<ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - Oceania Guild (Australia, New Zealand, Asia)
ExileCon tickets have been released! See you all in Auckland in November.
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
1. Have read the Guild Policies?
Yes 2. Do you have the Immortal achievement (reached level 80 in a Hardcore League)? No! I really hope this doesn't prevent me joining. I am working on my HC profile slowly. I started my first 24 hr in a HC SSF race organised by an Aussie if that helps. :) 3. Is your Path of Exile profile is completely visible (including your Characters tab)? Yes 4. Do you play Path of Exile from Australia or New Zealand? Australia 5. Are you 18 years of age or older? Yes 6. Discord ID: crankyoldwoman#1829 7. General info about yourself: Betrayal was my first league, I joined it in the last month. The goal was to practice so I could even play for HC SSF in Synthesis. As mentioned above, an aussie contact got me into the game. Until then, no experience in gaming or ARPG. This is all part of research and fun for me. Betrayal, I managed to get to Level 82 on my first softcore char. I didn't follow a build, I just decided to play the game and see what happens. I had a couple of hardcore attempts during that to practice for the upcoming race. I kept dying to Dominus. Synthesis, I started at launch on the 24hr HC SSF race. 1-shotted at Lvl 21 (red beast - way too many of them!) Killed at Lvl 31 by crossfire from naked tentacle ladies in Lunaris temple. Overwhelmed by Kaom and his pals at Lvl 38, which ended my last HC SSF run. On the bright side, I got rid of Dominus, so I at least got my HC high. So that's my game resume, which isn't much, I know. I'm very new and still a free-form player. At the moment I am taking a break from the intensity of Hardcore and working on my Softcore game, which is really getting to maps so I can get my challenges done and also find a rare hideout. But I plan to keep playing HC SSF and challenging myself to see how I far I go with each attempt. Now that I know there is an Immortal Achievement, I have a new goal to hit! Yayy!! I'm interested in both the HC survival and also the racing strategies. I'd like to surround myself with a group who are HC enthusiast who can share their knowledge and enthusiasm. It's funny to me that I was sitting in a Hardcore voice channel in my last synthesis run with a group of softcore players. I think there was over about 10 of them, and it was only me (the noob) who was actually playing HC mode. It's very difficult to find other HC players across forums. So maybe this is the place! Finally, I am a mother and full time IT Consultant, so my time to play is going to be limited. But as is hopefully proven by this rather long-winded post, I can and do add to the discord socials of any community I am part of. :) Thanks for your consideration!! |
1. Have read the Guild Policies?
Yes 2. Do you have the Immortal achievement? Of course many many times :D 3. Is your Path of Exile profile is completely visible (including your Characters tab)? Yes 4. Do you play Path of Exile from Australia or New Zealand? Australia 5. Are you 18 years of age or older? 28 Yo 6. Discord ID: ToXis_Aus#6342 7. General info about yourself: I'm 28 Y/O and I thoroughly enjoy Poe. I play this game exclusively and nothing else. I do part time streaming and I push ladder every league start In HC. This league (synthesis) I reached top 100 twice and then ripped :D got to level 93 on my Jugg. I'm easy going but I am very competitive at the same time. I love to throw a bit of banter but I'll also happily receive some too. Looking for a guild who knows how to play well and hopefully I'll meet a few of you Aussie racers in there too. |
Hi, i would really want to join your comuniti, i have played the whole betrayal league nad now this one.. Hope to join you guys. My ign is Dynorexyoui
Be wary of this Dynorex guy.
He joined our guild and stole everything including a Loreweave we were trying to fuse. |
Thanks BestYasuoNA.
If you wish to apply to ACE, read the first post, use the template. ACE only recruits hardcore temporary league players who are able to reach level 80 or beyond in hardcore itself. Standard play is irrelevant. IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
Synthesis Week 2 is about to end.
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
Synthesis whilst being an interesting idea has been pretty dull so far, enjoying the new skills though!
Last chance to check out ACE before we shutdown applications coming Monday.
We will re-open applications a few weeks before the next 3.7.0 league commences. IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
1. The Immortal achievement (lvl 80 in hardcore) is a prerequisite to apply, do you have it? Yes 2. Have you read the Guild Policies? Yes 3. Is your Path of Exile profile is completely visible (including your Characters tab)? Yes 4. Do you play Path of Exile from Australia, New Zealand or elsewhere? Australia 5. Are you 18 years of age or older? Yes 6. Discord ID: Milo#3034 7. General info about yourself: Been playing PoE since Harbi pumped in 1800hrs since then, done Shaper in HC and Uber Elder in SC, looking to finally knock down Uber Elder in HC this league. Like to talk shit while playing poe so happy to fuff around in Discord. Will be doing ExileCon this November so will definitely see you guys there if you're going :) |