1.0 Passive Tree

i like the new path to vaal pact :)
GMT+1 - You can speak German with me
Snorkle_uk wrote:

Of course I want vaal pact on my witch, shes an es dagger melee, yeah lets just boot that entire concept of an es melee for witch and shadow out of the park because you said so. Thats not smoke and mirrors? Im posting legitimate points and what are you posting? Some vague assumption that GGG want to completely destroy all es melee using vp and gr and should do so? You dont have a point and now you are just making up assumptions based on nothing that somehow speak against points I have made based on solid stuff we can see in a video? I dont think Im the one throwing hot air around here mate, you are the one making baseless assumptions.

The point is you're assuming all those thing won't be possible. Melee ES was possible before, it became ridiculous with VP-GR and I can assure you it will still be possible. Maybe via VP-GR, maybe some other way. I don't get what is it you're so scared of, thinking up new ways to make your build work? Off-beat stuff not being possible at all?

If it's the latter, it's perfectly understandable you're worried about that as it's a large part of game's appeal. However, precisely because it's so important there's no way in seven hells they will do away with it just like that. There were hundreds of posts like yours addressing exact same concerns on all major tree changes and they all proved groundless every time. Yes, I did post a couple of those too on a few occasions, but I gradually learned to just trust the guys, they kinda know what they're doing and what they want the game to become.

Unless you're doing all this just because your ES leech melee witch, IG archer mara or whatever won't work anymore or will make you spend more points to work. In that case it's incredibly egoistical, short-sighted and not worth two lines of response.

... and childish, I always forget childish, maybe because we're all kids at heart.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics#7540 on Oct 4, 2013, 9:34:52 AM
reboticon wrote:
Maybe there will be "pac man" style routing where you can go out one side and come in the other?

Fitting with the new MT auras -_-
Casually casual.


You seem to be fine with the possible passive tree changes and that's cool. But, looking at the posts in this thread, I think you are the minority.

If it goes live the way we previewed it, the new tree will most likely severely diminish PoE builds diversity. There's a big risk that the new class, the Scion, may be the only possible choice for many strong builds. As a result, we may see a little bit too many Scions running around. A lot of us, me included, are not fine with it.

Now is the perfect time to voice our concerns. In 3 weeks, it will be too late. Sure, fixing the passive tree after its been released is possible but its gonna be much harder.
Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561)
Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126)
Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970)
Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200)
Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864)
Last edited by Velkor#2803 on Oct 4, 2013, 9:51:29 AM
Rip templar discharger.
New tree looks great. Keep it up GGG.
Also fuck haters
Velkor wrote:

You seem to be fine with the possible passive tree changes and that's cool. But, looking at the posts in this thread, I think you are the minority.

If it goes live the way we previewed it, the new tree will most likely severely diminish PoE build diversity. There's a big risk that the new class, the Scion, may be the only possible choice for many strong builds. As a result, we may see a little bit too many Scions running around. A lot of us, me included, are not fine with it.

Now is the perfect time to voice our concerns. In 3 weeks, it will be too late. Sure, fixing the passive tree after its been released is possible but its gonna be much harder.

Ah, dunno, might be a minority or I might not, perhaps those that write nothing are also happy with the change or at least ambivalent.

Technically, we are building a fire for an uncaught rabbit here but it's fine. Devs might take our complaints with a grain of salt since we have only seen a temporary version, but nevertheless, we should voice our opinions and sentiments and there's nothing wrong with talking. It's important for people to understand one another, after all.

From this thread devs could see there are a lot of people that will be less then happy if pathing gets too convoluted and Scion the only option for cherrypicking.
They also pretty much gathered that some are fairly excited about new layout no matter how it might look, as long as off-building is possible.

As I said, I did have such concerns as Snorkie in the past. Having someone to say to me 'just trust the guys, they never failed that bad before so they surely won't start now' would have saved me heck a lot of keyboard time.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Oh btw,

I have nothing against you, but those 2 lines from you irritated me :

raics wrote:
Looks neat, I almost never go through the center so I've got nothing to complain about, if they cleaned up other paths and the outer rim a bit that's a clear win for me.

And then, few posts later, talking about Snorkle_uk :

raics wrote:
Unless you're doing all this just because your ES leech melee witch, IG archer mara or whatever won't work anymore or will make you spend more points to work. In that case it's incredibly egoisticall, short-sighted and not worth two lines of response.

No comments.
Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561)
Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126)
Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970)
Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200)
Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864)
Last edited by Velkor#2803 on Oct 4, 2013, 10:15:20 AM
Well, what could you possibly have against internet people? :)

Yes, it does seem fairly contradictive, just assume that first one has no value at all, it was just a personal remark and I would never use it as an argument for anything. I tend to look from the side when making a point, I do have some builds that go through the middle but even if all of them and I really mean ALL used that part I would still be very excited and happy about the change.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

It's a way to add artificial longevity to the game.

For example: any spec that you currently have that needs to go through the center of the tree to function will need to be a Scion most likely.

Thus, if you want that spec to function again...You will have to re-level a Scion character.

See what they did there?
Last edited by tikitaki#3010 on Oct 4, 2013, 10:27:48 AM

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