[1.1.1] Evantis's Permastun Build and Stun Compedium
Hey man, great vids! can u post some vids of you dealing with tough monster packs with melee splash, like a bunch of hard blues in a high map etc? that would be sweet, my frenda mara is coming along nicely, i just bought him some belts to test out
So for bosses you use Bringer of Rain + heavy strike + added fire + melee phys on full life + end charge on stun? And for the rest of the map: heavy strike + added fire + end charge on stun + melee splash? thanks, hopefully release will make this build even stronger because it doesnt go through the middle :D |
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Amazing. MDoFL with HP builds was in my thoughts, I was considering using it with ev/acro/block build, but your way works better.
How to make a build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/510084
Current guides: N/A |
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" Currently I'm using BoR + HS + AFD + MSpl + ECoS on everything (including 95% of map bosses), it gives me the highest average survivability and damage. I'm changing MS to MDoFL and ECoS (or to Stun support gem) only when I play against both Enfeblee + Increased monsters life maps, for being still able to permastun some high life bosses (76+) and/or Exiles spawning there (for random mobs this 2 affixes do not make difference in stunning). I don't need to change gems for the most of maps' bosses, even Melee splash. It does not matter if I kill boss in 10 or 20 hits, because he's stunned and doesn't do anything to me. As you can see in the Maze Vaal video, I am already able to stun him (I had 6 Endurance charges in the end of the fight), but I do not call this permastun yet. It was a demonstration video for showing it is possible, when I manage to get another Maze maps (crazy people tries to sell them for 1ex O_o) and replace ECoS to Stun, I think my "stuned monsters collection" will be finished. IGN @Ostropalca Last edited by Evantis#3706 on Oct 14, 2013, 3:16:07 AM
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Interesting Idea with Melee Damage on Full Life / Daressos!
Edit: From the vids I see that you are still using Determination. How come? Don't the endurance charges provide you with enough armour? "Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges. So we turned Gorge into a red map" Last edited by qwertz#1626 on Oct 14, 2013, 4:51:19 PM
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Sure they do, but Determination gives me 8% physical damage reduction, so why not use it? It gives more EHP than 4% block from Tempest shield I believe. And I have no idea what could I use that mana instead.
Especially there are maps with "Enemies cannot be stunned" affix sometimes. IGN @Ostropalca
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Makes sense :)
Sounds stupid, but the main reason I use TS is the graphic effect :P
Also, do you wear Daressos all the time or just when tanking bosses? "Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map" |
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I wear it all the time (2 melee range is great - especially with another 2 range from duelist tree, and 10% increased run speed is even greater for farming), except maps with affixes like "chaos damage per second" and/or "no life regeneration", because I'm always at least one point below max at average play. I switch there my Daresso's to 4% LL amulet.
Daresso's does increase physical damage very nice (like 5 nodes from tree), but it's not that big difference as with MDoFL, which has "more" and multiplies physical damage, and this bigger physical damage scales with Hatred/Added cold damage even better (real great synergy there). On maps with "Monsters cannot be stunned" I switch ECoC to MDoFL, and if map has "chaos damage per second" too, I use Blood magic support. So basically I have an option for any map combination. I rather don't spend chaoses on maps, usually alch is enough. I would only reroll maybe something crazy like "-20 max resistances + monsters cannot be stunned + no mana/life regeneration" on casters map (Shrine/Crematorium/Temple). One more thing, I bought yesterday an Immortal call gem and now I have 5 seconds physical immunity for some rare situations like Vaal smash or double physical reflect. When I manage to get Increased duration, it will be 10s. Damn those melee characters are so powerful, and people qq that they're weak. IGN @Ostropalca Last edited by Evantis#3706 on Oct 15, 2013, 2:30:09 AM
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hey love your build, im slowly starting to permastun :D
i try to gear up for maps now and buy items. what do you think of the chernobogs pillar as a shield? that +25% fire dmg sounds nice. |
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I checked all the unique shields and believe that only Lioneye's Remorse is noticeable for this build as common shield, and Saffell's Frame as a switch shield for fast casters (Shrine, Temple, Crematorium, Cells bosses).
Chernobog's Pillar gives you 5% chance of Enfeblee which I suppose would remove Vulnerability, which is superior curse for this build (why weakening enemy which deals no damage to you, because he's stunned?). 25% damage type migration from phys to fire is nice to have, because fire resistance on average play is much higher than physical damage reduction (armour+endurance charges), but since you can spend endurance charges for Immortal call against double phys reflect, it's not necessary. IGN @Ostropalca
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plus converting 25% dmg to fire you lose phys dmg that gets converted to added fire gem and hatred = huge dps loss
that shield is near useless only good on some summoners my friend is level 46 now, hes doesnt get to play much but hes enjoying the build, I think release will make this even more powerful but by the looks of it alot less life nodes for mara to get too >< |
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