CharanJaydemyr wrote:
Thristian wrote:
OK, this is a minor thing but it's bugging me now.
Imbues a piece of headgear to look like the head of an iron maiden
Dictionary.com describes "imbue" as "verb (used with object)" and says it's from the Latin "imbruere" meaning "to drench". This works perfectly with "imbues a weapon with lightning" ('with' the object 'lightning') and pretty well with "imbues a piece of headgear with a shining, glowing crown" ('with' the object 'shining, glowing crown'). I don't think you can say "imbues a piece of headgear to look like...", though. "Imbue" really wants an abstract quality like "lightning" or "a purple glow", not a specific thing like "look like the head of an iron maiden".
I guess it's like that because whoever was writing the store descriptions copy/pasted from a previous item and didn't think about it too hard, but it shouldn't be difficult to fix. As a first-draft rewrite I'd just say "Makes a piece of headgear look like the head of an iron maiden", although that loses the poetic quality. Perhaps "An illusion causing a piece of headgear to look like the head of an iron maiden"?
the word you are looking for is endows.
Endows a piece of headgear with the appearance of an iron maiden's head.
Imposes also works.
neither of your solutions would pass my standards. :)
The other option would be to say "Imbues a piece of headgear with the illusion of an iron maiden's head."
I actually like this phrasing a bit better; the language is a bit more fantasy-themed (illusion instead of appearance), and it also preserves the "Imbues X with Y" wording that all the item effects have. I originally wrote it with 'an' in place of 'the', but that does tend to imply there are multiple possibilities. I'm not sure which I like better, but the way I wrote it above is probably closest to the actual behavior.
A similar construct would improve the description for Skull Hood.
Some of the other more physical headgear effects also feel awkward, but not as bad as these two currently are.
Posted bySpeedDaemon#7963on Sep 5, 2013, 10:51:39 AM
Awesome update GGG~
I really appreciate this new ease of access.
Posted byvivaspain#6394on Sep 5, 2013, 10:55:13 AM
You guys should add a "dressing room" for the item effects so we can test them on our actual characters.
Posted bywenlock#2104on Sep 5, 2013, 11:02:21 AM
Chris wrote:
Godkas wrote:
seriously chris
why dont you let us organize mircro window first?
... I'm looking forward to getting it in though.
That's what she said.
Posted bycutlerbeast#3280on Sep 5, 2013, 11:30:26 AM
wenlock wrote:
You guys should add a "dressing room" for the item effects so we can test them on our actual characters.
Not a bad idea.
Well, if you live off microtransactions you gotta have a microtransaction window in-game, it's commonsense. As a sidenote, it looks tasteful and functional.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
Posted byraics#7540on Sep 5, 2013, 11:33:35 AM
Shaoxy wrote:
now give me more accessible options to buy things. i dont have a credit card and paypal(i know that i could create an account, but i rather dont).some kind of bank transfer or something would be nice !!
you don't need a credit card. you need a card that allows payments, it's usually recognized by having 3 numbers on the back of the card next to the signature.
the safest way i found:
make paypal account
add your card
make payment
remove card from paypal
Posted byAntistes#4850on Sep 5, 2013, 11:53:46 AM
Stoutarm wrote:
exploder wrote:
Fizzmopper wrote:
So this is nice and all, but how about fixing how the items you buy are used in game? It is a huge pain in the ass reclaiming things to use on other characters!
Be patience, complain when they do nothing but this is not the case
>Be patience
be patient* Sorry I'm ESL and I have never studied the lenguage properly, just by seeing movies, playing games, listening to music, writting and reading on forums or even by chatting with someone else...
Pero si queres podriamos hablar en castellano, al ser mi lenguaje nativo lo escribo mucho mejor y no tendria problemas, pero calculo que vos preferirias hablar en ingles porque imagino que no sabes decir ni una palabra lo cual comprendo por eso intento hablar otro idioma aparte del mio para poder comunicarme apropiadamente en un mundo en donde el Ingles es un idioma global aun asi no tenga los medios necesarios para aprenderlo apropiadamente.
Indestructible, determination that is incorruptible
From the other side, a terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable, every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible, take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible master of war
Posted byexploder#7028on Sep 5, 2013, 11:54:15 AM
roetetoet wrote:
I do like the store and i like to support you (over 350$ now) but the prices are way way way overpriced to the point where i start to dislike it.
I like cosmetic effects, i like to pimp my characters and my transactions show that + a regal and divine pack so lets get it out of the way that i am not a cheap C*
I am leveling a sparker so i want:
Lightning Footprints: 175
Lighning weapon: 270
Total cost: 445 points
Total $ cost: 45$
FOURTYFIVEDOLLAR for 2 effects, you guys for real :)
Just saying i love the game, i love to you support you but these prices are taking a piss literally.
Ofc i am going to get both effects and ofc i will spend more but 45$ for 2 effects... that's almost the price of a new game in many genres.
Sometimes quantity sales will pay off more, especially when most gamers are not the richest people around.
edit// and even exalted now ^^
I totally agree, I understand that some effects have to be a bit more expensive so pple can have that e-peen going on, feeling like a VIP. That being said, most items feel to expensive overall as if it's all VIP microtransition stuff.
some basic pets and basic glows are affordable, anything more awesome and BAM welcome to the overpriced section :/
★ IGN: Pinockio_the_Transexual or PM me on forums ★
Posted byStarball#2489on Sep 5, 2013, 2:02:35 PM
exploder wrote:
Stoutarm wrote:
exploder wrote:
Be patience, complain when they do nothing but this is not the case
>Be patience
be patient* Sorry I'm ESL and I have never studied the lenguage properly, just by seeing movies, playing games, listening to music, writting and reading on forums or even by chatting with someone else...
Pero si queres podriamos hablar en castellano, al ser mi lenguaje nativo lo escribo mucho mejor y no tendria problemas, pero calculo que vos preferirias hablar en ingles porque imagino que no sabes decir ni una palabra lo cual comprendo por eso intento hablar otro idioma aparte del mio para poder comunicarme apropiadamente en un mundo en donde el Ingles es un idioma global aun asi no tenga los medios necesarios para aprenderlo apropiadamente.
Good answer!
★ IGN: Pinockio_the_Transexual or PM me on forums ★
Posted byStarball#2489on Sep 5, 2013, 2:08:01 PM
!!! MAKE a Trade system built into the game like that now !!!.. i have all sorts of things to sell and no way to sell em efficiently... it sucks... make a trade system in the game now just sorta like this.
Posted byCaoMengde#7666on Sep 5, 2013, 2:42:01 PM