Release was a Success! Open Beta Supporter Packs End Soon

I wouldn't call letting "increase area of effect bug" slip by testing a success.
IGN: Pumar, Pumam , PumarR , PumaPunch , PumaWander , PumaCleave, PumaSlams
Last edited by ropumar#7984 on Oct 24, 2013, 11:45:50 AM

nemesis is awesome
ropumar wrote:
I wouldn't call letting "increase area of effect bug" slip by testing a success.

Minor issue.

Gratz everyone at GGG. In all honesty, I was surprised at how smoothly everything went. One of the best best launches I can remember.
congratz , great team ! great game
Very smooth release day overall. Patches were deployed quickly with minimal downtime, and vital things (at least for me) seemed to work just fine right out of the box. The rather nice fellow Jonathan (Lead Programmer I think he said his title was) popped in to check up on things in Chat and promptly got dog-piled with positive comments.

Considering the absolute nightmare some game launches have been in the past, and the outpouring of angry rants thrown at any developer who dare stick their head into the lion's den of Chat, this game has done quite well. Congrats on a job well done. :)
Today was the proudest day of my life.

I know how you feel. Got a job and POE release on the same day. :)
congratulations Chris. and thank you for such a great game
GG,great work
CONGRATULATIONS GRINDING GEAR GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you guys and I love Path of Exile!!! You're an amazing team who made an amazing game!!!!!! I hope the future will be bright for both GGG and PoE!!

PoE is one of my favourite games of all time.
ignarsoll wrote:

Congratulations for the successful release, lots of love <3


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