Puppies - to brighten everybody's mood

Birdies. Enjoy.
I was enjoying all the last lot of pictures until I saw the crocs.

Fuuuuuuuu u.

(b) Personal abuse, foul language, inappropriate subject matter, obscene, harassing, threatening, hateful, or discriminatory or defamatory remarks of any nature ... are not permitted.

- PoE TOS.
bhavv wrote:
I was enjoying all the last lot of pictures until I saw the crocs.

Fuuuuuuuu u.

You know we can say fuck, right?

Pics to make you go awwwwww, how cuuuute. ;)
This is one of the best threads ever made.

Turtles :)
I like turtles.

Especially the turtle and the strawberry picture.

Once again Dirk you have made me smile.


"Withdrawing in disgust is not the same as apathy"

Surely nobody can look at those lion pics and not smile. Fuckin adorable.
"I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations and you're not in this world to live up to mine." - Bruce Lee
These are cats.

"You can't bash someone else's shitty taste in music when you listen to 'grindcore'" -TheWretch̢

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