<ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - Oceania Guild (Australia, New Zealand, Asia)
Do Dee!
Yes, we hand out poop. Join us and see what else we hand out.
Exiles Strong Together!
Join ACE today! IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
Join ACE today!
IGN: deefa • Guild: <ACE> Alpha Crucis Exiles - poeurl.com/wpA • Discord: deefa#3298
Join ACE for the Holiday Events!
1. Will you be exclusively playing the Hardcore Challenge Leagues?
Started playing in 3.14, aiming to start playing HC from next league, gonna do a couple of practice act runs before the next league starts 2. Is your PoE profile completely visible (including your Challenges and Characters tabs)? Yes 3. Do you play Path of Exile from Australia, New Zealand, Asia or elsewhere? Yes, Sydney 4. Have you read the Guild Policies? Are you across our zero tolerance of RMT and cheating? Yes 5. Are you 18 years of age or older? Yes 6. Discord ID - e.g. PoEGamer#2013, optionally, you can PM this to Staff: Hermes#8011 7. How do you pass your Trial? Be active within the guild, staff assesses every 6-12 months 8. What happens when moderation isn't heeded? Either get moderated or banned 9. What are your aims and expectations by joining ACE? Become a better PoE player, engage with others who enjoy PoE 10. General info about yourself (e.g. PoE accomplishments, gaming history, etc.): Haven't accomplished much PoE wise, primarily a fps player |
Join ACE for the holiday season!
Happy New Year!
1. Will you be exclusively playing the Hardcore Challenge Leagues?
Yes, starting next league. Hopefully my internet connection won't suck like it used to. Hate it when die due to lag 2. Is your PoE profile completely visible (including your Challenges and Characters tabs)? Yes 3. Do you play Path of Exile from Australia, New Zealand, Asia or elsewhere? Playing from Asia, specifically Indonesia 4. Have you read the Guild Policies? Are you across our zero tolerance of RMT and cheating? Yes 5. Are you 18 years of age or older? Yes 6. Discord ID - e.g. PoEGamer#2013, optionally, you can PM this to Staff: julicious#1180 7. How do you pass your Trial? Be active within the guild, staff assesses every 6-12 months 8. What happens when moderation isn't heeded? Suspension if possible. Ban if necessary 9. What are your aims and expectations by joining ACE? gain new knowledge about POE. Finding friends with mutual interest. play with party. 10. General info about yourself (e.g. PoE accomplishments, gaming history, etc.): Noob in PoE. On and Off since delve. finished story mode for the first time in scourge league. Like roguelike like Hades and dead cells |
Scourge not going core?
POE is dead? Find out all these answers and more....Join ACE |