What is ex...

illmtk wrote:
Was this post really necessary? You know there is an in game chat for all your simple questions.
Well for me this post was necessary I wanted to trade something with someone they go "6 ex" I go "Whats ex?" They dont tell me so I use google now here I am

exalted orb
This thread really should only have 1 reply.
Flapdrol wrote:
CantripN wrote:
A fictional currency type, only owned by the lucky few ;)

Exes go for 500 alts or thereabouts. It takes a bit of work to get 500, but far from fictional. Now SoJs, those were fictional!

are you kidding me? during the duping days sojs were the preferred currency and you'd trade a .08 valor for a stash full of sojs(40). ever saw a zod rune drop?
CantripN wrote:
I'd love to see an item going for any number of ms :D
If you can get a 6L Shav for one...


there ya go
+1 Shavs Project -----> /1075009
+1 Acuity Project ----> /990159
#1 6 t1 Wand FOE BITE (5 perfect mods) SOLD /1031745
The Tale of Foe Bite --->>> http://tinyurl.com/o6ox7an
cheers..i have no idea what they were either

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