PVP Feedback
So, I made my first PvP character yesterday. It was interesting to say the least. Took me about 3 hours to finally find another character geared for PvP. That was my first loss. It went from me annihilating everyone including other 28's to getting annihilated. This is basically what I expected, and I really don't see anything wrong with it.Random newcomers, and builds geared for PvE really shouldn't stand a chance. In my opinion the PvP should be just as hardcore as the PvE, and require just as much dedication. However, as far as getting the PvP population to be more... popular(lol), there would be a many ways to go about it. The two that come to mind would be 1: Take the Dark Souls approach, and just let everyone do what they want with what is available from PvE, and let the community form itself. 2: Make it all even ground. By this I mean a PvP vendor with PvP specific gear that everyone has access to. This is just my first impression. I expect all of my opinions to change drastically once I participate a bit more.
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PvP specific standardized gear is a nice idea that would work for something like WoW where what is optimal is very limited and standardized, but in PoE with the massive amount of possible builds, you can't possibly give gear to cover all that :)
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" I agree 100% because the primary core of most online games that features multiplayer is pvp and a primary reason why most players grind to improve their character’s build. |
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3 Round Arenas would be much better. Also recasting auras every round is pretty annoying as well.
Open PvP Area with Hostile Button or Waypoint Please! IGN: lVlage (96 Witch) Last edited by lVlage#3413 on Nov 21, 2013, 12:15:57 PM
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" Yeah I was thinking that as well, I am just hesitant to continue PvP because I know there is no way for me to stand a chance without some very very nice stuff. I am currently saving currency and gear of that level, but dont foresee my self having accumulated enough any time soon :( One thing though that was mentioned, is that league independent idea, seems really good. I know blah blah blah economy and standard players having better stuff, but its either that or a separated community jumping through hoops to get matches against each other. Or maybe a league just for pvp, Just having the option on the main screen would motivate so many people to try it out, and they would be under the impression that it is pvp dedicated. As of now people get to act 2 try pvp, get oneshotted by a 28, assume it sucks and never look back. I think the biggest problem with pvp being not so popular is the obscurity of it. A small easily unnoticed option on an npc. Putting it in the social tab or making it a league I think would increase the player base by quite a bit. Last edited by Decimationist#0605 on Nov 14, 2013, 5:07:39 PM
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Communication. That's what I want.
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Pvp specific gear is a lazy approach to balance. Its also counter productive to uniqueness. I personally will quit playing this game if everyones running around in the same shit, they already copy eachothers builds...but thats whatever I guess. Crunching numbers,knowing frame break points and knowing match ups is my personal preference. I appreciate a game thats seperated by theorycrafters and smart strategizers. Not a game where everyone wears the same size diapers and is spoon fed.
IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Nov 30, 2013, 3:41:33 PM
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" +1 I want grinding stuff to have a purpose. I mean, why grind stuff to better grind stuff? No point in that... let me put the things I find to a use. /edit: " Well, at least for lvl 28 arena this is not true. Molten and Tempest won´t win the game for you (except against complete noobs without defence). Why don´t you join LLD? Seems to be exactly what you are looking for... Hold on to yer shite load o´ bloody barnacles on me arse-cockles, me hearty! IGN: Trapsdrubel Last edited by Azdrubel#6242 on Dec 2, 2013, 6:32:47 AM
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That theorycrafters remark can be used a bit loosely. Seen as how 99% of the community is just Molten shell/tempest shield...with a main attack that does 0 damage. But its all good, I think people know what I meant.
IGN: MullaXul
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I think the most important thing for this game is to make it easier to access PvP while still being able to play the game instead of just standing there hoping and waiting for someone else to join. Let's be honest, most of us don't have the patience to be spending our free time waiting around and doing nothing. This really deters people from PvP and makes most people just realize it is more productive to just PvE instead. In other words, this current system indirectly steers players towards PvE.
Once there is a better method than this "queue and wait for god knows how much time...", I'm sure this game will see a much larger PvP community. IDEAS: Allow players to queue while being able to PvE as usual, have a button for them to transport to PvP arena once they are ready to make sure it's safe (have a disabled port time if being hit by monster to prevent cheating death). Have games/parties to join for PvP, etc. There are several methods to implement much more productive PvP. Additionally... there needs to be a way to specify what kind of PvP you are looking for instead of just by levels (some people may want to test builds only against certain classes/builds, etc.), but that's only once this first step has been made. As it is now, there is so much to do with PvP, but the current queue and wait system is flawed IMO. Please let me know if others agree or disagree. |