Razer Footprints Promotion

I think it is great that GGG (POE) and a company like Razer are in partnership. It indicates that POE (and it's gamers) are gaining respected within the market. That POE isn't a short term, flash-in-the-pan title... but rather the game is of high standard and it's player base is large/stable enough for pro-gaming companies to partner with.

The partnership is a HUGE mark of respect for GGG, for POE and all of us... the POE community.

Yes, the logo footprints seem a bit out of place, mainly due to people knowing their a logo, and don't really fit into the game Wraeclast world. However, in saying that... they're MicroTransactions... players must actively purchase and equip them for them to be noticed. Frogs that wear glowing crowns don't really fit the Wraeclast world either. It isn't as if GGG have added these effects to the actual storyline and game world itself.

Players play for many reasons: some to be immersed in the world/lore/story, some to race for ePeenPoints, some to theorycraft and some just for casual hack/slash fun.

This MT isn't being forced on players nor the world, but presented as a free option for players to OPT-IN and take up.

At the end of the day:

- the game is free
- MicroTransactions are optional
- who and how you play is optional
- you, the player, can ultimately control your own playing experience :)

Enjoy and happy hunting.
Chris Wilson: "Today was the proudest day of my life."
as a Razer fan boy having the footprints to match my keyboard, mouse, mousepad, headphones, stickers etc. in my favorite game... i am very happy today :)
<SF> Shadowfang NZ/AUS Guild Master
First of all I love my Razer mouse. But this is a bit much imo. At least take the logo form the footprints and make them neon green or something, people will still register for the endorsement to get them (even more I'd say). Seeing other brands in the game does cheapen the feel. I've spent a huge amount of my money on this game and considering I'm fairly low income Its disappointing to see a full branded logo in the game.

Please GGG Keep the endorsement but change the effect. Either that or make it so money supporters can turn that shit off.
Kaysee wrote:
I think it is great that GGG (POE) and a company like Razer are in partnership. It indicates that POE (and it's gamers) are gaining respected within the market. That POE isn't a short term, flash-in-the-pan title... but rather the game is of high standard and it's player base is large/stable enough for pro-gaming companies to partner with.

The partnership is a HUGE mark of respect for GGG, for POE and all of us... the POE community.

None of this is remotely accurate. I can't imagine how you came to such ridiculous conclusions. If anything, it actually indicates that the game is doing bad and they needed another source of income.

If Razer could have made a deal like this with any major company instead, they would have, but not many are wiling to put another companies advertising into their game, for good reason.
anyone having problems with their promotion code mine says invalid
Kaysee wrote:
This MT isn't being forced on players nor the world, but presented as a free option for players to OPT-IN and take up.

I agree with you Kaysee however the above isn't entirely accurate as if we play with people using those effects we are being forced to see that.

Mainly it's the fact it's their actual logo, maybe if they just had green snakes come from the ground or something? That would be f****ing cool.

But the logo itself no matter how you play it still advertises Razer. (I love Raers peripherals but no matter the brand it seems like a compromise)
Is this effect a temporarily thing.... please?
I could see this working on Ethereal Knives... but not really as footprints.
Kaysee wrote:
This MT isn't being forced on players nor the world, but presented as a free option for players to OPT-IN and take up.

At the end of the day:

- the game is free
- MicroTransactions are optional
- who and how you play is optional
- you, the player, can ultimately control your own playing experience :)

I don't think we do control it. I do not choose what microtransaction other players equip and that i have to see.

The fact i can choose not to equip the microtransaction is not the issue. The problem is that i have to see it on other people running around me in town. I have no control over that.
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I guess its too late now, but I'd really appreciate it if you guys just didnt wear the foot prints

really dont want to see this stuff spread in game

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