POE ARKAINE'S VALOUR IS BACK... GGG dont You remember d2 legacy items ?

LEGACY OP ITEMS FROM BETA on full game ???
Bozon wrote:
Locked beyond the gate of blood and past the hall of fire...

Sweet memories.

'An open mind is like a Fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded'.
h3rp3s wrote:
C1111 wrote:
i miss charms from d2!!!

Also the PvP was the best shit ever.

/miss d2 pvp

No game can compare to d2 pvp =\
IGN : Teeloralin
Walmarts_Prices "You can't beat Walmart Prices!"
ith 988 sword >
Invasion - No Sacrifice No Glory

That's one of the imported from open battle.net because of the repaircost bug which made some amulets and armors unrepairable since the repaircost exceeded 3,5 billion.

There were also ones with 4 soc.

The orginal 1.08 arkaines wasn't indestructable.

Arkaines valor. Wow, flashbacks. I still never understood why my sorceress that was the size of a girl scout could run around at top speed with it.
I loved those things... especially when you combo'd it with 1.08 Shako.

This is also an open B.net import version.

What's next an etheral 1.08 WF with 6 sockets?
Hilbert wrote:
That's one of the imported from open battle.net because of the repaircost bug which made some amulets and armors unrepairable since the repaircost exceeded 3,5 billion.

There were also ones with 4 soc.

The orginal 1.08 arkaines wasn't indestructable.

yea :)

:D GGG should remember

destroyall wrote:
GGG so un-professional company..... LEGACY KAOM = ARKAINES VALOUR 08 from d2

gl GGG

holy shit that armor :O

destroyall wrote:
yea :)

:D GGG should remember

Now that's just bullshit. 25% reduced damage kind of hurts BUT THAT LIFESTEAL/MANASTEAL! GODDAMN
Last edited by DestroTheGod on Oct 22, 2013, 8:25:08 PM

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