Vaults of Atziri feedback

Well the best thing to do with this map is enter with 6 people. Since the map only gives Quality, entering with more people will add quantity.

There was a thread with one person entering before yours and there was a group of six entering the vault. Entering with 6 people gave a lot more useful stuff.
Emphasy wrote:
Well the best thing to do with this map is enter with 6 people. Since the map only gives Quality, entering with more people will add quantity.

There was a thread with one person entering before yours and there was a group of six entering the vault. Entering with 6 people gave a lot more useful stuff.

Yeah, I thought about it, but I don't know six people I can trust. Plus, you only get +50% more loot per person and that would mean I can only take one inventory full of loot out myself, which isn't quite as fun as taking out six whole inventories full.

Rhys wrote:
IIQ/IIR from your gear does not affect chests, so there's not point in "gearing up" for the Vaults of Atziri. You may as well wear nothing at all so you can carry more stuff out.


That's not what it says here:

Increased Item Quantity
This modifier increases the average number of items that drop from monsters and chests. It does not affect the type, quality, or rarity of item dropped, only the chance that something will drop. There is no cap on the usefulness of this modifier, as monsters can drop more than one item at a time.
The base chance for an item to drop from a normal monster is 16%. This varies between monster types, and special monsters have higher drop chances.

Please have someone edit this in the mechanics thread so I won't be mistaken.
My Keystone Ideas:
Last edited by anubite#0701 on Aug 28, 2012, 9:34:16 AM
Thugnificent wrote:
Rhys wrote:
IIQ/IIR from your gear does not affect chests, so there's not point in "gearing up" for the Vaults of Atziri. You may as well wear nothing at all so you can carry more stuff out.

noooo! whys that??? pls change it imo?

It used to be this way, but people like myself linked skills like Frost Nova with IIQ and IIR supports, and then ran through areas like the pyramid, with plenty of vases. Just breaking everything, without killing mobs. This used to give quite a lot of good, high quality items.

Basically, that was the Vaults. :)
Now breakables are nerfed completely.

"That's how you die properly, Sailor Boy.."
Rhys wrote:
IIQ/IIR from your gear does not affect chests, so there's not point in "gearing up" for the Vaults of Atziri. You may as well wear nothing at all so you can carry more stuff out.

I'd like someone to double check this if possible, because it has been mentioned in a million threads (including the mechanics thread and the unofficial Wiki) that IIR/IIQ on gear does affect chest drops, and it has never been corrected prior to now.
TehHammer is not a crime!
Last edited by TheRabbit303#7613 on Aug 28, 2012, 10:58:41 AM
It also doesn't make any sense. If IIR/IIQ doesn't effect chests, then why have it on vaults of atziri? Breakables are effected, right? How else was I constantly getting rares from small chests?

As for the large chests - I got mostly junk from them, save a single unique, so I believe Rhys is right, that IIQ/IIR don't effect large chests, but they MUST effect breakables, so it does make sense to gear up for the Vaults.

If they don't effect breakables OR chests or large chests, then the Vault is fundamentally broken.

If breakables were indeed recently nerfed (it seems that way, I only got a handful of rares from breakables, most of the stuff I got was from small chests)...

Is GGG satisfied with the Vault? I implore you guys to quickly run it 4-5 times and count the number of drops and relative quality of the drops you get each time. If you get a lot of junk like me in 5 runs, then it's worthless, because there's not even a 1/5 chance of this unique producing much of anything.

If I want a lot of rares in a short time, I can honestly just farm fellshrine for an hour. The vaults don't seem that special.
My Keystone Ideas:
Last edited by anubite#0701 on Aug 28, 2012, 12:45:25 PM
where are you getting that IIR doesn't affect chests?

The only good evidence I've seen is that IIQ doesn't, and that IIR still does.
I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago.
Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Aug 28, 2012, 5:34:33 PM
Zakaluka wrote:
where are you getting that IIR doesn't affect chests?

The only good evidence I've seen is that IIQ doesn't, and that IIR still does.

I'm assuming he's the dev that handles the math for those kind of things.

Or asked the dev that does handle those kind of things.

I doubt a dev would just make up something like that.
I have extra beta keys and I'm not giving them out

PoE1 > PoE2
Said something not too bright here, sorry fellas.

That's a pretty shocking assumption.

The only thread on this forum that's reviewed for accuracy by devs is Malice's mechanics post, and that thread says IIQ affects chests.

I'd be much more inclined to believe he's NOT a dev. People around here say what they just happen to think pretty frequently. Including myself. Doesn't mean I'm COMPLETELY cynical, it just means having a questioning attitude is pretty healthy.
I don't have alpha access, that was a LONG time ago.
Last edited by Zakaluka#1191 on Aug 28, 2012, 5:35:00 PM
IIQ IIR should not affect non-monster drops. Improving chest drops via this mechanism where you do not have to fight monsters creates the potential situation where maximizing IIQ/IIR and running chests in the hardest area possible is the best way to get the best gear. This is not how it should be.

IIQ/IIR should be a minimal reward mechanic, if present at all, for getting items and creating builds that are so far above the difficulty curve that you can sacrifice mod slots for it.

I personally think they shouldn't exist, but if they do, that should be their purpose... not to allow massive stacking of IIR/IIQ, shirking combat mods, and running chests.

There really should not be a situation, ideally, where fighting a lower difficulty + IIR/IIQ is better than fighting a higher difficulty where you cannot sacrifice those mod slots.
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Zakaluka wrote:
That's a pretty shocking assumption.

The only thread on this forum that's reviewed for accuracy by devs is Malice's mechanics post, and that thread says IIQ affects chests.

I'd be much more inclined to believe he's NOT a dev. People around here say what they just happen to think pretty frequently. Including myself. Doesn't mean I'm COMPLETELY cynical, it just means having a questioning attitude is pretty healthy.

Yep, that's a dev alright.

People are going to WISH their Unique unidentified Map is the Vault, given that am I fairly sure at least one diamond is working on an absolutely brutal Map...
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