Fire/Chaos Witch

NuclearRaven wrote:
In a way you're right, that is still not the final item. Fire dmg crit chance can't be increased. GGG just can't do that. It'll carry an increased spell crit chance instead. Once again, numbers may still change, but the overall theme of it (especially the conversion to chaos damage) will remain.

NR - what's the distinction between fire damage crit chance and spell crit chance? Does ignite only proc if the spell crits, or if the fire crits (whatever the latter means?)?

This chest +searing staff+CI = faceroll maps 3 levels above you.
KopaKabana wrote:
This chest +searing staff+CI = faceroll maps 3 levels above you.

I was rick rolling End game maps, 10 levels above me on my QR Build with this Body it be 10x Easier! :D
Current IGN

Only now found this.
This is an awesome piece!
Though, given that 125%*0.75=94%, and burn damage is likely not fire damage, this would actually decrease burn damage, now would it?
As such, maybe instead of searing touch it's better to just socket in this chest and get stuff like divinarius?
Also, what'll happen to BM?
Because that's a nice fit, no mana is no low mana.^^
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
So you had an item made in game? That's pretty sweet to say the least.

Now, what happens when you spend over a thousand hours in game and still never find it? Wouldn't that suck, if you could never, ever... ever everm never ever get it? You should of made them give you the first copy hehe. Oh well, Im sure it will turn up.
$bestGameEver = new Game(POA);
$everyThingElse = new Array( D2, D3, TL2, DS3, GD, TQ );

for($time=0; $time<infinity+1, $time++){

Hey, there's been other items that took months to find.
The game will probably run longer.^^
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
robproctor83 wrote:
So you had an item made in game? That's pretty sweet to say the least.

Now, what happens when you spend over a thousand hours in game and still never find it? Wouldn't that suck, if you could never, ever... ever everm never ever get it? You should of made them give you the first copy hehe. Oh well, Im sure it will turn up.

I hope that it is a rare commodity. Nothing would make me happier than to see it being a highly sought after item. Hence it is a late game item and probably the sort of item that will make it's way into final builds rather than being a stepping stone to something greater for most players. I deliberately set the bar high for myself when it comes to obtaining it. I like a challenge.
Well, if you want a highly sought after item, I'd have prefered something like Facebreaker, an Item you simply need.
Luckily, I'm not you ;)
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
UnDeaD_CyBorG wrote:
Well, if you want a highly sought after item, I'd have prefered something like Facebreaker, an Item you simply need.
Luckily, I'm not you ;)

Facebreaker is indeed a great item and an absolute necessity in any unarmed build. It isn't terribly difficult to obtain though, not compared to many of the other uniques. Not that I was aware of QR witch builds during the design of Infernal Mantle, it will most likely be a staple of any powerful QR witch build. I dare say it has many other potential applications and I'm looking forward to other uses players see for it. Facebreaker is not very flexible in my eyes. If you're using Facebreaker you're going to be punching. Unless of course you're wearing it for the fun of extra gore when it is implemented.

Facebreaker is a fun item, but it's too easy to get and does not have many applications.

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