Well-dressed Exile Competition

I am hoping that everyone who couldn't follow the very simple rules for this contest are disqualified.
Remember when I won a screenshot contest and made everyone butt-hurt? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Delete this post please :)
Last edited by Mattmayer#3741 on Sep 25, 2013, 3:45:00 AM
RNGesus won for me :)

Floytesangen wrote:
Why hello there guys! It is I, RNGesus! I have risen from the dead (in softcore, of course!) in order to bring you that wonderful gift of phat lewts from above!

I have decided to enter myself in this contest for your great benefit, hopefully my father, Wris Chilson, will smile on you in your future POE endeavors!

Entry - Front

Entry - Back
farout!.. 5 minutes late entry>< dammit
Last edited by BLOODRISE#5854 on Sep 26, 2013, 1:39:53 PM
Closed while writing my post. :(
yeah, i am too late. thread got closed while i was cropping, Blaargh. I am posting this anyway, would be a pity to throw away now. good luck everyone.

likeafox wrote:
Giving everyone else my +1 that this competition needs to confer a custom title, not a supporter title (or at the least omitting a title).

I would be sad if the meaning of supporter titles were diluted. A new forum title would also be fun to see.

If this was Reddit, you'd have my upvote! This is a really cool, unique competition and would totally be worth substituting cool, unique titles to stand out from the people who bought exalted/divine packs.
i too would prefer that a custom title to be given

supporters are people who supported with their cash and i dont think its a good practice to throw out that title to whoever that is not a "real supporter".

i believe the person who wins wouldnt feel so grand getting an "exalted" title knowing that a lot of people are against it.

getting "exalted package" as prize is awesome but it will reward the winner more if you guys actually give him/her a custom title.

these custom title are even more exclusive and have much more value
[Removed by Support]
Only one immortalised? There are quite a few excellent entries, maybe add 3-4 of them as Exiles?

I liked those original "non-combat" styles like the old maid from monopolylegend or RNGesus (cannot be cursed, has all auras, can walk over deep water ;))
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