GGG, whats the order of precedence for damage conversion with AoF?

Mark_GGG wrote:
HexenLord wrote:
Whats the order of precedence for damage conversion with AoF? Normally, skill gems take precedence over gear.
Not quite. Conversions from skills take precidence over non-skill sources of conversion. There's no distinction between conversion from a passive and from gear, just skill/non-skill.

So this will apply to the conversion from AoF?

That means 50% of Physical Damage converted to Fire from AoF can be scaled down using a Cold spell and Hrimsorrow.

For Example, if skills take precedence, go with Glacial Hammer.

50% of Physical is Converted to Cold.
50% of Physical is converted to fire via AoF.
25% of physical is converted to cold via Hrimsorrow.

So in the end, AoF would end up getting scaled along with Hrimsorrow?
50 * (50/75) = 33.3% Converted to Fire Damage by Avatar of Fire
25 * (50/75) = 16.7% Converted to Cold Damage by Hrimsorrow

So total damage with Avatar of Fire, Glacial Hammer, and Hrimsorrow would be:
66.7% Cold, 33.3% Fire?

I realize what post-processes will occur with further conversions and dropped unconverted damage, I was just wondering how the order of precedence worked.

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