Removing nudity from model files - Bannable?

Just lol
It can get you banned. Will it? Unknown.
This is pretty retarded, I didn't even notice the statues in lunar is had dicks until my friend pointed it out last week, and I've been playing since march.

Btw they are pretty much only in lunaris with only a few giant statues elsewhere, the small ones are robed. So that's 1 area you visit one time in the entire game, if you are that bothered by your kids seeing it then just don't go there, that's the smart mans solution.

Instead you think of modifying game files (so much easier than not going in Lunaris btw) sounds like we have some sound decision making skills here.
Most people with kids understand that they need to avoid certain things themselves so as not to have their children get secondhand exposure to something unsavory, or they go the complete opposite and try to control every aspect of everyone's life to conform around their desires for their children, which is actually growing more and more common in America, hence you get things all peanuts banned from the entire school because 1 parent says their kid is allergic.

So I'm guessing you either don't have kids, or are a very self centered control freak parent.
Velocireptile wrote:
I hope GGG implement Physics in a Patch soon. Starting with Dicks and Tits.

Let me paint a scene for you:

You are carving your way through hordes of Demonic Beasts, as you crush their Skulls with your hammer, their brains explode in a cacophony of bones and flesh. Red hues cover the ground like a velvet carpet rolled out before you. Your enemies innards smeared all over you, their screams lingering on in the wind, you revel in the violence, it drives you on.
With each step more bone is shattered by your hammer and the loot Pinjata's before you spill their prized content.

But then, as you are in the middle of the Blood frenzy ... you see it, it breaks your concentration, it turns your stomach ... grown men have knelt before it and wept, some have fainted.
It is the Stone Cold, Grey, Lifeless Cock, of an Animated Statue ... 5 Pixels or raw putrid disgust.
You'r throat fights hard to suppress the dinner you just ate, its forcing its way back to the top. You'r eyes water in preparation for the pain you will feel as your stomach turns and contracts to empty its content.
You search for a container.

But then, in the corner of your eye... another affront to the senses ... Stone Titties! Almost as disgusting as their male counterpart, the Female statues taunt you from a distance as they press their shoulders back with a cocked arrow, ready to loose it on you.

As you lay down to sleep this night, you smile. It was a good day, you drove your enemies before you and felt the lamentation of their women. All the while it rained precious loot onto you. Then your smile turns into a scowl, it was all so glorious until that 5 pixel cock was shoved right into your eyeball.

Oh yes, you will sleep... but stone cold, grey cocks will circle your dreams, "dreams ... hah" you think to yourself. There will be no "Dreams" this night.

I wont lie, this went on longer than I intended.
Just tell your kids not to come in while you play this. I have kids, it's what I do. A lot of my deaths are as a result of my Son coming in and driving his monster truck all over the keyboard while I panic and then lure him out of the room.

That's it, I just lost it there. The most hilarious crap i've heard all day, you win this thread, lock it up folks.
T3hswagman wrote:
try to control every aspect of everyone's life

Yes, because changing MY experience is the same as trying to control every aspect of everyone's life.

Why is it so hard for some of you to grasp the fact that some people like different things?
Forums: the place where modern western philosophy/moral philosophy thrives.

I love this thread, I wish there was more of these, the analytical value here is so... exquisite.
Last edited by GotzYourBike#7903 on Oct 24, 2013, 1:16:19 PM
Sibertooth wrote:
Just lol

Same here^^

I'm from Germany, we had nude drawing in school (we got some elderly model... was about as sexy to draw her as to draw a potato :P )
Then there is sex education in biology class where you have to learn how (human) reproduction works biologically.
Even in preschool you will be shown the ancient statues of the greeks.
We have FKK (public areas where it is legal to be naked) and in big parks inside the city you can sometimes see naked people... and noone cares^^

I would like to invite you to a FKK beach in Germany. Bring you kids, so they can play with the other kids on the beach. Then we grab a beer, sit in the sun and watch how horrible traumatised your kids will be after playing naked on the beach. I guess they will remember that for years... probably as one of the most fun days in their live :)
Last edited by Sangei#7172 on Oct 24, 2013, 1:28:05 PM
Trinexx wrote:
Are you playing Path of Exile on a potato? It's kinda hard to not notice the golden dong the size of a fucking watermelon right in your character's face when you hit the temple in act 3.

If it were fleshy and jiggling around, the character yielding said dong was dancing around thrusting it's hips like Miley Cyrus, and there was some cheesy 70s porno music playing in the background, then I could see your point. It's more like an animated Davinci.
Still in the alpha stage, but at least build diversity isn't an issue:
Trinexx wrote:
T3hswagman wrote:
try to control every aspect of everyone's life

Yes, because changing MY experience is the same as trying to control every aspect of everyone's life.

Why is it so hard for some of you to grasp the fact that some people like different things?

Did you not read any of my post at all?

That pretty much tells me that you are trolling.

Instead of doing the following rational thing - oh look this area has some graphic details that I don't want my kids to see. Well while they are sitting here ill just re clear the docks or do some trading, and wait for a good time when they aren't watching to clear this area.

This is you - oh this area has some graphical things that I don't want my kids to see I could modify the game models to hide these things.

So your go to, instead of working your needs around the game, you decide to alter the game to fit around you. That's being self centered that's the mindset of someone who would prefer to alter the environment around them than learn to adapt to the environment.
T3hswagman wrote:
That's being self centered that's the mindset of someone who would prefer to alter the environment around them than learn to adapt to the environment.

Uh, dude, it's just some statue dongs. You're reading WAY too much into this.

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