Cross-league trading is not allowed between long-term and three-month challenge leagues
" By not allowing it in trade chat or forums. Anyone who does it will have to do it in secret and risk getting banned. Berek's Grip Ice Spear Budget Magicfind and/or Hardcore Flame Totem |
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" LOL at getting banned. This would be the dumbest thing to get banned for. Either way, this rule changes nothing. People who trade across leagues already know who to go to, and will probably find people to go to by word of mouth and what not. This reason this changed was because people whined about having an unfair advantage in the new leagues. There's no competition in 4 month leagues, and the economy goes to shit within a week or 2 anyway. Oh, and also, did you know that you actually have to find currency/items in a new league to trade it? Doesn't make any difference. The comparison to RMT is pretty ridiculous since this is currency that is in game, being traded for other currency in game. Anyway, carry on with the celebrations :) This changes nothing for most people. |
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What...........You realize I and many other people liquidated because I don't want to play legacy leagues ...ever...
I literally sold all my gear this week for the hopes of getting some extra currency a month or two into the new league at a rate of 1:3 or 1:2. I can't believe this is frowned upon and multiboxing exists. I understand in races but this is extremely unnecessary imo, what the hell are people supposed to do with all their left overs if they just want to play the fresh leagues? IGN @TiznaraN
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my mum disallowed me to watch tv after 10 pm when i was 12; did i care and follow the rule?!?
i think this "rule" is downright ridiculous; there will be still trading between the leagues and there will be still rmt; regardless of whether officially (not) allowing it. ign: oberarmklaus
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" I'm not sure how this could possibly hurt honest players, no matter the enforcement amount. " I don't really understand how they're "fresh" if you're bringing your leftovers along for the picnic. Read my book! The world ending in every way anyone ever thought it might end, all at once. First few chapters are available online for free. Last edited by TheTenthDoc#6709 on Oct 15, 2013, 10:52:48 PM
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What i find very sad is that, some of us have not grown up :( Just because some one else does something wrong and gets away with it does not make it right! You can get new gear in a new league buy not following the rules, but the only person your lie to is yourself same goes to all the races, what is the point to win if you cheat! The streamers that RMT and cheat and races know who they are, please care about yourself and get behind GGG and follow there rules so that we can continue to enjoy this great game that they have put so much effort into making for us Gamers! |
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" Why not just put old toons to Standard league then? Why have 2 leagues like that? When I was introduced to this game I was told it was made for hardcore players by hardcore players.. This decision is only made to please casual gamers and making all the efforts of those who have put time into it and really grinded to build up their wealth within the game for nothing. But hey why cater to the 10% of gamers when the 90% is where all the moneys are.. |
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Just as I was having a long rant yesterday about exactly this you call it.
What are you some alien race? (Live almost everyday from 15.00 +1 GMT)
follow @nugiyen on twitter |
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i think it is a garbage idea.. if we lived in a utopian world it would be fine, but the truth is this encourges RMTing for people that do that kind of thing, were as before you could just move in game currency from one place to the other and it all ends up in the same place anyways.
I am just curious what kind of feedback GGG has been receiving, as normally people that provide feedback are complaining, not understanding what really goes on at the end game. E.g, i have played this game way too much for way too long and i did not amass any type of wealth until the past 2 weeks because of one drop, which means nothing at this point, as opposed to possibly helping me get one piece of gear on my lvl 9x player a month into the new league, I now have to hope i get a simliar drop that has happened to me once in the past 10 months with 10ish 85+ chars and several 90+. Hopefully more thought will come into this as it really demotivates anyone to ever play hc imo (at least the group of friends i play with). If this is the way it is going might as well just do a complete server reset every 4 months, at least then we will be aware that any time spent is just for 4 months and nothing thereafter. _morlox Last edited by morloxIC#1573 on Oct 15, 2013, 11:22:11 PM
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dbl post
Last edited by morloxIC#1573 on Oct 15, 2013, 11:21:22 PM
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