Path of Exile Currency Calculator

Neat app, thank you for making it!

I can now have my newbie friends download this and they will hopefully have an easier time wrapping their heads around the economy.

Thanks again!

P.S. WTB Android version too :D
Last edited by Melkrow on Oct 18, 2013, 11:31:22 PM
deepsea03 wrote:
WORKS GREAT! I Love it when I need to pay someone an Exalt Equiv...Just Click the orbs I can trade and It figures out exactly the value.


Thanks for the positive feedback!

Melkrow wrote:
Neat app, thank you for making it!

I can now have my newbie friends download this and they will hopefully have an easier time wrapping their heads around the economy.

Thanks again!

P.S. WTB Android version too :D

You're welcome! I hope it helps your friends.

Please if anyone has any issues or encounters any bugs post here so I can assist or find a fix asap. Thanks!

For those who rely on websites to keep track of Orb values I am working on a new feature. You will be able to, optionally, select auto update and choose your favorite site. Also, as an advanced option, you can select specific orbs only to auto update. This feature will be available in next release.

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