guild I am interested. Holla at me mang.
One convenient location, in Africa!
Majestic Order of Ultra Mega Chicken: High Shaman (Leader)
Come and ask in his glory, my brethren!
Majestic Order of Ultra Mega Chicken: High Shaman (Leader)
I too am in Africa and looking for a guild, may the ULTRA MEGA CHICKENs blessings shine down upon us. cheers