Unique Item List - 300 of 419

That chest is pretty nifty - it offers a huge effective boost to armour, as long as you can cap your lightning resists. I hope it is cheap because people cannot see the potential, so I can get my hands on one to play around with.
"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it's what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo
If you take a physical damage hit with that, is the damage taken reduced by your armor, then converted, and then reduced again by your lightning resist? If so, I could see how it would be useful as long as you build around it.
Would use as a pure eva char so when youndid get hit you still have 30% or so damage reduction. But other then that the downsides are pretty huge.
Gulruon wrote:

It's actually extremely powerful if you can work around the negative resists and shock, as you will be reducing the converted damage by up to 91% (or even more with that unique flask), and of course any armor you have is MUCH more effective.

I think GGG had a typo with the new unique item, I think they forgot to add another 0 to add lit dmg.

You can reduce it phy dmg being converted to lit dmg, but lit spells ain't going easy on you.

Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Sep 24, 2013, 10:21:37 PM
Hodari wrote:
If you take a physical damage hit with that, is the damage taken reduced by your armor, then converted, and then reduced again by your lightning resist? If so, I could see how it would be useful as long as you build around it.
yes thats the point
JohnNamikaze wrote:
Gulruon wrote:

It's actually extremely powerful if you can work around the negative resists and shock, as you will be reducing the converted damage by up to 91% (or even more with that unique flask), and of course any armor you have is MUCH more effective.

I think GGG had a typo with the new unique item, I think they forgot to add another 0 to add lit dmg.

Everyone would die for it then, lol
Guioki wrote:
Would use as a pure eva char so when youndid get hit you still have 30% or so damage reduction. But other then that the downsides are pretty huge.

The downsides are big--and honestly, I am afraid they might not be big enough. Phys damage conversion only seems weak to those who don't understand how damage mitigation in POE works, especially on a chest with non-trivial quantities of life, armor, and evasion (not the amounts you would get on a good rare, but still non-trivial amounts).
Gulruon wrote:
Redblade wrote:
Really not worth the downsides of -40 life -500 or armor/evasion and -60 LR for 1-30 lightning damage. =/

The lightning damage was suggested by the folks at GGG as a flavor addition. It was not even in the initial design I proposed, and is definitely not the "power-point" of the item.

Then I really fail to see the point of the chest at all...

Your typical evasion or armor/evasion chest for end game will have around 1500 armor/evasion 90-109 life and have 1-3 resists between 20 and 45. This one has not only no resists at all but negative lightning resists less life and less armor/evasion...and on top of that makes you take physical damage as lightning.

All I can see are drawbacks for the only gain of 1-30 lightning damage, perhaps it's just me being a cynical bastard but somehow I doubt it.
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To be honest, the thing I'm worried about is that this will become for non-ES like Rainbowstride is for ES - the default item you want in the slot if you don't have a good reason to use a different unique. I'm not absolutely 100% on the maths, but it seems like it might end up that way.

(Edit: That awkward moment when you haven't played Standard in so long that you forget Kaom's exists...)
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Last edited by viperesque#7817 on Sep 24, 2013, 11:03:34 PM
ya that chest should be cannot be shocked too.... but its not so........
POE 2 hype.

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