SEA Players

Im from SEA too !! I'm from Msia.

Currently playing in Nemesis and will try out domination later.

Ign: IchigoPudding
Last edited by SexyErza#6246 on Oct 25, 2013, 2:06:15 AM
Wa lao, u all chiong game bo jioo sial!!!!
IGN: Hethamephis
hi i play in nemesis

Level 53 Lightning Dagger 1h - Kyozumi - HC active
Level 63 1h phy Crit dagger - dead

7 toons to Desync - Starhub best ISP Singapore
Last edited by Kyozumi#5144 on Oct 25, 2013, 12:04:14 AM
Singapore: Elizabeth_North
Count me in, it's so hard trying to get a party / friends who play in the same gateway. Finidng a guild with SG gateway players is hard >_>'

IGN: PrincessInBlue

So do we have a guild :P?
Nemesis league
apparently no one make a guild yet and nemesis is hard with dom =P
twintales wrote:
Count me in, it's so hard trying to get a party / friends who play in the same gateway. Finidng a guild with SG gateway players is hard >_>'

IGN: PrincessInBlue

So do we have a guild :P?

Yep we do --- we have a guild and a TS server.

The TS server is in the US though so I might set one up local in SEA - have some cloud servers in HK and Singapore.

The guild name is "The Immortals"

Looking for a few officers to help build it and run it.
Can setup a webpage/forum soon too fairly easily - ran some big guilds in WoW etc before.
Lets see who we get ingame first though before I waste time on that.

TS Server + ingame guild is enough to get rolling on the right track.
[FORGE] Guild /view-thread/1664516
[SHOP] /view-thread/393743
Want to join a MULTI-GAMING community including one of POE's oldest guilds???
Forgot to check this thread! (too busy getting to merciless haha) Looks like it's been alive all this time. I'll edit the OP for a list of players.

EDIT: About the SEA guild, do you guys have a website of facebook page that will make it easier to find you guys? Could help thos who are interested!
Last edited by excaian#6060 on Oct 29, 2013, 7:51:05 AM

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