Unique Item List - 300 of 419

New belt:

Don't think anybody linked it yet.
Very cool belt.
IGN: Aux
OOOOH that belt is nice! We can finally be like those insane incinerators but with much shorter durations!
Inhuman_Soul wrote:
New belt:

Don't think anybody linked it yet.


I think the people who failed at basic math and are raging against the new chest are going to end up looking silly. It's clearly a very, very strong item.
Saw the belt above linked in chat.....

But I'm confused..... I thought Mark said one of the trap uniques gave an ability only monsters could do...... most people thought general gravicious throwing instant detonating fire traps.

This thing WOULD have done that if the trap duration was reduced by 100%.

Did this get nerfed at the last second?
New boots are nifty as a low level thing. Lots of flavor and makes the midgame less sucky as a trap-based character.

New armor seems very strong and interesting. Big damage mitigation, but the chance of getting shocked when getting hit accelerates an already extremely deadly situation.

New ring is incredibly, incredibly strong as a glass cannon option. I'll reserve judgement on whether 1.2x physical multiplier is too much for now.

New belt has flavor for days. Not sure if it's useful, but it's really creative.
Last edited by pneuma#0134 on Sep 24, 2013, 11:26:49 PM
Gravethought wrote:
Saw the belt above linked in chat.....

But I'm confused..... I thought Mark said one of the trap uniques gave an ability only monsters could do...... most people thought general gravicious throwing instant detonating fire traps.

This thing WOULD have done that if the trap duration was reduced by 100%.

Did this get nerfed at the last second?

The belt gives your traps the ability that alchemists' traps have.
IGN: Aux
Inhuman_Soul wrote:
New belt:

Don't think anybody linked it yet.

I wonder how this will synergies with Deerstalker. I already see a lot of potential in this belt.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Sep 24, 2013, 11:18:05 PM

I see now....but that seems a little dull since we can toss traps right at enemy feet anyway......
Seems to me that if you max light res the new armour equals having 8 endurance charges up at all times. At the downside - monsters like Kole or charge rhoas will shock you relatively often.

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